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Atari800 Emu corrected palettes for PSP port


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I know that a while back, someone corrected the NTSC and Pal palettes for the Stella, and Prosystem emulators source files, and they have been incorporated into the source that a friend of mine uses for his Sony PSP ports of these emus.


But he also has made an Atari800 port, called PSPATARI. However, the palettes are the ones in the old source files, which have incorrect NTSC and PAL color values.


Does anyone have updated versions of the colours.h and colours.h source files to replace in the source code so that a new PSP port with corrected color palette values can be incorporated?



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I know that a while back, someone corrected the NTSC and Pal palettes for the Stella, and Prosystem emulators source files, and they have been incorporated into the source that a friend of mine uses for his Sony PSP ports of these emus.


But he also has made an Atari800 port, called PSPATARI. However, the palettes are the ones in the old source files, which have incorrect NTSC and PAL color values.


Does anyone have updated versions of the colours.h and colours.h source files to replace in the source code so that a new PSP port with corrected color palette values can be incorporated?



Remember that the VCS colours are a little different than the A800 colours.


The Atari800 emulator already contains some code handling NTSC/PAL palette difference, with updated palettes, although they hadn't released it yet. You can get the latest version from their CVS.


Also, I've tried to add brightness/contrast/hue controls for this lates Atari800 version; I've included some code in this thread, you may try it if you like. Please give me some feedback if you like/don't like my default palettes.

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I know that a while back, someone corrected the NTSC and Pal palettes for the Stella, and Prosystem emulators source files, and they have been incorporated into the source that a friend of mine uses for his Sony PSP ports of these emus.


But he also has made an Atari800 port, called PSPATARI. However, the palettes are the ones in the old source files, which have incorrect NTSC and PAL color values.


Does anyone have updated versions of the colours.h and colours.h source files to replace in the source code so that a new PSP port with corrected color palette values can be incorporated?



Remember that the VCS colours are a little different than the A800 colours.


The Atari800 emulator already contains some code handling NTSC/PAL palette difference, with updated palettes, although they hadn't released it yet. You can get the latest version from their CVS.


Also, I've tried to add brightness/contrast/hue controls for this lates Atari800 version; I've included some code in this thread, you may try it if you like. Please give me some feedback if you like/don't like my default palettes.


These worked out Great! I adjusted the brightness(1.25) and color(.50) controls up just a bit to get more punch, since true NTSC colors can be a bit dull. Looks fantastic.


Thanks a Million.

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I was gonna say. I've been using Kr0tki's pallettes and find them to be rather good. I didn't care for the new palette code available for atari800 on the sourceforge. I currently use Kr0tki's in my xbox compile of atarixlbox.


Best I can tell we might not see anything new from atari800 for a while. Sounds like they are rebuilding the thing from ground up.

Edited by Shannon
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These worked out Great! I adjusted the brightness(1.25) and color(.50) controls up just a bit to get more punch, since true NTSC colors can be a bit dull.

Cool! It would be easy to make these controls stored in a config file. I haven't done that, because, as Shannon pointed out, the Atari800 code is undertaking massive structural changes right now, so any hacking performed would be rather pointless.


I've been using Kr0tki's pallettes and find them to be rather good.

Glad to hear this. I was especially interested in the quality of the NTSC palette, as it is generated not from "observational data", but using the numerical values from the actual GTIA specification.


Unfortunately, no specification has yet emerged for the PAL GTIA.

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One of my testers said they were pretty close. I was toying with the idea of fixing it so he could use your controls to adjust them a little. What do you think? This is what he said..


I also am having fun A/B 'ing the games with a real 5200. It plays great and once you adjust the screen right, it does a nice job of looking close to the real deal. But try as I might, no matter how I tweaked the video display (filters, aliasing, etc.) I could never get it to really match the actual hardware too well aside from the size & aspect ratio.


To me they seem a teeny bit off, but certainly alot better than any other NTSC pallette I've tried.

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Thanks. Have you meant that the version you've given to the tester, does not contain my controls? I've made them specifically for this purpose: to allow each user adjust the palette to match his TV.


Since you've said the colors were a bit off: are you able to adjust the controls (of which the hue is most important) to match them better, or is it still impossible?

Edited by Kr0tki
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Then I'm strongly urging you to do so. Every single Atari has its TV circuitry set slightly off, either one way or another. It is a must to allow representing it in an emulator. However I don't know if it would be easy in your instance. Is the AtariXLBox a completely separate application which runs Atari800 inside, or is it an Atari800 with reworked GUI, like Atari800Win?


(As I think of that, It has just come to me that maybe it would be better to adjust the colors of the real Atari to match the emulator, not the other way :P)

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lol. In a way it's a front end kludged over Atari800. Kinda like Atari800Win. It shows you the files (games) available and pictures. You select the game, the options you want, and then press A. It then passes the parameters you select to atari800 whoms UI is disabled. It's skinnable too, has functions like record, play, netplay, cheat codes. The usual stuff like save states and screen capture.


It was designed (by x-port) to be used with other emu's as well. In fact it does. I've just been updating it since he released the source code. In general I try to keep it as user friendly as possible since alot of people using it are not familar with the atari as it is. I'm trying to make the experience as n00b friendly as possible.


Mostly I think the pallette is far better than any other NTSC one I've used. Just a smidge off with certain colors.

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Yeah, but in Atari800Win the Atari800 core is compiled together with the Windows GUI, so it is straightforward to attach the Atari800's function calls directly to the Windows GUI. But if AtariXLBox is an external program which only executes the Atari800 program inside, there is really no other way than to map the display controls to the gamepad. Or you could bring back the now turned off Atari800 UI, and make it show only the display controls, to allow changing them at runtime. That would actually be useful.


Thanks for the remarks on the palette.

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I like it enough to keep it. :lol: Yeah I'll have to think about it a little cause x-port changed alot of the front-end connection side of the atari800 emu (atari_win32, main, screen_win32, and sound_win32) so UI kinda doesn't really get "called" so to speak. Hope I got those module names right, tend to mix them up sometimes.


I could probably wedge it in there somewhere.. :lol:


Just have my mind divided between too many things at the moment.

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