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Homebrew games for review.


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Greetings to all developers,


This is just a note to say that if you're writing new entertainment software for any 8-bit micro, or porting/converting/remaking to an 8-bit, and you have a final release copy available, please consider sending it to me for evaluation. I can't promise a great fanfare for it, however I do write a weekly column for a UK magazine called Micro Mart which sells arouns 24,000 copies per week. So, at the very least, your game will be reviewed in a 'main-stream' paper mag. Please either PM me, or email shaun@micromart.co.uk with details and attachments. My interests also include hardware hacks and other such devices.


As I side note, I occasionally review software for a site called Old School Gaming over at www.oldschool-gaming.com - so if I can't get a full review in the magazine, I can always write a review for this excellent website.





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