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Ebays New "BEST MATCH" search sorts by Feedback?


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***A Message from Bill Cobb – New Pricing and Other News***

January 29, 2008 | 05:59AM PST/PT


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Seller Standards

In addition to pricing changes, we're making the minimum standards for selling on eBay more stringent, primarily to discourage bad seller behavior on our site. And we'll do this in 2 key ways:through decreased listings exposure in search and safe payment requirements.


Starting in February, we will decrease listings exposure in search for the relatively small number of sellers who have a high buyer dissatisfaction rate and low DSRs over the last 30 days, especially for charging excessive shipping and handling.


Second, we will be requiring sellers with high buyer dissatisfaction rates to offer a safe payment option.


Last year, we started requiring all new sellers to offer PayPal or a major credit card as a safe payment option. This gave buyers a higher degree of protection when they transacted with sellers who had little or no track record.

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