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Atari 5200 and Atari 7800 Game comparison


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Atari 5200 VS Atari 7800 (Game Comparisons)



Not a system comparison. This is a game comparison. Although if you ask which has the better graphics, I will say 7800.


1. Ballblazer = This game is much smoother on the 7800 and less blocky. I believe the 7800 has this hands down. The 7800 uses the pokey chip cartridge, so it sounds exactly the same as the 5200



2. Joust = Atari 7800 wins again here with its more detailed characters and scenery. The 5200 version has very simple colors. The characters are either one color or two colors. I keep hearing how the 5200 has more colors to choose from then even the NES. But they seem to fail to put more color in the games. Also the 7800 has the flame that burns the bridges away. The 5200 bridges just sort of disappear.



3. Robotron = I like this one better on the Atari 7800! The characters are too blocky and fat then the 5200. The 7800 looks really good!



4. Centipede = This one is kind of hard to judge. The Atari 5200 version just plays better and looks just as good as the Atari 7800. The spider is more lethal than the 7800 version. The only thing that makes the 7800 good is the two player option. But who cares, no one I know is going to play centipede with me! Centipede on the 5200 also has full analog ball control. The Atari 5200 version is just better!



5. Pacman = I have the Pacman collection for the Atari 7800 and it is pretty fun. But I believe to have a Pacman collection, you need Super Pac Man and Jr Pacman! Which are on the Atari 5200. There is also a Pacman Plus hack for the Atari 5200 and I like it better then the one on the Atari 7800 Pacman collection. Even though the ghost are simple one colored cretins, I like the game play better on the Atari 5200. Pacman is better on the Atari 5200



6. Asteroids = The 7800 destroys the 5200 here! I believe the Atari 2600 kills the 5200 as well!



7. Combat 2 atari 5200 and Combat 1990 on the Atari 7800 = Combat 1990 is a pile of crap. It looks like the Atari 2600 version with more tanks on screen. There is no option to attack a 2nd player. You can only work together destroying tanks and UFOs that seem to continue coming forever! There are only 2 ugly stages! This is a very unsatisfactory game! You play by hitting reset and you always have to play with 2 players even though nobody is playing with you! It’s a good thing to, cause your friend would probably punch you in the face for making him play this game. Combat 2 for the Atari 5200 is at best ….OK! It is definitely better then the Atari 2600 combat 2. But I still think Combat 1 is better. Combat 2 has more modes including helicopter, subs, ugly planes, as well as the old tank. The graphics are alright. If you have a 5200 controller that does not center, then you are in trouble because the tanks will keep moving even when you want them to stop. The subs and the helicopters look pretty much the same even though the helicopters are faster. The Atari 5200 has a better clone of Combat.



8. Donkey Kong = Well even though the 7800 looks better. The Atari 5200/800 conversion is much better in game play and less annoying to the ears! This includes Donkey Kong Jr!



9. Homebrew Games = I believe the Atari 5200 has this! Adventure 2 and Koffi are great! It was enough for me to pull out my Atari 5200 and AV mod it! The 7800 has Pacman collection, beef drop, and Space Duel. They are pretty good to. But Adventure 2 is just a way better home brew game than any 7800 hack or homebrew! Haunted House 2 for the Atari 5200 is terrible! The game flickers too much and you cant tell if you can exit up or down. A little collision detection when you walk to the doors would be nice instead of walking over or through them. The game is so random that a few times the chalice appeared right in front of the door you start from. This means I have turned the game on grabbed the chalice and walked out of the Haunted House in less then 3 seconds and won. The John Swirderski homebrews where definately not as good as the Ron Loyd homebrews. Sorry John! Also I don’t really care for beef drop! I like burger time better on the colecovision.



Just my 2 cents! I hope I didnt hurt any feelings!

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Atari 5200 VS Atari 7800 (Game Comparisons)



Not a system comparison. This is a game comparison. Although if you ask which has the better graphics, I will say 7800.


1. Ballblazer = This game is much smoother on the 7800 and less blocky. I believe the 7800 has this hands down. The 7800 uses the pokey chip cartridge, so it sounds exactly the same as the 5200



2. Joust = Atari 7800 wins again here with its more detailed characters and scenery. The 5200 version has very simple colors. The characters are either one color or two colors. I keep hearing how the 5200 has more colors to choose from then even the NES. But they seem to fail to put more color in the games. Also the 7800 has the flame that burns the bridges away. The 5200 bridges just sort of disappear.



3. Robotron = I like this one better on the Atari 7800! The characters are too blocky and fat then the 5200. The 7800 looks really good!



4. Centipede = This one is kind of hard to judge. The Atari 5200 version just plays better and looks just as good as the Atari 7800. The spider is more lethal than the 7800 version. The only thing that makes the 7800 good is the two player option. But who cares, no one I know is going to play centipede with me! Centipede on the 5200 also has full analog ball control. The Atari 5200 version is just better!



5. Pacman = I have the Pacman collection for the Atari 7800 and it is pretty fun. But I believe to have a Pacman collection, you need Super Pac Man and Jr Pacman! Which are on the Atari 5200. There is also a Pacman Plus hack for the Atari 5200 and I like it better then the one on the Atari 7800 Pacman collection. Even though the ghost are simple one colored cretins, I like the game play better on the Atari 5200. Pacman is better on the Atari 5200



6. Asteroids = The 7800 destroys the 5200 here! I believe the Atari 2600 kills the 5200 as well!



7. Combat 2 atari 5200 and Combat 1990 on the Atari 7800 = Combat 1990 is a pile of crap. It looks like the Atari 2600 version with more tanks on screen. There is no option to attack a 2nd player. You can only work together destroying tanks and UFOs that seem to continue coming forever! There are only 2 ugly stages! This is a very unsatisfactory game! You play by hitting reset and you always have to play with 2 players even though nobody is playing with you! It’s a good thing to, cause your friend would probably punch you in the face for making him play this game. Combat 2 for the Atari 5200 is at best ….OK! It is definitely better then the Atari 2600 combat 2. But I still think Combat 1 is better. Combat 2 has more modes including helicopter, subs, ugly planes, as well as the old tank. The graphics are alright. If you have a 5200 controller that does not center, then you are in trouble because the tanks will keep moving even when you want them to stop. The subs and the helicopters look pretty much the same even though the helicopters are faster. The Atari 5200 has a better clone of Combat.



8. Donkey Kong = Well even though the 7800 looks better. The Atari 5200/800 conversion is much better in game play and less annoying to the ears! This includes Donkey Kong Jr!



9. Homebrew Games = I believe the Atari 5200 has this! Adventure 2 and Koffi are great! It was enough for me to pull out my Atari 5200 and AV mod it! The 7800 has Pacman collection, beef drop, and Space Duel. They are pretty good to. But Adventure 2 is just a way better home brew game than any 7800 hack or homebrew! Haunted House 2 for the Atari 5200 is terrible! The game flickers too much and you cant tell if you can exit up or down. A little collision detection when you walk to the doors would be nice instead of walking over or through them. The game is so random that a few times the chalice appeared right in front of the door you start from. This means I have turned the game on grabbed the chalice and walked out of the Haunted House in less then 3 seconds and won. The John Swirderski homebrews where definately not as good as the Ron Loyd homebrews. Sorry John! Also I don’t really care for beef drop! I like burger time better on the colecovision.



Just my 2 cents! I hope I didnt hurt any feelings!

1. much smoother? i have both of them and the 7800 isnt "much" smoother. Matter of fact, there's barely a difference. Ballblazer is one of the few games that are almost identical.


2. joust. you are making a comparison but you fail to add any details of gameplay or sound. pretty weak comparison.


3. robotron. even a weaker comparison. you make no comparison of gameplay or sound...most importantly control. you cant make a good comparison if you havent included the 5200 dual setup for this game. the controls are an exclusive feature.


4. ok...all of the sudden you decide to bring up the trackball controls? inconsistent.



6. "Asteroids = The 7800 destroys the 5200 here! I believe the Atari 2600 kills the 5200 as well!" asteroids wasn't even an official release and was released as a free rom.


8. having a fat mario and missing some boards doesn't make it look better to me. i see your point though.


9. you compared the same games on each system 1-8. then you compare different titles. it would have been better to compare the same titles. otherwise this comparison is inconsistent...

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I think your final point is unfair. I am saying that because beef drop is on the 7800 and the 5200. The 7800 version of Beef Drop I has has the pokey chip. The version I have would be good comparision to the 5200 version.


Your 5th point is a little off by the games you stated for the 5200. Jr. Pac-man was not an official release for the 5200 back in the day. Jr. Pac-man was a completed prototype. I am not sure if the game was ever sold as cartridge after the prototype was found.


You also would have to compare the 5200 version of Q*bert to the 7800 version of the game called B*nQ. The earliest you can do that is when is when Albert gets all the orders shipped.

Edited by 8th lutz
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1. much smoother? i have both of them and the 7800 isnt "much" smoother. Matter of fact, there's barely a difference. Ballblazer is one of the few games that are almost identical.


2. joust. you are making a comparison but you fail to add any details of gameplay or sound. pretty weak comparison.


3. robotron. even a weaker comparison. you make no comparison of gameplay or sound...most importantly control. you cant make a good comparison if you havent included the 5200 dual setup for this game. the controls are an exclusive feature.


4. ok...all of the sudden you decide to bring up the trackball controls? inconsistent.



6. "Asteroids = The 7800 destroys the 5200 here! I believe the Atari 2600 kills the 5200 as well!" asteroids wasn't even an official release and was released as a free rom.


8. having a fat mario and missing some boards doesn't make it look better to me. i see your point though.


9. you compared the same games on each system 1-8. then you compare different titles. it would have been better to compare the same titles. otherwise this comparison is inconsistent...



1. Ballblazer looks more blockier on the atari 5200! Everyone of my friends including my 5 year old son can see the difference. Sorry.... although they are somewhat alike, if I had a choice it will be the 7800 Ballblazer because it just looks better! If you think they are alike then you need your eyes examined.


2. Ok Joust graphically looks better and plays better on the 7800. What else you want me to describe? Even if they play exactly the same, Joust looks better on the 7800!


3. Robotron plays just as good as the 5200. Plus it looks better. The sound may be slightly better on the 5200, but the graphics of robotron on the 5200 is just too unattractive. I hate the wide sprites they used making the robot fat! Just like you say Mario on Donkey Kong for the 7800 is.


4. I brought up trackball controlls because the 5200 has this over the 7800. This was in reference to the game play of centipede.


6. Asteroids sucks even if it was a free game for the 5200! I aslo have a USB device that allows me to play protos on my 5200 harware.


8. Obviously your a 5200 nuthugger, because you only question when I say the 7800 is better. The atari 7800 DOnkey Kong looks better. I dont know what you mean about mario being fatter on the 7800. But I know the 5200/800 version is uglier and blockier. Plus it was not a original catridge either for the 5200, but you never questioned that. I can barely tell its mario on the 5200. Hell even mario bros looks and plays better then the jerky one on the 5200. Where mario walks like a robot. The 5200 does play better then the 7800 though.


9. I was comparing the Combat remakes for both systems. It may not be consistent, but I did not want to make another forum to compare these specific games.



Now out of all I wrote you appear to mostly question when I say the 7800 is better, which tells me you are just biased. I am unbiased. I have both systems and like them both the same. But certain games are better on one or the other. So if I said 5200 beats the 7800 all the way would you say nothing at all? A few times I described the 5200 being better but not being specific and you never questioned it! These are my personal opinions...you dont have to agre with them. As a matter of fact you can just ignore it! I plan on Youtubing these comparisons soon.

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I think your final point is unfair. I am saying that because beef drop is on the 7800 and the 5200. The 7800 version of Beef Drop I has has the pokey chip. The version I have would be good comparision to the 5200 version.


Your 5th point is a little off by the games you stated for the 5200. Jr. Pac-man was not an official release for the 5200 back in the day. Jr. Pac-man was a completed prototype. I am not sure if the game was ever sold as cartridge after the prototype was found.


You also would have to compare the 5200 version of Q*bert to the 7800 version of the game called B*nQ. The earliest you can do that is when is when Albert gets all the orders shipped.



I have a USB device to play protos. Plus there is a hack for Jr PAcman with the speed button and I final hack of SuperPac. I think B*nQ is alot better then Q*bert for the 5200. The 5200 controlls just suck for Q-bert. Beefdrop looks and plays better on the 7800 to me. Although I hate the music that kind of makes me shrill at certain times. But as far as classic versions of Burgertime I like the Colecovision version. I did not know the Beef drop had the pokey chip in the cart. I used a emulator to play the 7800 beefdrop because I dont have the cart. I compared games that I have. I dont have every game.

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1. Ballblazer looks more blockier on the atari 5200! Everyone of my friends including my 5 year old son can see the difference. Sorry.... although they are somewhat alike, if I had a choice it will be the 7800 Ballblazer because it just looks better! If you think they are alike then you need your eyes examined.


2. Ok Joust graphically looks better and plays better on the 7800. What else you want me to describe? Even if they play exactly the same, Joust looks better on the 7800!


3. Robotron plays just as good as the 5200. Plus it looks better. The sound may be slightly better on the 5200, but the graphics of robotron on the 5200 is just too unattractive. I hate the wide sprites they used making the robot fat! Just like you say Mario on Donkey Kong for the 7800 is.


4. I brought up trackball controlls because the 5200 has this over the 7800. This was in reference to the game play of centipede.


6. Asteroids sucks even if it was a free game for the 5200! I aslo have a USB device that allows me to play protos on my 5200 harware.


8. Obviously your a 5200 nuthugger, because you only question when I say the 7800 is better. The atari 7800 DOnkey Kong looks better. I dont know what you mean about mario being fatter on the 7800. But I know the 5200/800 version is uglier and blockier. Plus it was not a original catridge either for the 5200, but you never questioned that. I can barely tell its mario on the 5200. Hell even mario bros looks and plays better then the jerky one on the 5200. Where mario walks like a robot. The 5200 does play better then the 7800 though.


9. I was comparing the Combat remakes for both systems. It may not be consistent, but I did not want to make another forum to compare these specific games.



Now out of all I wrote you appear to mostly question when I say the 7800 is better, which tells me you are just biased. I am unbiased. I have both systems and like them both the same. But certain games are better on one or the other. So if I said 5200 beats the 7800 all the way would you say nothing at all? A few times I described the 5200 being better but not being specific and you never questioned it! These are my personal opinions...you dont have to agre with them. As a matter of fact you can just ignore it! I plan on Youtubing these comparisons soon.






robotron using 1 joystick vs atari 5200 dual stick is no comparison. you didn't mention that. that's a big deal in terms of control and gameplay from a comparison view. that tells all of us that you haven't played it on the 5200. if you have to move up and that's the direction you fire, that's a problem. also, the 5200 is faster more like the arcade. you missed that in your review.


my point about centipede is you bring up controls on this game (trackball) yet you don't mention that in robotron. that's the inconsistency.


"It may not be consistent (combat), but I did not want to make another forum to compare these specific games." ok...but you'll compare 8 games? what's stopping you? :-)


as far as the stuff i didn't question, that's because i agreed w/ya trollnuts.

Edited by phuzaxeman
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robotron using 1 joystick vs atari 5200 dual stick is no comparison. you didn't mention that. that's a big deal in terms of control and gameplay from a comparison view. that tells all of us that you haven't played it on the 5200. if you have to move up and that's the direction you fire, that's a problem. also, the 5200 is faster. you missed that in your review.


The 7800 version of Robotron supports both single stick and dual stick. :)



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robotron using 1 joystick vs atari 5200 dual stick is no comparison. you didn't mention that. that's a big deal in terms of control and gameplay from a comparison view. that tells all of us that you haven't played it on the 5200. if you have to move up and that's the direction you fire, that's a problem. also, the 5200 is faster. you missed that in your review.


The 7800 version of Robotron supports both single stick and dual stick. :)



unfortuately there's no dual setup to hold the sticks in place except ducktape.... :-)

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robotron using 1 joystick vs atari 5200 dual stick is no comparison. you didn't mention that. that's a big deal in terms of control and gameplay from a comparison view. that tells all of us that you haven't played it on the 5200. if you have to move up and that's the direction you fire, that's a problem. also, the 5200 is faster. you missed that in your review.


The 7800 version of Robotron supports both single stick and dual stick. :)



unfortuately there's no dual setup to hold the sticks in place except ducktape.... :-)


I guess my hands are big enough to hold two atari 7800 proline controllers for robotron. I do the same with Space Dungeon and Robotron on the 5200. I dont need joystick couplers. Although I do not have the joystick couplers for the 5200 I heard that you can use the 5200 couplers on the 7800 proline joysticks. At least thats what I heard.

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I gotta agree with phuzaxeman, especially on Ballblazer and Robotron.

Ballblazer for the most part *is* nearly identical on both systems. Yes, the 7800 version is slightly smoother, and the graphics are slightly better, but only ever so slightly.

Robotron is the same thing. Only a slight improvement.

Considering how much more "advanced" the 7800 is suppose to be, the difference is like comparing 2600 Kaboom to 5200 Kaboom. Though if you throw control in there, I give the nod to the 7800 for Ballblazer, (only because you can use any compatible 2600 stick), and a HUGE nod to the 5200 for Robotron. The 7800 version is pretty unplayable, unless you're real handy with duct tape and can somehow make a dual stick holder. To this day I'm still amazed at how well Robotron translated to the 5200.

I won't jumpe into the Joust debate because honestly...I never cared for Joust on any platform or the coin-op (I know... sac-religious to say that!)

Asteroids definitely the 7800 version The 5200 just sucks. Maybe that's why it was never released.

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I like both systems, but for the most part, the 5200 games play better, even if they look a bit more washed out. That said, the 7800 has a few really good original titles the 5200 doesn't have.


Ballblazer is about the same on both, by which I mean, it's equally boring ;)


Robotron is good on both systems, but the coupler on th 5200 is very nice. Plus, you get to play Space Dungeon, which is AWESOMELY fun.


What the 7800 has over the 5200 are some really cool original games like Desert Falcon, Midnight Mutants, etc. Good stuff.


Just out of curiosity, has anyone compared 5200 meteorites to 7800 asteroids? I've never played it, but surely, it must measure up better the the abysmal unreleased 5200 proto of asteroids.

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I like both systems, but for the most part, the 5200 games play better, even if they look a bit more washed out. That said, the 7800 has a few really good original titles the 5200 doesn't have.


Ballblazer is about the same on both, by which I mean, it's equally boring ;)


Robotron is good on both systems, but the coupler on th 5200 is very nice. Plus, you get to play Space Dungeon, which is AWESOMELY fun.


What the 7800 has over the 5200 are some really cool original games like Desert Falcon, Midnight Mutants, etc. Good stuff.


Just out of curiosity, has anyone compared 5200 meteorites to 7800 asteroids? I've never played it, but surely, it must measure up better the the abysmal unreleased 5200 proto of asteroids.



I have played meteorites with my USB cart. It is much better then asteroids for the 5200,... but the 3d asteroids are way better on the 7800. I like the two player option and the graphics of the 3d asteroids on the 7800. I like it better then the arcade.

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robotron using 1 joystick vs atari 5200 dual stick is no comparison. you didn't mention that. that's a big deal in terms of control and gameplay from a comparison view. that tells all of us that you haven't played it on the 5200. if you have to move up and that's the direction you fire, that's a problem. also, the 5200 is faster more like the arcade. you missed that in your review.


my point about centipede is you bring up controls on this game (trackball) yet you don't mention that in robotron. that's the inconsistency.


"It may not be consistent (combat), but I did not want to make another forum to compare these specific games." ok...but you'll compare 8 games? what's stopping you? :-)


as far as the stuff i didn't question, that's because i agreed w/ya trollnuts.





Now you think I have not played Robotron? I just did not think that saying robotron using dual controllers was important being that the 7800 uses dual controllers to! You obviously did not know the 7800 was the same. Also I heard you can use the 5200 couplers on the 7800 proline sticks. I never use the couplers cause I have big enough hands to use them without the couplers. This includes the 7800 one. The 7800 centipede does not use the trackball unless you have the hacked version, thats why I said the 5200 uses the trackball when comparing gameplay to the 7800. But there is a centipede hack for the 7800 that allows trackball controll. although I never really uses the trackball because it is just too damn big. I like using my wico instead.


Robotron on the 5200 is NOT faster then the 7800 version! I just got through playing both and they are both just as fast. The only thing the 5200 has over the 7800 other then sound is the fact that it is uglier!!!! If you play the hardest mode on the 7800 it actually moves faster then the 5200 version. So I dont know how your comparing this. I have both systems and they are both avi modded to work on my flatscreen tv to compare at my leisure. I am not using emulators to compare these games. Also it is just not logical to even think that the 5200 moves characters as fast as the 7800 since that is what the 7800 supposedly does the best according to some of the forums I have read.


To add to the comparisons...



Xevious looks and plays much better on the 7800 although the bomb drop icon is a little too close to the ship. The 5200 looks plain. The ship is not as detailed as the 7800 nor is the background and it shoots ugly horizonal lines. I do believe Xevious was a proto on the 5200 though. But I do use a usb device to play on 5200 hardware.




Choplifter looks better as well on the 7800. I dont care for the one colored helicopter and the night view on the 5200. It also suffers from the same thing as Xevious on the 5200. It is too plain, not colorful, and seems unfinished. I still think the Sega Master System version has the best choplifter.


Now as a whole... I think the 5200 is better. It has more games that I like. But thats my personal opinion. I am pretty sure there are people who prefer the 7800.


But what I do like about the 7800 is that it can play 2600 games without that hideous big T-adapter that the 5200 uses. Plus the few exclusives like... Midnight Mutants and Desert Falcon which was mentioned earlier. I also like that the 7800 is a nicer looking console. Being that it is a mini 5200 in shape.

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robotron using 1 joystick vs atari 5200 dual stick is no comparison. you didn't mention that. that's a big deal in terms of control and gameplay from a comparison view. that tells all of us that you haven't played it on the 5200. if you have to move up and that's the direction you fire, that's a problem. also, the 5200 is faster more like the arcade. you missed that in your review.


my point about centipede is you bring up controls on this game (trackball) yet you don't mention that in robotron. that's the inconsistency.


"It may not be consistent (combat), but I did not want to make another forum to compare these specific games." ok...but you'll compare 8 games? what's stopping you? :-)


as far as the stuff i didn't question, that's because i agreed w/ya trollnuts.





Now you think I have not played Robotron? I just did not think that saying robotron using dual controllers was important being that the 7800 uses dual controllers to! You obviously did not know the 7800 was the same. Also I heard you can use the 5200 couplers on the 7800 proline sticks. I never use the couplers cause I have big enough hands to use them without the couplers. This includes the 7800 one. The 7800 centipede does not use the trackball unless you have the hacked version, thats why I said the 5200 uses the trackball when comparing gameplay to the 7800. But there is a centipede hack for the 7800 that allows trackball controll. although I never really uses the trackball because it is just too damn big. I like using my wico instead.


Robotron on the 5200 is NOT faster then the 7800 version! I just got through playing both and they are both just as fast. The only thing the 5200 has over the 7800 other then sound is the fact that it is uglier!!!! If you play the hardest mode on the 7800 it actually moves faster then the 5200 version. So I dont know how your comparing this. I have both systems and they are both avi modded to work on my flatscreen tv to compare at my leisure. I am not using emulators to compare these games. Also it is just not logical to even think that the 5200 moves characters as fast as the 7800 since that is what the 7800 supposedly does the best according to some of the forums I have read.


To add to the comparisons...



Xevious looks and plays much better on the 7800 although the bomb drop icon is a little too close to the ship. The 5200 looks plain. The ship is not as detailed as the 7800 nor is the background and it shoots ugly horizonal lines. I do believe Xevious was a proto on the 5200 though. But I do use a usb device to play on 5200 hardware.




Choplifter looks better as well on the 7800. I dont care for the one colored helicopter and the night view on the 5200. It also suffers from the same thing as Xevious on the 5200. It is too plain, not colorful, and seems unfinished. I still think the Sega Master System version has the best choplifter.


Now as a whole... I think the 5200 is better. It has more games that I like. But thats my personal opinion. I am pretty sure there are people who prefer the 7800.


But what I do like about the 7800 is that it can play 2600 games without that hideous big T-adapter that the 5200 uses. Plus the few exclusives like... Midnight Mutants and Desert Falcon which was mentioned earlier. I also like that the 7800 is a nicer looking console. Being that it is a mini 5200 in shape.


"....I just did not think that saying robotron using dual controllers (5200) was important..." -considering the coupler was made for both 5200 robotron and space dungeon, it was very important. if you think during the mindset of that time, it was groundbreaking in the 80's. and for the record, i knew 2 sticks would work. having the 7800 sticks slip, then tried holding 2 sticks, and then trying ducktape wasnt working (seriously).


"...Also I heard you can use the 5200 couplers on the 7800 proline sticks." go ahead a try it straight up and play robotron using the 7800 sticks on the 5200 coupler for a high score. :-)


"I never use the couplers cause I have big enough hands to use them without the couplers..." you definetely have not used the 5200 couplers. not 1 person i've heard from complains about their hands being to big. the couplers seperate the controllers with good distance but not too far.



we're talking stock vs stock. nothing hacked like trackballs.



5200 choplifter doesn't look as good as the 7800 but is more fun. given that the 7800 is closer to the arcade, the 5200 is still fun to play more has more replay value to me and many others.


to add to the comparison:


baseball on the 5200 kills any baseball game on the 7800. 5200 has WAY more good games to bad games ratio (jaguar vs 7800 can battle which system is the worst in terms of good games to bad games)


excellent games like dreadnaught factor, adventure II, gramlins, centipede (trackball) space dungeon, star raiders (using the keypad) and countermeasure place the 5200 on a different level of quality games than the 7800. at least the jag has aliens and tempest to make a case to own 1.


"But what I do like about the 7800 is that it can play 2600 games without that hideous big T-adapter that the 5200 uses." as far as today? any true atari collector/gamer is going to play the 2600 games on a 2600 system to get the 2600 feel. who would want to play the original combat game on a 7800 when you can play it on the 2600? back in the day is a completely different story and the 5200 would have benfited.



the fact that we're even comparing the 5200 to a later generation 7800 (which was to compete with nes and sega) is in itself a failure on atari's part. the 7800 is another example of what could have been (just like the jag).

Edited by phuzaxeman
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you are comparing newer hardware to older hardware. Of course the games are going to look better. reading over this thread a lot of "i like the graphics", "the graphics look better", "the 3d asteroids look better", pop up in almost every post of yours, of course the games are going to look better, it's newer hardware, if you are going to compare games from one system to another, it is going to be on gameplay merits. The 5200 could not compete with the 7800 graphically, any idiot knows that so why bother comparing the graphics, the gameplay is where it's at and the 7800 lacks in that in my opinion.


Just like comparing Atari 2600 to 5200, you don't compare the graphics and sound you compare the gameplay because it's obvious the graphics are going to be better on newer hardware. And with Ballblazer, I don't know a lot about the 7800 hardware, but if it needed a seperate chip in the cartridge to get sound equal to the 5200....THAT IS NOT GOOD.

Edited by Atari5200
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Robotron is the same thing. Only a slight improvement.
I don't know, Robotron looks darn-near arcade perfect on the 7800; whereas the 5200 version looks blocky and 'squished'. Of course, gameplay and control are different issues (and more important), but going by visuals alone the newer harware wins out in Robotron.


I've gotten a lot more fun out of my 5200 than my 7800 overall, though, and I've had 1/10th as long.

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which I totally agree, there will never be total 100% fact in the matter ever, even the crappiest of games is someone's favorite somewhere.


The main issue I had was comparing the 2 systems from a technical standpoint. The Genius's first statement was


"Not a system comparison. This is a game comparison. Although if you ask which has the better graphics, I will say 7800." wow your kidding me right? A newer system having better graphics??? Nooooo.


But right after saying this, every comparison compares graphics. I thought this wasn't a system comparison?? The graphical limitations of the 5200 is being compared directly to the limitation of the 7800 which is a system comparison. It should be based on gameplay alone. And for #5, Pac-man is better on the 5200 because it has more variations than the 7800?? Wtf is that?


Regardless, in the end it's still all opinion.

Edited by Atari5200
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Robotron is the same thing. Only a slight improvement.
I don't know, Robotron looks darn-near arcade perfect on the 7800; whereas the 5200 version looks blocky and 'squished'. Of course, gameplay and control are different issues (and more important), but going by visuals alone the newer harware wins out in Robotron.


I've gotten a lot more fun out of my 5200 than my 7800 overall, though, and I've had 1/10th as long.


Well ya the 7800's graphics *are* better, but really the improvement is not as much as you would think from an older system to an "upgrade". I still contend it's like comparing the 2600 Activision games to the 5200 counterparts. It seems like the older system was pushed to the limits and got the best possible game whereas the newer system they just slightly tweaked the game, slapped a new label on it and sold it as new and improved. :|

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Well ya the 7800's graphics *are* better, but really the improvement is not as much as you would think from an older system to an "upgrade".


Really? So you can point me in the direction of a game like Alien Brigade or Midnight Mutants on the Atari 5200? Tower Toppler maybe? Scrapyard Dog maybe? Commando maybe? Basketbrawl? Seriously guys ... please feel free. :-)


. It seems like the older system was pushed to the limits and got the best possible game whereas the newer system they just slightly tweaked the game, slapped a new label on it and sold it as new and improved. :|


I don't disagree that the 7800 wasn't pushed anywhere near as hard as it should have been. At the same time, with the types of games that were on both the 2600 and 5200, was there a serious need for improvement? After all, you 5200 guys claim the 5200 can end wars and child poverty, after all. :-) Perhaps there wasn't need to mess with "perfection" as you call it.

Edited by DracIsBack
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Really? So you can point me in the direction of a game like Alien Brigade or Midnight Mutants on the Atari 5200? Tower Toppler maybe? Scrapyard Dog maybe? Commando maybe? Basketbrawl? Seriously guys ... please feel free. :-)


No I think we were comparing like games. I wouldn't compare Zone Ranger to Combat. Sure those are some pretty games no doubt. why then couldn't Robotron or Ballblazer look that much better? Arcade games were an Atari staple. Hell look at Pole Position. WTF did they run out of ideas for the car color or did they decide to make it look like crap on purpose? How about Ms PacMan? Wow, pretty intro screen but someone forgot to make it look better than the last system. :P



I don't disagree that the 7800 wasn't pushed anywhere near as hard as it should have been. At the same time, with the types of games that were on both the 2600 and 5200, was there a serious need for improvement? After all, you 5200 guys claim the 5200 can end wars and child poverty, after all. :-) Perhaps there wasn't need to mess with "perfection" as you call it.


End wars and child poverty? Umm....no, just play fun games. I would agree though the 5200 is closer to perfection as a gaming system. ;)

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which I totally agree, there will never be total 100% fact in the matter ever, even the crappiest of games is someone's favorite somewhere.


The main issue I had was comparing the 2 systems from a technical standpoint. The Genius's first statement was


"Not a system comparison. This is a game comparison. Although if you ask which has the better graphics, I will say 7800." wow your kidding me right? A newer system having better graphics??? Nooooo.


But right after saying this, every comparison compares graphics. I thought this wasn't a system comparison?? The graphical limitations of the 5200 is being compared directly to the limitation of the 7800 which is a system comparison. It should be based on gameplay alone. And for #5, Pac-man is better on the 5200 because it has more variations than the 7800?? Wtf is that?


Regardless, in the end it's still all opinion.



Yes this is a game comparison not a system comparison. I am sorry but graphics also fit into this catagory as well as gameplay. I never heard of game comparisons without graphic comparisons. I know 5200 players hate graphics comparisons. I mean if graphics was everything, you would not be playing a 5200 or 7800. What I am saying if the gameplay is the same on both systems, then I would pick the one with the better graphics. Alot of games I compared on the 5200 play just as good on the 7800. I am not biased I have both systems. You should to! How can anybody be a atari fan and like one and dislike the other? Well... I do hate the Jaguar! LOL! :P


"I said if you ask me then I will say the 7800 has better graphics" I said this because there alot of people out there with eye problems and need to have help seeing things clearer. In other words people who have there 5200 goggles on at all times and can not see the difference.


Me liking Pacman on the 5200 is my personal opinion. I like Super Pac and Jr Pacman. The 7800 has the Paman collection without these games. I also like the wider pacman stages on the 5200 more then the 7800 narrow stages. But the 7800 looks better, plays good, and some people may like it better on the 7800.


Please dont insult me by being sarcastic. These are my opinions. You dont have to read it. I can gurantee you would be a little more respectful if I was talking to you in person. I am not saying anything bad, I am expressing my opinion.

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