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ATR problem with Atari800Win


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Someone has tried to create a "atr" file with AtrUtil or MakeATR?


In a PC with Windows XP, I had no problems in creating a file ATR vacuum and then give MyDOS453 format with 1040 sectors. Then copy the MyDOS files DOS.SYS and DUP.SYS in the "atr" image created.


However, the ATR image created does not start in Atari800WinPlus 4.0 :?

Moreover, very often, I AtrUtil creating images ATR wrong. :(


Do I create an image "atr" which begins in Atari800Win?


Any thoughts? Thanks. Sorry for my bad english. :ponder:



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Your best bet is to make a blank unformatted ATR with one of the utilities, mount the blank image in drive B and a disk image of your DOS choice in drive A. Start the emulator and boot to the DOS menu. Format and write DOS files to drive B as you would on normal hardware. Once formatted, it is very easy to add files to the disk image with one of the utilities.


You can also create a disk image in Atari800WinPlus (Atari>Disk Drives>New Image




Someone has tried to create a "atr" file with AtrUtil or MakeATR?


In a PC with Windows XP, I had no problems in creating a file ATR vacuum and then give MyDOS453 format with 1040 sectors. Then copy the MyDOS files DOS.SYS and DUP.SYS in the "atr" image created.


However, the ATR image created does not start in Atari800WinPlus 4.0 :?

Moreover, very often, I AtrUtil creating images ATR wrong. :(


Do I create an image "atr" which begins in Atari800Win?


Any thoughts? Thanks. Sorry for my bad english. :ponder:



Edited by Guitarman
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