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Using the Atari 400 for BBS


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My 400 came in today (yay!) It fully works with 16k ram (Using an atari BASIC cart). It also came with a 410 data recorder. Can I use the Cassette player for BBS? Can I use an interface Module with that amount of RAM?


I would say, yes. :P Well, it COULD be done.


And you are DFW Texas right??


Oh that's right, you're partial to the 400. Hmmm... there is a lot that can be done. I think I might have said this before, but with the 400 it would make a good BBS machine with the following steps:


1) Get a 48K upgrade. You used to have to hand make these, now the service kits are more readily available.


2) A SIO2PC cable, so that you can hook up to a PC and have the Atari 400 believe it is eight - 16 meg drives (120 megs total). This will also handle your internet connection for you. Nice eh? :D


This will be a good way to start. From there you can build further.

Edited by doctorclu
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