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jboypacman's Blog - Colecovision Memories


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I had a good friend come into town for the weekend and i went and visited him tonight and i brought along my entire Colecovision collection for him to play and he was excited!


He didnt know i have been collecting classic gaming systems and games and when i pulled out my Coleco stuff his eyes lit up like a roman candle.


We played Smurfs,Time Pilot,Pitfall,Frogger,Donkey Kong and Donkey Kong Jr. which were his favorites when he was kid and he even called his sister and let her listen to what he was playing and had her guess what game it was.


He really got a kick out of Turbo and the Steering Wheel saying he had always want one of these but never was able to get one.


So it was a great night and we all had a blast playing Colecovision and bringing back some great memories of the past for a friend. :)






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