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The quest for the Rings (Odyssey 2) Complete


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Is that worth much?


I remember seeing two in the Tulsa, OK area when I was last there. Flea Market... Admiral

I don't follow O^2 stuff too closely, but my sense about this is that this title - preferred complete - used to be a lot more desirable (and harder to find complete) before the expansion of the internet. I sold one probably about 10 years ago for a nice sum, but the value has dropped off a lot. If those ones at the flea market are cheap, it might be worth buying, if they are both complete, or to make one complete set from the two.

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  • 2 weeks later...
I guess this one for sale is not 100 % complete.


Was the hour glass unique? Could someone replace it with any old hour glass?


The hourglass is one of the pieces that came with the game. It's not an actual hourglass, it's just a game piece.


So, ya, it's unique, and no, not replaceable.


Funny... I bought a "complete" 'Quest for the Rings' from eBay, and it was missing the same piece!


Anyhow. After extensively playing this game, I affirm that it's awful.


Conquest of the World, on the other hand, is actually fun.

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