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Atari 5200 and Atari 7800 Game comparison


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I think the main issue here is that people get annoyed when someone comes over and 'reviews' their pet system unfavorably in yet another 'vs' thread.. There are always thread like these, whether it be Colecovision vs 5200, 7800 vs NES, C64 vs 8-bits that get posted in the forum of the 'losing' system, and frankly, it can get a mite annoying to have someone constantly dogging on your pet console.


That said, I don't think graphics are an unfair comparison if they are PART of a review. A good review ways graphics, sound, controls, accessibility and (most importantly) gameplay. If your review focuses on one of these to the exclusion of others, then people will generally complain.


As to a SYSTEM comparison, the 7800 is in some ways techincally superior (more sprites, better resolution, more colors, higher res graphics etc), and in other ways it's inferior (sound, architecture is rigid and doesn't allow for as much flexibility etc). Of course it's better in some ways, it came out later.


That said, like any system, capability does not equal playability. The ps2 was by far the biggest seller of the last console generation, yet it was far inferior technically to the xbox. Games are what sells, and the 5200 has a very high ratio of good-great games in it's library. Honestly, there are only ten or so games that are average or worse, in my opinion. The 7800 suffers from 'cheapass Trameil' syndrome, and there are a lot of stinkers in the library. That said, the games that are good are quite good indeed. There are several great original titles, a pile of awesome arcade ports, and a few oddball games worth owning.


As a whole, given the choice between having one or the other, I'd take a 5200 just because out of the several dozen games, I like pretty much all of them. As far as the 7800 is concerned, I like about half the library. Too bad the Trameils didn't push the system more. It could have done some amazing things.


In the end, I like both. They're both Ataris after all ;)

Edited by Lord Thag
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I think the main issue here is that people get annoyed when someone comes over and 'reviews' their pet system unfavorably in yet another 'vs' thread.. There are always thread like these, whether it be Colecovision vs 5200, 7800 vs NES, C64 vs 8-bits that get posted in the forum of the 'losing' system, and frankly, it can get a mite annoying to have someone constantly dogging on your pet console.


That said, I don't think graphics are an unfair comparison if they are PART of a review. A good review ways graphics, sound, controls, accessibility and (most importantly) gameplay. If your review focuses on one of these to the exclusion of others, then people will generally complain.


As to a SYSTEM comparison, the 7800 is in some ways techincally superior (more sprites, better resolution, more colors, higher res graphics etc), and in other ways it's inferior (sound, architecture is rigid and doesn't allow for as much flexibility etc). Of course it's better in some ways, it came out later.


That said, like any system, capability does not equal playability. The ps2 was by far the biggest seller of the last console generation, yet it was far inferior technically to the xbox. Games are what sells, and the 5200 has a very high ratio of good-great games in it's library. Honestly, there are only ten or so games that are average or worse, in my opinion. The 7800 suffers from 'cheapass Trameil' syndrome, and there are a lot of stinkers in the library. That said, the games that are good are quite good indeed. There are several great original titles, a pile of awesome arcade ports, and a few oddball games worth owning.


As a whole, given the choice between having one or the other, I'd take a 5200 just because out of the several dozen games, I like pretty much all of them. As far as the 7800 is concerned, I like about half the library. Too bad the Trameils didn't push the system more. It could have done some amazing things.


In the end, I like both. They're both Ataris after all ;)



It would be gay for me to say all the 5200 games are better playing then the 7800. That is just not true in my opinion. I am not dogging either system. I am just saying certain games are better on the 7800 and some better on the 5200. I am not saying the 7800 has more good games in a whole. Just certain game ports they both share are better on one system or the other. I am comparing games, and yes I am comparing playability as well. What is this somekind of secret Atari cult? Where it is unlawful to have an opinion that says there Pet System is not as good as the port on another system by the same company even? PS2 is weaker then the Xbox, but the ports are 98% identical. I have Red Dead Revolver and The Punisher on Xbox and PS2. Only a critic with a microscope can fine comb the errors between them. You dont need to fine comb the graphics when comparing some games like 5200 Joust vs 7800 Joust. Joust 7800 looks better and plays just as good as the 5200 version. I have the benefit of playing both systems. There are guys here who worship the 5200 and go on the 7800 forum and say how terrible the 7800 system is. The same goes for the 7800 people. I am not trying to fuel any of this. This is my personal comparison between games they both share..... not the actual systems.

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which I totally agree, there will never be total 100% fact in the matter ever, even the crappiest of games is someone's favorite somewhere.


The main issue I had was comparing the 2 systems from a technical standpoint. The Genius's first statement was


"Not a system comparison. This is a game comparison. Although if you ask which has the better graphics, I will say 7800." wow your kidding me right? A newer system having better graphics??? Nooooo.


But right after saying this, every comparison compares graphics. I thought this wasn't a system comparison?? The graphical limitations of the 5200 is being compared directly to the limitation of the 7800 which is a system comparison. It should be based on gameplay alone. And for #5, Pac-man is better on the 5200 because it has more variations than the 7800?? Wtf is that?


Regardless, in the end it's still all opinion.



Yes this is a game comparison not a system comparison. I am sorry but graphics also fit into this catagory as well as gameplay. I never heard of game comparisons without graphic comparisons.




Yes your right, but not for two totally different generation of systems. No shit the graphics are going to be better. You dis the 5200's graphics on almost every game, no crap genius. Would you say that FFVII sucked because it didn't look as pretty as FFX? It's the same thing when you compare systems from 2 different generations.


You don't see anybody comparing the 5200 games in terms of graphics to the same 2600 counter parts do you?? That's because those people are all smart enough to understand that of fricking course the graphics are going to look better on newer hardware.


The 7800 is better than the 5200 in graphics, that's a given, compare them to straight up gameplay. Or compare the games from another system that is part of the same generation, Colecovision. That was my complaint, 2 sentence comparisons of games and the main focus was graphics. Or in the case of Pac-man, gameplay wasn't even an issue, Pac-man on 5200 won because it had more variants available????

Edited by Atari5200
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I think the main issue here is that people get annoyed when someone comes over and 'reviews' their pet system unfavorably in yet another 'vs' thread.. There are always thread like these, whether it be Colecovision vs 5200, 7800 vs NES, C64 vs 8-bits that get posted in the forum of the 'losing' system, and frankly, it can get a mite annoying to have someone constantly dogging on your pet console.


That said, I don't think graphics are an unfair comparison if they are PART of a review. A good review ways graphics, sound, controls, accessibility and (most importantly) gameplay. If your review focuses on one of these to the exclusion of others, then people will generally complain.


As to a SYSTEM comparison, the 7800 is in some ways techincally superior (more sprites, better resolution, more colors, higher res graphics etc), and in other ways it's inferior (sound, architecture is rigid and doesn't allow for as much flexibility etc). Of course it's better in some ways, it came out later.


That said, like any system, capability does not equal playability. The ps2 was by far the biggest seller of the last console generation, yet it was far inferior technically to the xbox. Games are what sells, and the 5200 has a very high ratio of good-great games in it's library. Honestly, there are only ten or so games that are average or worse, in my opinion. The 7800 suffers from 'cheapass Trameil' syndrome, and there are a lot of stinkers in the library. That said, the games that are good are quite good indeed. There are several great original titles, a pile of awesome arcade ports, and a few oddball games worth owning.


As a whole, given the choice between having one or the other, I'd take a 5200 just because out of the several dozen games, I like pretty much all of them. As far as the 7800 is concerned, I like about half the library. Too bad the Trameils didn't push the system more. It could have done some amazing things.


In the end, I like both. They're both Ataris after all ;)



There are guys here who worship the 5200 and go on the 7800 forum and say how terrible the 7800 system is. The same goes for the 7800 people.


The 7800 is a terrible system. Polling can prove this point and not just on this site but many others. The 7800 is not the worst ever, but it's probably in the top 5. It has one of the worst bad to good game ratios of any system released. I'd like to say I have a rather nice 7800 collection owning 3 systems and 35+ games, but I hate almost every one of them, no matter how hard I try to like them. Motopsycho had so much potential as did Fatal Run. Commando is fantastic but that's one of the few. Rampage was better than expected, but still falls well short of the NES version. And I'm sorry DracIsBac, but when you compare the 7800 to others in that generation of gaming, Sega Master System and NES, the 7800 games look like total garbage compared to what those systems could do. Hell, the people in Fatal Run look like they were pulled from a 2600 game. Atari doomed this system from the beginning, by the time it was released it was already obsolete. Yeah, thats the making of a fantastic system huh. The system could have done a lot more and should have, but at the end of the day, its a terrible system with the only redeeming factor being that it could play 2600 games.

Edited by Atari5200
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I don't understand this fighting back and forth with the 7800 and 5200. They are both great systems but are different. I love them both and play both on a regular basis (when I have the time. :( ). I just wish the 5200 haters would get a 5200 and enjoy it and the 7800 haters would get a 7800 and enjoy it as well. It's like people need to carry over the whole Microsoft/Sony thing over to their classic gaming. It's just stupid and a waste because both systems are great and have a really good future with many new games coming soon.



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I don't understand this fighting back and forth with the 7800 and 5200. They are both great systems but are different. I love them both and play both on a regular basis (when I have the time. :( ). I just wish the 5200 haters would get a 5200 and enjoy it and the 7800 haters would get a 7800 and enjoy it as well. It's like people need to carry over the whole Microsoft/Sony thing over to their classic gaming. It's just stupid and a waste because both systems are great and have a really good future with many new games coming soon.




Because of what both systems have in common, and that is that the parent company treated both like a piece of shit step child and those who owned them back in the day have a soft spot today.

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The 7800 is a terrible system. Polling can prove this point and not just on this site but many others. The 7800 is not the worst ever, but it's probably in the top 5. It has one of the worst bad to good game ratios of any system released.


In your personal subjective opinion, which you reguarly express as fact and not opinion, often deliberately attempting to fan the flames.


I happen not to share it. Good for you thinking most games are crap. It's your subjective opinion which I do not share.


You'll notice, however, that I don't actually come into this forum bashing the 5200. I do, however, have issue with 5200 owners who feel the need to stir up trouble by cutting down other systems in order to make themselves feel better.

Edited by DracIsBack
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The 7800 is a terrible system. Polling can prove this point and not just on this site but many others. The 7800 is not the worst ever, but it's probably in the top 5. It has one of the worst bad to good game ratios of any system released.


In your personal subjective opinion, which you reguarly express as fact and not opinion, often deliberately attempting to fan the flames.


I happen not to share it. Good for you thinking most games are crap. It's your subjective opinion which I do not share.


You'll notice, however, that I don't actually come into this forum bashing the 5200. I do, however, have issue with 5200 owners who feel the need to stir up trouble by cutting down other systems in order to make themselves feel better.


Speaking of personal subjective opinions...maybe he genuinely doesn't like the 7800. :roll: Just because you think he's putting down the 7800 to make himself better doesn't mean that is the case. Just because you're a huge 7800 fan doesn't mean everyone has to be. In fact....*gasp* maybe some people think it's crap. I don't, but it's no 5200. :cool:

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Speaking of personal subjective opinions...maybe he genuinely doesn't like the 7800. :roll:


I'd have no issue with it, if he didn't show up in the 7800 forum deliberately trolling for trouble.


Just because you think he's putting down the 7800 to make himself better doesn't mean that is the case.


I didn't say him - I said his system of choice. :-) A very select group of people -- and you know who you are -- seem to have this passion for showing up in 7800 forums -- and spouting off some diatribe of "5200 has the best game ratio in the history of all mankind and 7800 sucks ... and did I mention the 5200 has the best game ratio of all time?"


Honestly, if you like the 5200, great. Why attack another system in the process? For some reason, a few 5200 fans seem hell bent on this and I've never understood it.


Just because you're a huge 7800 fan doesn't mean everyone has to be
Of course not. I also wouldn't have as much of an issue if said people a) stuck in their own forums instead of trolling for trouble deliberately; and b) learned little things like "I think" and "IMO" - little things that most people do to avoid flame wars. Of course, some trolls fan the flames deliberately ...
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which I totally agree, there will never be total 100% fact in the matter ever, even the crappiest of games is someone's favorite somewhere.


The main issue I had was comparing the 2 systems from a technical standpoint. The Genius's first statement was


"Not a system comparison. This is a game comparison. Although if you ask which has the better graphics, I will say 7800." wow your kidding me right? A newer system having better graphics??? Nooooo.


But right after saying this, every comparison compares graphics. I thought this wasn't a system comparison?? The graphical limitations of the 5200 is being compared directly to the limitation of the 7800 which is a system comparison. It should be based on gameplay alone. And for #5, Pac-man is better on the 5200 because it has more variations than the 7800?? Wtf is that?


Regardless, in the end it's still all opinion.



Yes this is a game comparison not a system comparison. I am sorry but graphics also fit into this catagory as well as gameplay. I never heard of game comparisons without graphic comparisons.




Yes your right, but not for two totally different generation of systems. No shit the graphics are going to be better. You dis the 5200's graphics on almost every game, no crap genius. Would you say that FFVII sucked because it didn't look as pretty as FFX? It's the same thing when you compare systems from 2 different generations.


You don't see anybody comparing the 5200 games in terms of graphics to the same 2600 counter parts do you?? That's because those people are all smart enough to understand that of fricking course the graphics are going to look better on newer hardware.


The 7800 is better than the 5200 in graphics, that's a given, compare them to straight up gameplay. Or compare the games from another system that is part of the same generation, Colecovision. That was my complaint, 2 sentence comparisons of games and the main focus was graphics. Or in the case of Pac-man, gameplay wasn't even an issue, Pac-man on 5200 won because it had more variants available????


Dude you dont get it! You are the one I am referring to that goes to the 7800 forum and trying to sport your little penis system as if it is bigger then everybody's! You can tell everybody that the 7800 has terrible games, you can tell everybody that the 7800 is a piece of crap, and you talk as if you own it and hate it all over the 7800 forums. But I do a game comparison where I say certain games look better and play just as good on the 7800 and I am a idiot? You are a 1 dimensional idiot! I see things without being biased like you. Yea the 7800 is a more powerful system, but that does not mean all the games are better on it. But if you have both systems then you have the ability to choose. Something that you dont do. You claim every 5200 game plays better. Not true in my opinion. Alot of the 7800 games play just as good. But when you have a choice like me, then you can play the version that looks better and plays just as good. But the 5200 has games that the 7800 does not have which keeps me playing it to. So they both get equal attention. As far as my reviews, I am not going to type a novel trying to explain everything about how one is better. I can pretty much sum it up in a few sentinces, since I am doing more then one game.



Joust = Both play just as good but the 7800 has more features from the arcade that the 5200 doesnt. For instance the fire burns the bridge away while the 5200 version just dissapears. When you kill a person and a egg is replaced. They just all a sudden turn into a Jouster straight out of the egg. The 7800 version has the egg hatch and a bird comes to pick up the man. These are things other then graphics that the 7800 version has over the 5200.



Centipede = Other then basically the same graphics without the analog feature of the 5200 version. This one has 2 players! More Fun! That alone is a reason to play the 7800 version. Although I like playing it by myself on the 5200 more.



Asteroids = Two player option again! More fun to play co-op then playing by yourself ont the 5200 destroying some of the most hideous asteroids of all time. Meteorites looks better but still not as fun as the 7800 version. The 7800 version plays better then even the arcade in my opinion.


Pacman = I like the wider screen in the 5200 version over the narrow screen on the 7800. I also like using the WIco stick for playing over the proline 7800 controller. I also like playing Super Pac and Jr Pacman which are not on the 7800. But this does not mean I do not like playing Pacman Collection on my 7800. Because I personally like Mrs Pacman better on the 7800 vs the slow paced 5200 version.


As you can see I did no graphics comparison here. So as you can see other then graphics there are other bonuses to the 7800 versions over the 5200 versions. I cant compare too much more because games like robotron that play just as good as the 5200 have better graphics on the 7800. And that would be blasphemy to say here.


Like I said before I have both systems. My point of view would be expressed in a unbiased way. I personally think you dont have both systems. You like your 5200 and everything else sucks! Thats the kind of attitude that pours gas on the fire in a forum like this that was not intended to be this way. I figured we are talking Atari and it is a win either way.

Quit being a chump!

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I think the main issue here is that people get annoyed when someone comes over and 'reviews' their pet system unfavorably in yet another 'vs' thread.. There are always thread like these, whether it be Colecovision vs 5200, 7800 vs NES, C64 vs 8-bits that get posted in the forum of the 'losing' system, and frankly, it can get a mite annoying to have someone constantly dogging on your pet console.


That said, I don't think graphics are an unfair comparison if they are PART of a review. A good review ways graphics, sound, controls, accessibility and (most importantly) gameplay. If your review focuses on one of these to the exclusion of others, then people will generally complain.


As to a SYSTEM comparison, the 7800 is in some ways techincally superior (more sprites, better resolution, more colors, higher res graphics etc), and in other ways it's inferior (sound, architecture is rigid and doesn't allow for as much flexibility etc). Of course it's better in some ways, it came out later.


That said, like any system, capability does not equal playability. The ps2 was by far the biggest seller of the last console generation, yet it was far inferior technically to the xbox. Games are what sells, and the 5200 has a very high ratio of good-great games in it's library. Honestly, there are only ten or so games that are average or worse, in my opinion. The 7800 suffers from 'cheapass Trameil' syndrome, and there are a lot of stinkers in the library. That said, the games that are good are quite good indeed. There are several great original titles, a pile of awesome arcade ports, and a few oddball games worth owning.


As a whole, given the choice between having one or the other, I'd take a 5200 just because out of the several dozen games, I like pretty much all of them. As far as the 7800 is concerned, I like about half the library. Too bad the Trameils didn't push the system more. It could have done some amazing things.


In the end, I like both. They're both Ataris after all ;)



There are guys here who worship the 5200 and go on the 7800 forum and say how terrible the 7800 system is. The same goes for the 7800 people.


The 7800 is a terrible system. Polling can prove this point and not just on this site but many others. The 7800 is not the worst ever, but it's probably in the top 5. It has one of the worst bad to good game ratios of any system released. I'd like to say I have a rather nice 7800 collection owning 3 systems and 35+ games, but I hate almost every one of them, no matter how hard I try to like them. Motopsycho had so much potential as did Fatal Run. Commando is fantastic but that's one of the few. Rampage was better than expected, but still falls well short of the NES version. And I'm sorry DracIsBac, but when you compare the 7800 to others in that generation of gaming, Sega Master System and NES, the 7800 games look like total garbage compared to what those systems could do. Hell, the people in Fatal Run look like they were pulled from a 2600 game. Atari doomed this system from the beginning, by the time it was released it was already obsolete. Yeah, thats the making of a fantastic system huh. The system could have done a lot more and should have, but at the end of the day, its a terrible system with the only redeeming factor being that it could play 2600 games.




Polling can prove the 7800 is terrible??? Then check this out for polls!!!!




According to the poll here where the Angry Video Game Nerd who is one of the most watched characters on youtube has a poll below this video where he says how terrible the 5200 is. Out of 3023 votes from the last time I visited shows a 92% ratio of him being right about the 5200 being bad. Does that mean the 5200 is bad? According to the way you think?

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YAWN, this is getting silly. :ponder:


Look, phonedork, you've said 'you are just expressing your opinion'. However, most of the rude comments in this thread are coming from your end (penis sizes, atari cults, curing world hunger and the like ;) ) That's fine, no problem, but everyone else here also has their opinions, and we can express them too. Don't get upset if we don't agree with your views (or you ours or whatever). If you had actually bothered to read my post before rather rudely insinuating I am part of a 'secret atari cult', you'd have found I basically agreed with you, i.e both systems are good, the 7800 generally has better graphics, but I also pointed out that I feel the 5200 has a better library overall. That's my opinion. No big deal, we all have our different views. NO review is unbiased, regardless of what you intend (my own included), all reviews are opinion in the end. Relax! I like 'em both too! I have 90% of the libraries for BOTH systems, and have played both extensively. I had a 7800 when it first came out. Most of us like both to some extent, but we all have our favorites. Nothing wrong with you expressing your views, just don't be surprised when someone else expresses theirs, ok?


And stop with all the name calling / rude comments everyone. Let's keep it civil so that we can keep this on topic and have an interesting discussion, and not get it locked, ok?


Oh, and the 5200 is better :evil: j/k

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YAWN, this is getting silly. :ponder:


Look, phonedork, you've said 'you are just expressing your opinion'. However, most of the rude comments in this thread are coming from your end (penis sizes, atari cults, curing world hunger and the like ;) ) That's fine, no problem, but everyone else here also has their opinions, and we can express them too. Don't get upset if we don't agree with your views (or you ours or whatever). If you had actually bothered to read my post before rather rudely insinuating I am part of a 'secret atari cult', you'd have found I basically agreed with you, i.e both systems are good, the 7800 generally has better graphics, but I also pointed out that I feel the 5200 has a better library overall. That's my opinion. No big deal, we all have our different views. NO review is unbiased, regardless of what you intend (my own included), all reviews are opinion in the end. Relax! I like 'em both too! I have 90% of the libraries for BOTH systems, and have played both extensively. I had a 7800 when it first came out. Most of us like both to some extent, but we all have our favorites. Nothing wrong with you expressing your views, just don't be surprised when someone else expresses theirs, ok?


And stop with all the name calling / rude comments everyone. Let's keep it civil so that we can keep this on topic and have an interesting discussion, and not get it locked, ok?


Oh, and the 5200 is better :evil: j/k


What? The 5200 moderator guy is the one being rude. I said nothing about ending wars and hunger! That was somebody else. I even said that this is my opinion. I never put no system down. I was comparing games. The Atari 5200 guy said that the 7800 is crap. I say neither is crap. People question my reviews so I answer them. I am not trying to make anybody agree with me. I have even expressed that they are my opinions. So I really dont know what you are saying. I to believe the 5200 has a better library, but that is not the subject. The subject is the games both systems share and comparing them. I was not directing the atari cult thing at you.

Just take a look at this forum.....





You guys say its unfair to compare 5200 to the 7800 and yet there are people on this forum who actually try to compare it to a even bigger system the Nintendo. I say no contest and yet BOOM! Here come the 5200 guys knowing dam well the NES is more powerful and has more games. Really this forum was to compare between 2 atari systems in terms of ports. Not to fuel any fires. But you guys dont even like each other! I am sure everybody who has a NES propably plays the SuperNES to. Is this just an Atari thing?

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And you 7800 guys claim that the 7800 can be used for something other than a doorstop and a spare 2600!


Hey - if yours sucks, feel free to send it my way! Atari5200 and phuzaxeman can do the same with theirs. Heck, anyone else who has one but hates it, I'll be happy to take them off your hand free of charge!

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Comrades, this has gone on long enough. Are we no better than the NES and Coleco gamers? Have we lost sight of the sacred Fuji? For shame. I am ashamed even of myself and the other 7800 fans. But even more so of the 5200 fans. :P



Seriously though, as Atari gamers, we should fight this out on the score tables, where it counts. This is the behaviour of NES fanboys and their silly, complex story games.

Edited by Atarifever
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Comrades, this has gone on long enough. Are we no better than the NES and Coleco gamers? Have we lost sight of the sacred Fuji? For shame. I am ashamed even of myself and the other 7800 fans. But even more so of the 5200 fans. :P



Seriously though, as Atari gamers, we should fight this out on the score tables, where it counts. This is the behaviour of NES fanboys and their silly, complex story games.



Actually I think the NES people get along with each other more. People who own a NES propably own a Super NES and a N64. I am pretty sure they like them all the same. Its pretty much unheard of hating one and disliking another for fans of the same System Name regardless of generation. Unless there different like Sega VS Nintendo. Then there is WAR! I am a Sega fan, but I know there are games on Nintendo I wish was on Sega. :D

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Comrades, this has gone on long enough. Are we no better than the NES and Coleco gamers? Have we lost sight of the sacred Fuji? For shame. I am ashamed even of myself and the other 7800 fans. But even more so of the 5200 fans. :P



Seriously though, as Atari gamers, we should fight this out on the score tables, where it counts. This is the behaviour of NES fanboys and their silly, complex story games.



Actually I think the NES people get along with each other more. People who own a NES propably own a Super NES and a N64. I am pretty sure they like them all the same. Its pretty much unheard of hating one and disliking another for fans of the same System Name regardless of generation. Unless there different like Sega VS Nintendo. Then there is WAR! I am a Sega fan, but I know there are games on Nintendo I wish was on Sega. :D

"Actually I think the NES people get along with each other more." you think? have you even been on a nes forum? there's a greater fan base and theirs a lot of debates on a whole lot of issues since the nes is 1 of the best selling systems of all time. many of us have been on the atari 5200 forum for a while and for the most part its been great...matter of fact, you've helped stir up the negativity in this forum. anyone disagree?


the fact of the matter is, you complain about 5200 fans yet when people also have their opinions about your views, you complain yourself (using words like "penis, idiot" etc).


you wanna do a real review? how about submitting a full review on a game on all aspects to ataritimes.com. then you help the atari community and include all angles of the game (gameplay, controls, graphics, story). none of these half a$$ reviews.


you wanna be a 5200 contributer? how about participating in many of the 5200 rounds? your mouth gotz some skills but you got no game? :-)

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Comrades, this has gone on long enough. Are we no better than the NES and Coleco gamers? Have we lost sight of the sacred Fuji? For shame. I am ashamed even of myself and the other 7800 fans. But even more so of the 5200 fans. :P



Seriously though, as Atari gamers, we should fight this out on the score tables, where it counts. This is the behaviour of NES fanboys and their silly, complex story games.



Actually I think the NES people get along with each other more. People who own a NES propably own a Super NES and a N64. I am pretty sure they like them all the same. Its pretty much unheard of hating one and disliking another for fans of the same System Name regardless of generation. Unless there different like Sega VS Nintendo. Then there is WAR! I am a Sega fan, but I know there are games on Nintendo I wish was on Sega. :D

"Actually I think the NES people get along with each other more." you think? have you even been on a nes forum? there's a greater fan base and theirs a lot of debates on a whole lot of issues since the nes is 1 of the best selling systems of all time. many of us have been on the atari 5200 forum for a while and for the most part its been great...matter of fact, you've helped stir up the negativity in this forum. anyone disagree?


the fact of the matter is, you complain about 5200 fans yet when people also have their opinions about your views, you complain yourself (using words like "penis, idiot" etc).


you wanna do a real review? how about submitting a full review on a game on all aspects to ataritimes.com. then you help the atari community and include all angles of the game (gameplay, controls, graphics, story). none of these half a$$ reviews.


you wanna be a 5200 contributer? how about participating in many of the 5200 rounds? your mouth gotz some skills but you got no game? :-)




Yea the NES fans hate other systems. But not there own! You hate other Atari systems! Thats lame! A nintendo fan does not put down the Super NES. Thats what I mean. I did not stir up nothing. Everything is ok until I say a 7800 game plays better and here we go. If thats all it takes to stir you up you got problems. I think my reviews are pretty much fair although they are my opinion. I am not on no bandwagon. And why are we even talking about this? This is a game comparison. Why dont you play some of the 7800 ports and compare it to the 5200 ports and give me your review? The same with you 7800 players. You might actually like playing the other ports. Then maybe you guys will get along! AS for me I will always be the odd ball! Which basically means unbiased.




Choplifter 5200>7800


I take that back about Choplifter being better on the 7800. I actually like playing it more on the 5200. It appears that although the 5200 lacks the color of the 7800, it has better animation on the 5200. The chopper also controls better. I have noticed that the jets dont crash into you like the 7800 version. I think thats so cheesy!

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Comrades, this has gone on long enough. Are we no better than the NES and Coleco gamers? Have we lost sight of the sacred Fuji? For shame. I am ashamed even of myself and the other 7800 fans. But even more so of the 5200 fans. :P



Seriously though, as Atari gamers, we should fight this out on the score tables, where it counts. This is the behaviour of NES fanboys and their silly, complex story games.



Actually I think the NES people get along with each other more. People who own a NES propably own a Super NES and a N64. I am pretty sure they like them all the same. Its pretty much unheard of hating one and disliking another for fans of the same System Name regardless of generation. Unless there different like Sega VS Nintendo. Then there is WAR! I am a Sega fan, but I know there are games on Nintendo I wish was on Sega. :D

"Actually I think the NES people get along with each other more." you think? have you even been on a nes forum? there's a greater fan base and theirs a lot of debates on a whole lot of issues since the nes is 1 of the best selling systems of all time. many of us have been on the atari 5200 forum for a while and for the most part its been great...matter of fact, you've helped stir up the negativity in this forum. anyone disagree?


the fact of the matter is, you complain about 5200 fans yet when people also have their opinions about your views, you complain yourself (using words like "penis, idiot" etc).


you wanna do a real review? how about submitting a full review on a game on all aspects to ataritimes.com. then you help the atari community and include all angles of the game (gameplay, controls, graphics, story). none of these half a$$ reviews.


you wanna be a 5200 contributer? how about participating in many of the 5200 rounds? your mouth gotz some skills but you got no game? :-)




Yea the NES fans hate other systems. But not there own! You hate other Atari systems! Thats lame! A nintendo fan does not put down the Super NES. Thats what I mean. I did not stir up nothing. Everything is ok until I say a 7800 game plays better and here we go. If thats all it takes to stir you up you got problems. I think my reviews are pretty much fair although they are my opinion. I am not on no bandwagon. And why are we even talking about this? This is a game comparison. Why dont you play some of the 7800 ports and compare it to the 5200 ports and give me your review? The same with you 7800 players. You might actually like playing the other ports. Then maybe you guys will get along! AS for me I will always be the odd ball! Which basically means unbiased.




Choplifter 5200>7800


I take that back about Choplifter being better on the 7800. I actually like playing it more on the 5200. It appears that although the 5200 lacks the color of the 7800, it has better animation on the 5200. The chopper also controls better. I have noticed that the jets dont crash into you like the 7800 version. I think thats so cheesy!

"Yea the NES fans hate other systems. But not there own!" first off, people like me dont hate other atari systems. doesn't make sense. i've had every system atari put out when each had come out. i've even got a flashback I and II. as far as the nes forums, you havent read some of the "nes" vs n64 generations battle out. final fantasy and which mario game was the best are pretty big deals on other nintendo forums.


"Why dont you play some of the 7800 ports and compare it to the 5200 ports..." what's the point? you complain that atari fans fight against each other and yet you want me to compare the games? so i can fuel the fire you're creating? give me abreak.


i will say this, winter games, alien brigade, food fight, and xevious on the 7800 are my favorite ports. i even kinda like the cheesey ninja golf. the 7800 is a neat console but not 1 of my favorite among atari systems.


on a comparison in terms of all games and software (quality and quantity) on each atari system, the 8bit as a computer gaming systems hands down pound for pound takes all the atari systems. many atari fans will also agree that the 2600 will also win the nostalgia award almost every time (unless you were younger). but that doesn't mean that each atari fan doesnt have their own favorite console. to each their own....

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