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HSC Season 5 Week 21: Double Dragon


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2. After taking out the first guy, take out the second one by staying one or two lines below him and moving at an angle. He can't hurt you unless he's on the same line as you. So, keep working on him as you move on a diagonal.

I don't understand this advice at all.

If the easiest way to kill the 1st guy is to stay along the bottom and just take him out with kicks, then the easiest way to kill the 2nd guy is to lure him down to the bottom and take him out exactly the same way. Why two different strategies for exactly the same enemy?


New score: 15,250


Edited by Captain Beard
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I'm not sure why there are two different strategies. You make a great point. If after killing the bottom guy, the top one comes down to your level, you should be able to kill him the same way. Maybe tip #2 allows you to kill him off faster, I'm not sure. All I know is that I followed the video's advice and I went from an all-time high score of 100 to over 20K. :D

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2. After taking out the first guy, take out the second one by staying one or two lines below him and moving at an angle. He can't hurt you unless he's on the same line as you. So, keep working on him as you move on a diagonal.

I don't understand this advice at all.

If the easiest way to kill the 1st guy is to stay along the bottom and just take him out with kicks, then the easiest way to kill the 2nd guy is to lure him down to the bottom and take him out exactly the same way. Why two different strategies for exactly the same enemy?


New score: 15,250


The reason for two different strategies is because of the number of enemies on the screen. You can't use the second strategy to kill the first guy because when two enemies are present they will stay at their top and bottom positions and you will just switch who you are fighting.


The second strategy is better for killing enemies because if you stay slightly below them they CAN'T hurt you, but it does NOT work if two enemies are on the screen because your enemy won't follow you from the top to bottom.


You can use the first strategy to kill the bottom guy and the top guy will come down to the bottom, but he WILL be able to hurt you because you are on the same line.


Does this make sense?

Edited by aftermac
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Does this make sense?

It would make more sense if I'd ever noticed this magic spot where the enemies can't hurt you.

But I get my ass kicked no matter where I am in relation to the baddies.

I'll play around with it a little more, but I have success with Method A and none with Method B.


Ultimately, whatever works best for you is what you should use. :)


Good luck!

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It would make more sense if I'd ever noticed this magic spot where the enemies can't hurt you.

Very bottom left corner of the screen. The enemies won't attack you there. But you still have to step out to attack them, so you can (and will) get hurt by cheap-shots and the worst collision detection in a game, possibly ever.

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Does this make sense?

It would make more sense if I'd ever noticed this magic spot where the enemies can't hurt you.

But I get my ass kicked no matter where I am in relation to the baddies.

I'll play around with it a little more, but I have success with Method A and none with Method B.


There isn't a "magic spot" per se. It's really all in the timing of your kick. If you time it right, you'll hit your enemy before he can get a shot in on you. If you kick too early, he'll back off and you'll miss. If you time it too late, he'll get ya before you land your kick.

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I... hate... this... game... x_x;


But, I'm not completely terrible at it. I'm allowed to not like things I can actually do.


So, here's my score of 18,280 points to start off with. I too was killed by the Abobo with the thick load of cheese. XP




And is it just my imagination, or are half of the left player's status bar ticks missing from the emulated screens yet present in screens taken from TV sets?

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I... hate... this... game... x_x;


But, I'm not completely terrible at it. I'm allowed to not like things I can actually do.


So, here's my score of 18,280 points to start off with. I too was killed by the Abobo with the thick load of cheese. XP




And is it just my imagination, or are half of the left player's status bar ticks missing from the emulated screens yet present in screens taken from TV sets?


It's not your imagination. Emulation isn't always perfect. Midnight Magic is another game that comes to mind that has a drawing issue (for me at least) when emulated... you get an extra vertical line to the left of the play field that shouldn't be there.

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Thought some of you guys might enjoy this. :)


From the FAQ/Walkthrough at gamefaqs.com:




5. Tips & Secrets


There is a way to unlock a secret new mode of gameplay. Take your Double

Dragon cartridge, run it through your washing machine three times, run it

over with your car twice, soak it in vinegar overnight, let it dry, and shoot

it with a shotgun four times while holding left on the player two joystick.

When you put the game back in your Atari, you will notice it's a lot more fun

to play.

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I just played a game using the tip in the article and racked up a ridiculous score... so ridiculous that I'm wondering if this constitutes exploiting a bug in the game. See for yourself...






This would put me in first place by a wide margin, so I'll leave it for others to judge.

Edited by aftermac
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I just played a game using the tip in the article and racked up a ridiculous score... so ridiculous that I'm wondering if this constitutes exploiting a bug in the game. See for yourself...


This would put me in first place by a wide margin, so I'll leave it for others to judge.

My score improved as well.






Personally, I don't think this is exploiting a bug. I think of it as taking revenge on a really horrible game. The more you can beat the living snot out of this thing, the better.


Besides, it's more of a strategy than an exploit, since there's still some skill involved in executing it (especially since you're racing the clock), and it takes insane patience to play the game in the first place.


If it's ultimately not allowed, that's fine. I'll live by my previous score. However, any future scores from me will be played using the GameFAQs strategy.

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Is this a private party or can anybody gate crash? :cool:


I know I will get called out for hax0ring or something but this score is legit guys.(I'll shoot even higher if I can next attempt, this was pretty good actually, one of my highest) I have been debating to show of you guys this for quite some time,(really I'm a lurker here) but is to show you the game can be beat.


Perhaps I'll break out a recording program to do a mpg of my entire run, start to finish sometime.(once I figure out what I can use to do it with :ponder: ) I used to play this game on a very regular basis back in the day as well... I literally had nothing better to do growing up for the most part, I was a 2600 freak. :D So I got bored and decided beat Double Dragon somehow... So I mastered the elbow punch, how to pull it off on this game consistently, learned the timing to the enemies knockdown frame, how to maneuver around enemies without them striking you and... Volia'! I would beat the game from there on, just about every time I fired it up. I could bust elbows really good with my old 7800 joysticks but I managed to translate it well to this ole Saitek pad. The only way to beat this game fellas is to just elbow smash'em all to death!!!! Ph33r the powa of the elbow! :twisted:


Edited by Bentley Bear!
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Is this a private party or can anybody gate crash? :cool:


I know I will get called out for hax0ring or something but this score is legit guys.(I'll shoot even higher if I can next attempt, this was pretty good actually, one of my highest) I have been debating to show of you guys this for quite some time,(really I'm a lurker here) but is to show you the game can be beat.


Perhaps I'll break out a recording program to do a mpg of my entire run, start to finish sometime.(once I figure out what I can use to do it with :ponder: ) I used to play this game on a very regular basis back in the day as well... I literally had nothing better to do growing up for the most part, I was a 2600 freak. :D So I got bored and decided beat Double Dragon somehow... So I mastered the elbow punch, how to pull it off on this game consistently, learned the timing to the enemies knockdown frame, how to maneuver around enemies without them striking you and... Volia'! I would beat the game from there on, just about every time I fired it up. I could bust elbows really good with my old 7800 joysticks but I managed to translate it well to this ole Saitek pad. The only way to beat this game fellas is to just elbow smash'em all to death!!!! Ph33r the powa of the elbow! :twisted:




Well I can say with confidence that I won't beat that score... :sad:


The HSC is open to anyone. I lurked for a couple months before joining too... this is only my 4th week. There is a bit of an honor system going on, so as long as your score was achieved legitimately and during the week of the competition (ie. NOT a score you got last month, or 20 years ago), then post away!

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Welcome aboard, Bentley Bear! There's a list of rules for the HSC here. Basically though, as soon as you post a score - you've joined. :)


Nice job on the score. I'd love to see a video of how you're playing the game. I'm not terribly enamored with the "wait in the corner and beat up the bad guys" approach.


Admittedly, I'm not enamored with this entire game in the first place. :roll:

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