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Some 5200 Sadness


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Well I was all set to play some 5200 when I discovered that my only working controller no longer works! The bottom two buttons have decided to quit working, so my game options are now very limited. I don't know what to do now that I can't play Pengo. Isn't that an awful story?

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Its very easy to re-assemble a 5200 stick. Make sure the top pot is pointing exactly left and the bottom one pointing exactly down. When you go to put the top back on make sure the slides in the top cover are in place. hold the stick on center keep a slight pull on the stick to keep the assembly together. Most of the time a non-ripped rubber boot does this for you. simply place the bottom of the top piece on to the bottom piece and then close the top and bottom halves like a pacman closing his mouth.:) if you kept the stick centered when doing this it will drop right into place.


If you have never taken apart a stick before, dont forget to pop the bezel off around the START PAUSE and RESET. If you dont you can damage the flex circuit under there.

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