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Wico 5200. Any way to test without a y-cable/keypad?

midnight magicman

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Got a question for you 5200 experts.


Is there any way to test a Wico Command Controller without a y-cable? I just got one in a huge lot of gaming stuff & I figured I'd test it on a 2600 just for the heck of it & it didn't work. I figured it's cuz it's not digital, but I'm pretty much retarded when it comes to the tech stuff, so what do I do to find out if this thing works? I don't want to track down a y-cable or a keypad until I know for sure the main controller is operational.



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Got a question for you 5200 experts.


Is there any way to test a Wico Command Controller without a y-cable? I just got one in a huge lot of gaming stuff & I figured I'd test it on a 2600 just for the heck of it & it didn't work. I figured it's cuz it's not digital, but I'm pretty much retarded when it comes to the tech stuff, so what do I do to find out if this thing works? I don't want to track down a y-cable or a keypad until I know for sure the main controller is operational.




I recently bought a few broken/partially working Wico sticks and tested them by hooking them up to an Atari 400 (you can also use an Atari 800/XL/XE). Just hook up pin 6 of Wico stick to pin 9 of Atari 400 joystick port, pin 7 of Wico to pin 7 of Atari 400 and pin 8 of Wico stick to Pin 5 of Atari 400 and run the following in BASIC:


10 ? PADDLE(0),PADDLE(1)

20 GOTO 10


That should test out your range of X/Y motion of the stick. Buttons usually don't break on the Wico sticks but if you need to know how to test those in BASIC, I or someone else can let you know.

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Got a question for you 5200 experts.


Is there any way to test a Wico Command Controller without a y-cable? I just got one in a huge lot of gaming stuff & I figured I'd test it on a 2600 just for the heck of it & it didn't work. I figured it's cuz it's not digital, but I'm pretty much retarded when it comes to the tech stuff, so what do I do to find out if this thing works? I don't want to track down a y-cable or a keypad until I know for sure the main controller is operational.





The easiest way is to get a Y-cable! Some of these things that people are telling you to do would be more difficult to do then just looking on ebay for a y cable.





You look like Benny Hill! LOL!

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You look like Benny Hill! LOL!




That's not me dude, it's my fav guitarist. He does have a Benny Hill look though doesn't he? :-D


Thanks for all the suggestions so far guys. I don't have a 400 but plan on getting one within the next month, maybe I'll be able to test it with basic then.


Anbody else have any suggestions?



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You look like Benny Hill! LOL!




That's not me dude, it's my fav guitarist. He does have a Benny Hill look though doesn't he? :-D


Thanks for all the suggestions so far guys. I don't have a 400 but plan on getting one within the next month, maybe I'll be able to test it with basic then.


Anbody else have any suggestions?




To make things easier and not have to build/modify cables, you can get those wires that have one pin and a hole in the back so you can stick them into a port directly. I don't know what those wires are called (peg wires?). Then you can directly connect the three wires from Atari 400/800 to the Wico Stick and run a simple BASIC program. Good thing about Atari 400/800 is that they have 4 joystick ports so if you decide to use the 4th port you can simply use:


10 ? PADDLE(6),PADDLE(7)

20 GOTO 10


and the same Atari->Wico stick connections (pin 5->pin 8, pin 7->pin 7, pin 9->pin 6 ). It took me two minutes to test and calibrate the Wico stick with this set-up.

Edited by atariksi
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