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HI everyone


I have two cassette game tapes that were never open. Well they will only load the title screen and then say please wait while program is loading.

Well the program never loads in. Does anyone have any suggestions on how to get these tapes to load.

The Instructions say put the basic cartridge in computer then holddown the START KEY while turning machine on. Then it say push play

on the tape player then hit return. Well again the tape do load in the Title screen with the name of the game and writter of the program,but then

it says plase waite while program is loading,but it never loads in the rest of the program. Can I recover the games off these tape or not.

Again these were un open games and never have been used till now.




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Hi again



Well after the Title screen come up it goes silent for about a second then you will hear it trying to load up the rest of the program. This will

go on for a while since it is a 16K program,and then the computer will stop te tape and no program is loaded to play. So is it the tape or my Tape player.

Now the 410 tape player will save and load the programs that I have written, so I assumed that the tape player is working correct for that reason and since it does load the title screen off these programs, and just not the rest of the program needed to play. Now when you hold down the Start key on the computer and turn it on does this tell the machine to load up a machine language program. What is the intension for holding down the start button and then

turn the computer on while holding that button down??????????






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On both games instructions it says to put the Basic cartridge in your computer. Then Load the game into the tape cassette drive.

The funny thing is why does it say to hold down the play button on the computer while turning the computer on. Then push play on the computer.

Do you think my tape player could be the problem? I am using the Atari 410 tape drive. I have heard the Atari 1010 tape drive is better.

Is the 1010 tape better than the 410 tape drive???????






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