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Another C64 game...


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What a great effort on the C64.


This time I'm not suggesting a remake or else. But, have a look at it....

SUCH games are simply not done on the A8 and could easily be there...

G2F images are no handycap and even standard "Hardsynth" routines could give the right ambient.


Making an adventure game with a good story and using the upper limits in graphics and sound on the A8.

I guess, it ever will be unreal...

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What a great effort on the C64.


This time I'm not suggesting a remake or else. But, have a look at it....

SUCH games are simply not done on the A8 and could easily be there...

G2F images are no handycap and even standard "Hardsynth" routines could give the right ambient.


Making an adventure game with a good story and using the upper limits in graphics and sound on the A8.

I guess, it ever will be unreal...


OK. Do it!!



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What a great effort on the C64.


This time I'm not suggesting a remake or else. But, have a look at it....

SUCH games are simply not done on the A8 and could easily be there...

G2F images are no handycap and even standard "Hardsynth" routines could give the right ambient.


Making an adventure game with a good story and using the upper limits in graphics and sound on the A8.

I guess, it ever will be unreal...


Made in Hungary ;)

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SUCH games are simply not done on the A8 and could easily be there...


this game has been developed for like ~10 years. not non stop, and not without some years doing nothing. but it has seen shitloads of work. there's a HDD version for c64 aswell.


dont be fooled its not just the graphics you see. the story itself is very complex and very long aswell. you have many routes to solve things, you have conversations zillions of npcs, team members, items, wallsets... the homepage of the game seems to be down, already the screenshots are tiresome to watch through of all the gfx ;)

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Is there any portal where I can find later C64 software. Webs like www.c64.com, www.lemon64.com doesn't have later production from above 3 years.


That'll be Gamebase64 - they only have the previous Enhanced Newcomer in the database and it's not available for download because Protovision have the rights, but just about everything else is usually in there or added in the next update (my own Kikstart C16 isn't yet, f'example).

Edited by TMR
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Is there any portal where I can find later C64 software. Webs like www.c64.com, www.lemon64.com doesn't have later production from above 3 years.


There aren't that many outstanding titles. Besides Newcomer, the "Metal Warrior" series and "Turrican 3" are the major releases of the past decade.

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Cybergoth....Is C64 Turrican 3 anything like the amiga version (gameplay/level wise)...I ask as i've never seen it


Thankfully, it's a completely different game (Turrican 3 on the Amiga is widely recognised as "not much cop compared to the other two") and Manfred Trenz "signed off" on the thing since he works with AEG/Smash. It's unfortunately a bit buggy, but OSG gave it an 8 and it would've got a 9 or possibly a 10 otherwise.

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