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Dislike us on english wikipedia...


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I try add info of Jetboy on english wikipedia. I add it as "Ports" section to "Jetpac" page. It was deleted (3 or 4 times). So, I add it as new info-page ("Jetboy (Jetpac port)". It was deleted too, so - I have question to English and American guys: Why dislike Atari portss on Wikipedia...? Are too stupid or sth else...?

Edited by Sikor
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I try add info of Jetboy on english wikipedia. I add it as "Ports" section to "Jetpac" page. It was deleted (3 or 4 times). So, I add it as new info-page ("Jetboy (Jetpac port)". It was deleted too, so - I have question to English and American guys: Why dislike Atari portss on Wikipedia...? Are too stupid or sth else...?


Usually entries get deleted because they don't meet (or someone feels that they don't meet) some established criteria. You should be able to check the edit history and see who is deleting your entry. If they aren't giving a reason you can complain to the Wiki people.


I seriously doubt this is some UK snub on the US Wiki. A page on the Odyssey2 port of Jetpac would be a very odd place to start a fight... :)



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Check the talk page. There's an explanation right there.


Also, the way you wrote it sounds like spam. I'd have probably deleted it too for that reason alone.


... and it says "unlicensed homebrew clone".... was a cause for the deletion....


Someone really has problems with his brain ;-) :

When deleting Jetboy cused by this fact, he'd have to delete the whole "Giana Sisters" entry. Because it is a real illegal clone...


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Oh my. The old C. vs. MK. war again :roll:


When will this end? :D


That's a good question.

But I wouldn't name it "war" . Or do you name it "war" if a dog is barking, because of something that looks strange?

Well, after the dog knows the "strange" , it gets strange no more and the dog has no cause for barking.

It's a matter of learning. But a dog that doesn't learn, always keeps barking.



My post belongs to the fact that someone deletes "Jetboy" because it is an unlisenced homebrew game.

According to this fact, the same guy must delete games like "The great Giana Sisters", because it was commercially sold which was declared illegal. TGGS is a "commercial" Super Mario Brothers clone.


So, there is no cause for insulting me, except he is one of those guys that say "A" and do "Z" ....

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And it's all about the patterns.


I just noticed Chrodegang spreaded some nonsense about me on another forum.


It was about my try of the Super Mario Clone, which I stopped working on long ago. Chrodegang made the suggestion that I stopped it because I encountered a coding problem which I couldn't solve


if I am informed right, he dropped the whole project due to some unexpected problems with the scrolling engine.


Though, there was indeed a problem, but I solved it. I dropped the project for other reasons, which mister C. likes to make false speculations about.

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