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atari2600land's Blog - Shhh. It's a secret.


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I'm making a secret game. It's so secret, there will only be one copy in existance. I might make the binary file available if the 2008 Minigame Compo ever gets under way. The name of the game is "A Game." I couldn't think of a better title for it, well, anything that would make sense. I could have called it "Fred the Psychotic Pair of Yellow-stained Underpants That is Foaming At the Mouth," but I didn't. And it ain't about underpants, although the guy in the game might be wearing some, or he might be going commando. Who knows? It's secret. Or have I revealed too much already? Anyway, I made a label for it and will get it published and have a copy by early March. Lousy Smarch weather. The only details I will divulge at this point is it's 2k and it's not Virtual Dieter. Speaking of which, I redid the guy in Virtual Dieter and he now looks like this:


Basically what is different from my avatar is I moved his arm one pixel to the left. A very minor change I must admit, but it was bothering me that his arm was way out there so I changed it. And if you're the compulsive type who likes every binary file ever made with even the most minor changes, here you go.


Attached File(s)



virtualdieter8.bas.bin ( 2K )

Number of downloads: 0


virtualdieter8.bas ( 2.6K )

Number of downloads: 0






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