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2600 rare game - $500K !?!?!?!

Curt Vendel

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I prefer if the members here act like adults......

That's asking too much apparently.


The biggest mistake Phantom made was telling everyone about this in the first place before he fully decided what to do with it. This produces a situation that allows endless whining and speculation and is why you just can't share information with people. Of course, excitement got the better of him I suppose.

And to be clear, I didnt know what I had and I let the cat out of the bag by accident. That wont happen again if there is an again. I wanted EVERYONE to share in the repros from making a better label for it because the one on it sucks to having give aways and contests and I was planning on using atleast half on a Secret Santa for this year and a few people know that, or try to get another repro that was undumped with some of the money or give to a charity in general that we all thought it would help. I wasnt sure how much I was taking from any repro profits of mine for these projects but it was going to be atleast half and I was going to encourage whomever made the carts to do the same. I wanted everyone to get involved and if you cant see that in the Original Gamma Attack thread then you obviously dont care or have a poor disposition on me for whatever reason. The fact is that I wanted to share this from the start and get as many people involved and to make it fun if we could and that was against peoples advice and looking back, i should have taken their advice and been more closed lip on the entire matter. Anyhow, those that think its not being shared are wrong. I said it here and if you dont know Im a man of my word then you dont like me nor know me. Really thats enough and I may just go end that auction right now as the only reason I havent is because I wanted to see how many looks it would get for the full week.

Please go talk about another subject as theres nothing really to this. No one is going to buy it and thats the entire point of why its priced so high, because I dont want to sell and I do want people to know it exists. I have an email interview with MTV and I can clear alot of the BS up there with all the hating thats going on. It maynot catch the joystiq readers atttn but i cant worry about every person that is in a tiff because they dont like to see this listing and the whole thing is rather silly so please lets just forget about this thing for awhile and take comfort in tha fact that I plan on sharing it when I can actually get the damn ROM off my cart. Thanks

Edited by Phantom
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I have an email interview with MTV and I can clear alot of the BS up there with all the hating thats going on.


......??? You mentioned this interview a few times before and it always sounds like a threat.... :???: :?

A threat? How? They want to interview me about the game.

I made sure its legit so I said yes.

And I asked Al to let me know if I should mention AA or not mention AA because I dont know if he wants the publicity and many reasons like that. If thats what you mean by a threat, I only asked because I thought I should so if I dont hear from Al, Im not mentioning AA at all because I dont know if he wants the site having all the attention it may cause. i dont know if it would or not create a stir but i thought it best to ask. As of yet no response and the interview should be handled later tonight. I dont understand your threat comment? I have respect for many people here and just because I am having difficulty with a handful of people, do you think Im going to Rip AA in anyway? Nah. I have many friends here that I enjoy reading their posts and talking thru PMs and I have never had an intention of commenting bad, I was just wondering if I shoudl comment on AA at all. If that wasnt the reason you thought that, please clarify as Im at a loss to begin with really. Thanks

Edited by Phantom
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Phantom, you would have never had a spot of trouble with me if you had ignored my "spell check" and simply answered the questions pertinent to the discussion, instead of commencing to call me names (which you did first, no matter how many times you assert otherwise.)


If you don't want the entire Atari collecting community to look like fools, you should cancel any MTV interview regarding your $500K cart. Whether to bring up AA is beside the point.


Although I do wish someone would give you $500K for that cart, maybe then you could afford to stop turning Priority Mail boxes inside out, recycled or not.

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Phantom, you would have never had a spot of trouble with me if you had ignored my "spell check" and simply answered the questions pertinent to the discussion, instead of commencing to call me names (which you did first, no matter how many times you assert otherwise.)


If you don't want the entire Atari collecting community to look like fools, you should cancel any MTV interview regarding your $500K cart. Whether to bring up AA is beside the point.


Although I do wish someone would give you $500K for that cart, maybe then you could afford to stop turning Priority Mail boxes inside out, recycled or not.


You wont be dragging me into anymore of yours or anyones BS anymore.

Comment however you like.

Say what you want about me in private but you did call me a thief 1st and anyone that knows me knows that is pure BS. For priority boxes no-less, most of which are reused ones but no, I wouldnt lose sleep over using a new one. Im sure you are a saint and never cheated on your taxes or a spouse or anything for that matter,ever. Im sure you are of the highest morals. Now please display some of those morals and keep me and my name out of your posts in the future. We are through AFAIC.

I would comment further but

Im just going to let your highschool antics speak for itself.

Thank you

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A threat? How? They want to interview me about the game.

I made sure its legit so I said yes.

And I asked Al to let me know if I should mention AA or not mention AA because I dont know if he wants the publicity and many reasons like that. If thats what you mean by a threat, I only asked because I thought I should so if I dont hear from Al, Im not mentioning AA at all because I dont know if he wants the site having all the attention it may cause. i dont know if it would or not create a stir but i thought it best to ask. As of yet no response and the interview should be handled later tonight. I dont understand your threat comment? I have respect for many people here and just because I am having difficulty with a handful of people, do you think Im going to Rip AA in anyway? Nah. I have many friends here that I enjoy reading their posts and talking thru PMs and I have never had an intention of commenting bad, I was just wondering if I shoudl comment on AA at all. If that wasnt the reason you thought that, please clarify as Im at a loss to begin with really. Thanks


Ah ok, I thought you want to talk about the BS that happened here on AA after your discovery! E.g. that every thread regarding Gamma Attack run into a battlefield and got closed..........! :dunce:

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A threat? How? They want to interview me about the game.

I made sure its legit so I said yes.

And I asked Al to let me know if I should mention AA or not mention AA because I dont know if he wants the publicity and many reasons like that. If thats what you mean by a threat, I only asked because I thought I should so if I dont hear from Al, Im not mentioning AA at all because I dont know if he wants the site having all the attention it may cause. i dont know if it would or not create a stir but i thought it best to ask. As of yet no response and the interview should be handled later tonight. I dont understand your threat comment? I have respect for many people here and just because I am having difficulty with a handful of people, do you think Im going to Rip AA in anyway? Nah. I have many friends here that I enjoy reading their posts and talking thru PMs and I have never had an intention of commenting bad, I was just wondering if I shoudl comment on AA at all. If that wasnt the reason you thought that, please clarify as Im at a loss to begin with really. Thanks


Ah ok, I thought you want to talk about the BS that happened here on AA after your discovery! E.g. that every thread regarding Gamma Attack run into a battlefield and got closed..........! :dunce:

Well no as it was only the end really and now this listing. I wouldnt be throwing AA under the bus because of that silliness. And the only reason I hadnt asked Al to reopen the thread was because I needed a break from the entire thing. IM glad this auction is over in a day and a half and maybe some normalcy can come back to the threads.


Anyhow, Take care and be well. I have more important things to do right now and hopefully when I come back to read, I wont have more silliness to answer. Not your Post Iwan. Just the general overall silliness about the listing as all questions should be now answered in full on the matter. Cheers

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I certainly don't want to drag fuel into a fire, I cannot believe I missed this whole thread. Shows how I have drifted from my beloved Atari this past month....


I do have a question for Phantom, though. Reasonably, you do know you won't get that money for it. You have said several times you would like to retain its actual value as a one-off. I do wonder though how much you had planned on making from repros?


Assuming you factor supplies to make a new run of these: Per game, ballpark estimates:


Donor cart $1 (all pac mans of course)

AA PCB with inverter $5-ish (don't exactly recall what they are each)

Labels (professional printed on equipment other than a desktop bubblejet) $1-2 each

Boxes $7-10 each, depending on paper weight and style, then die-cutting if you could find a die


Total then around 20-22 per game, your cost. Nows the time to factor in cost to produce, say 30 minutes of yours (or someone you underwrite to do it), I don't know, maybe 10 bucks each (its a lot of detail work for 10 bucks too) ? I don't have a clue whats fair, I am just guessing. You're now around 30 per game, in costs. Say you sell it for 45, shipped (save a buck or two and ship cheaply) you might make 10 a copy. I would say the classic game community would support a run of maybe 200 to start, as I have seen runs of 250 sit with extra inventory after a game show. Say you sold them all, that would be a profit of about 2-2500 your end, maybe 3K if you are snazzy with business stuff (I SOOOO am not). Then if you sold the game cart, you'd get maybe 2500 for it, again speculating based on what I know of very rare (one-off's) maybe 3K again.


Total, 6K. Not too shabby on a 50 cent find. It certainly sounds from your stories on other posts this would be money well used, to do with as you like, and folks would be able to enjoy the game too. Its all your choices man. Getting upset with folks is part of the "game" (no pun intended). They don't always have the social skills to deliver their message, and you have to know email/internet is not the best way to express themselves for many people. If you did alter the game, folks may or may not care, but you are not going to make more or less; its supply and demand.


Just my .24 and 1/2. Not to upset you, just a prospective of what its really worth. It is not intended to flame, upset or otherwise make bad. Just an observation.



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I have no clue how much profit could be generated from repros.

Ive never been involved with that end of it.

I think having the only original copy would retain its value regardless

after thought about it.

Repros will be made whether I make them or dump the ROM and others make them.

Why should I let others make money off of them? I guarantee the use from anything generated from such funds would go mostly to the greater good than to my pocket whereas thats where the Repro money would most certainly go, in the makers pocket, if I am just to dump it.

I cant worry about every repro ever made but I was hoping to get the bulk of buyers with the initial batch of them. Thats it. I have no idea how much profit can be made especially since I need a partner to make the actual carts. I was only hoping to get the immediate wants of everyone initially hoping that Hozer and others didnt make a boatload off of it and If I do a repro run, the profits would help possibly buy another undumped game to dump and to some sort of charity a secret santa may be part of it still if repros are a go. Im not sure whats going to happen as far as repros are concerened now though it will be dumped eventually. I get emails that someone different is the owner weekly and thats down from daily. People just playing games maybe but I dont know how everythings going to shake out. I dont know how much profit there would even be. I dont make games, I buy them. No offense taken by your post. Also, I spent about 5G's already this year(and its only Feb) and thats probably 1/3 to a half of what I spend each year. A few things came up and I decided to buy. I found it by accident and sure its a deal looking back now but out of the 3 lots and singles I bought this year, finding this definately makes up for any overpaying I may have done but .50 isnt accurate either. Cheers

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I have no clue how much profit could be generated from repros.

I'd take the estimate Cassidy put together to be fairly accurate, the guy know his stuff.


Is this a bad time to chime in and argue that it is immoral to profit from repros? If you don't own the rights to the work I believe you shouldn't be profiting from it. :ponder:

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