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Atari 800 "The Impossible" Back-up Device

Chuck Gill

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A while ago I picked up an 800 with 'The Impossible' board installed on the OS rom board. I managed to figure out how back up protected programs with it. I still would really like to see the documentaion that came with it, anybody have the instuctions? I have the feeling this thing is capable of much more. A scan or a textfile would be great.




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The manufacturer, CSS, is still around: http://nleaudio.com/css/ . Browsing the web site, "The Impossible" is not a current product. Some other manuals are online, but not that one. The history page does mention it, but only as a backup tool for disk protected programs. Perhaps that is the only capability.

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Thanks! I found their site when I first got that 800. I emailed them and they wrote back right away and said they were also looking for an Impossible manual for the site, but hadn't seen one in years.


I guess it would also dump carts and boot tapes to disk files too. I just remember the ads for it in Analog and Antic and was always curious about how it worked back then. Now I have one to play with and it is pretty slick. The only drawback is the backup disks will only run on another computer with an Impossible board installed.



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I remember the ads. If I get a chance, will dig out an old Antic. Should be a listing of what it does, at least. Getting "The Impossible" manual seems impossible :roll: You would think CSS would have something on a disk drive somewhere, but then again he mentions trouble with a drive and losing a lot of files. Never underestimate what might come up on eBay. Might consider a search where they email you if it shows up.

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