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A letter from Dieter arrived...


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To understand what I mean you have to read this thread: http://www.atariage.com/forums/index.php?s...118936&st=0


Dieter isn't good at health this moment, so his answer is a bit delayed.


He was amazed about interest about his programming and answered all questions from Kaz. (I will send you PM, Kaz)


Dieter has written 16 programs from 1999 until now, two of them were games (the two masterminds), most of the others were learning programs (mostly mathmatics). He published it in ABBUC magazines (see list).


All programs are in german, with long german explanations. We are allowed to translate the two games, but not the learning programs because of specialist terms.

I think, much of the magic will be lost, if you don't listen to Dieter's presentations of the programs. And translations will do the rest...


If somebody has serious interest in one or more programs I am allowed to give him a copy.


Best wishes from Dieter.


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Bunsen, wish him the best when an occasion arises! I'm really happy he anwered my questions and I'm waiting for English translation, but German version can be as well (one of my friends is a German teacher). I'm sure that more people will be interested in reading this, so if it possible please publish it here.


Nice to hear you have permission to translate and release his programs.


I think, much of the magic will be lost, if you don't listen to Dieter's presentations of the programs. And translations will do the rest...


Has someone recorded his presentation?


If somebody has serious interest in one or more programs I am allowed to give him a copy.


I'm going to prepare article about Dieter, thus I'm interesting in all his programs. I just got only these Master-Mind-type games from one of the ABBUC members. It would be nice to publish all of them to show the world what kind of brilliant people Atari community has!


Bunsen, thanks for your work!

Edited by Kaz atari.online.pl
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  • 3 weeks later...
Bunsen, wish him the best when an occasion arises! I'm really happy he anwered my questions and I'm waiting for English translation, but German version can be as well (one of my friends is a German teacher). I'm sure that more people will be interested in reading this, so if it possible please publish it here.


Nice to hear you have permission to translate and release his programs.


I think, much of the magic will be lost, if you don't listen to Dieter's presentations of the programs. And translations will do the rest...


Has someone recorded his presentation?


If somebody has serious interest in one or more programs I am allowed to give him a copy.


I'm going to prepare article about Dieter, thus I'm interesting in all his programs. I just got only these Master-Mind-type games from one of the ABBUC members. It would be nice to publish all of them to show the world what kind of brilliant people Atari community has!


Bunsen, thanks for your work!


Hi Kaz,


when will your article about Dieter aka Old Man Tower be published.

Could you inform me (and other interested readers), because I am looking not too often to your Homepage (language related).

I hope the material (interview and programs) look like you expected it (haven't heard from you).


Greetings, Bunsen.

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when will your article about Dieter aka Old Man Tower be published.

Could you inform me (and other interested readers), because I am looking not too often to your Homepage (language related).

I hope the material (interview and programs) look like you expected it (haven't heard from you).


Sure, I will let you know where and when. I'm going to put in more than Polish language version (English for sure, German maybe?).


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Bunsen, I completed interview tonight, motivated by your questions :). There are two links: to the article in Polish and to the interview. I decided to not make separate article for English or German readers, but they still can download DjVu files to read Dieter's letter in German and your English translation. There are also Dieter's programs you send to me. Compiled versions of Dieter's games are here and here.


Read, download and enjoy. Thanks to Dieter and Bunsen.

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Is it possible to download english versions of letter and interview in .pdf or .doc format?


Yes, it is. But what is the reason?


BTW: It is necessary to get 7z dearchiver to open archiv file and DjVu plugin or viewer to open docs. All these applications are free.


Yes, I know.

It's only that I don't like to install new applications (DjVu) on my not recent notebook.

You know what happens to Windows when you intall many applications...

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Bunsen, I completed interview tonight, motivated by your questions :). There are two links: to the article in Polish and to the interview. I decided to not make separate article for English or German readers, but they still can download DjVu files to read Dieter's letter in German and your English translation. There are also Dieter's programs you send to me. Compiled versions of Dieter's games are here and here.


Read, download and enjoy. Thanks to Dieter and Bunsen.



I like using OpenSource Tools like DjVu and 7zip, but we might tell the audience out there where to find it, as these tools are not shipped with standard operating systems theses days


7z is an Open Source Compression Tool similar to ZIP, but more advanced (see http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/7z )


Windows users can download 7z from http://sevenzip.sourceforge.net/

Linux users can install 7z using their distributions package management


MacOS X users can use MacPorts )http://www.macports.org) and do

sudo port install p7zip


and then do

7za x dieter_gretzschel.7z 

7-Zip (A) 4.57  Copyright (c) 1999-2007 Igor Pavlov  2007-12-06
p7zip Version 4.57 (locale=utf8,Utf16=on,HugeFiles=on,1 CPU)

Processing archive: dieter_gretzschel.7z

Extracting  Dieter Gretzschel interview (deutsch).djvu
Extracting  Dieter Gretzschel interview (english).djvu
Extracting  Dieter Gretzschel programs (p1).atr
Extracting  Dieter Gretzschel programs (p2).atr
Extracting  Dieter Gretzschel programs (p3).atr

Everything is Ok

Files: 5
Size:	   824106
Compressed: 565576


DJVU is an Open Source Archive Format for Scanned Images. For most scanned images, it compresses up to 50% better then PDF, while retaining better quality images. For generated PDFs (pdfLatex etc) it is not as good.


DjVu viewers are available for Windows, Linux and MacOS X and other systems. See the DjVu Wikipedia Webpage -> http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Djvu



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