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Whats wrong with this picture? (6502 ICs)


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They all have identical serial information (as if manufactured at the same time, at the same facility), yet they all look different (notches and circles in the chips are not the same). Obviously bogus.


This has been going on for a while, apparently.


Edited by PingvinBlueJeans
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I purchased a large lot of 6502s from what I thought was someone with a good reputation in the community and it looks like they are all remarked parts. I think the guy knows what hes doing since he has refused to talk about it and is still selling them on his web site.


So just a warning to anyone buying 6502s, it looks like there is a large supply of remarked fake chips being sold.



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Wow, how interesting... different mold indentations, different keys, different pin 1 dots... different chips all together...



Someone on Classic Computing was just commenting about a lot of supposed new old stock SID chips which all turned out to be repainting and rebadged as new, but were all damaged/improperly working Tawain version SIDs...


Who is the seller? I think we should all know and be wary.





Anyone? (And its not the black X's, I put those there to mark them DOA)



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Wow, that's crazy, I just read the remarked SID chips. I can't believe there's such a large market for these things that someone would go through the trouble to rebadge them and even bend out and tin the leads so they look like new! Insane.


Sucks that you got taken in by this scam, please do post the seller's info.



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I got the same 6502's from Arcadechips.com and out of about 40 pcs I've had only 1 or 2 bad ones.

I never noticed the differences on the chips themselves until I just looked at them.

The information on my chips are all the same (but different than the ones in the picture) and the chip markings (circles, notches) are different too.

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I can't believe there's such a large market for these things that someone would go through the trouble to rebadge them and even bend out and tin the leads so they look like new! Insane.


More to the point, if there is sufficient market for such things to justify engineering and producing new reproduction chips, why not sell the newly-manufactured chips as what they are?

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Wow, that's crazy, I just read the remarked SID chips. I can't believe there's such a large market for these things that someone would go through the trouble to rebadge them and even bend out and tin the leads so they look like new! Insane.

It really is crazy that someone would concoct a scheme in such a niche, let alone carry through with it. :?


I've never seen a 'rockwell' version.

I have at least three here that have the Rockwell logo on them.

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Wow, that's crazy, I just read the remarked SID chips. I can't believe there's such a large market for these things that someone would go through the trouble to rebadge them and even bend out and tin the leads so they look like new! Insane.

It really is crazy that someone would concoct a scheme in such a niche, let alone carry through with it. :?


Arcade's are hardly a niche-market.



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Wow, that's crazy, I just read the remarked SID chips. I can't believe there's such a large market for these things that someone would go through the trouble to rebadge them and even bend out and tin the leads so they look like new! Insane.

It really is crazy that someone would concoct a scheme in such a niche, let alone carry through with it. :?


Arcade's are hardly a niche-market.



Well, I was talking about the SID chips. Obviously the 6502s have a much wider range of applications so I could definitely see why someone would rebadge those. Aren't there NEW 6502 chips still available? Or not in that particular package?



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Seeming as though there's still a heck of a lot of C64's out there there's alway's going to be a market for replacing SID's...not forgetting the c64 version/equivalent of 'Stereo Pokey/Dual pokey' but using SID's


If mem. recalls CBM did various versions of SID for the 64 and 128 and later commodore eightbitters, not forgetting the super sid that cbm did (for the c65) which was basically 2 sid's in one package (aka 'Stereo SID')

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I got the same 6502's from Arcadechips.com and out of about 40 pcs I've had only 1 or 2 bad ones.

I never noticed the differences on the chips themselves until I just looked at them.

The information on my chips are all the same (but different than the ones in the picture) and the chip markings (circles, notches) are different too.


I really hate to name the guy but he appears to have no intention of making good.


The seller in question is Mark Capps @ arcadechips. I'm out a little under $300 over this so far.



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Why not just buy brand new 6502's rather than risk used units?

Huh? People are trying to buy new...the SIDs and 6502s in question are remarked old (defective) chips being sold as NOS.

Ah, understood. (SID's are a pain, hence why I ripped out the SID code from the Commodore ONE to go into a CPLD for my own use)

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I got the same 6502's from Arcadechips.com and out of about 40 pcs I've had only 1 or 2 bad ones.

I never noticed the differences on the chips themselves until I just looked at them.

The information on my chips are all the same (but different than the ones in the picture) and the chip markings (circles, notches) are different too.


I really hate to name the guy but he appears to have no intention of making good.


The seller in question is Mark Capps @ arcadechips. I'm out a little under $300 over this so far.




The guy does not provide any kind of information about himself or his business on the website (no phone#, no email, no address etc). Did you happen to know him before the purchase, or did the lack of info just escaped your attention. I would personally not shop at a website that doesn't provide contact info.

Edited by atari8warez
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