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program to convert file into a C array


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I wrote a program like that once, but never used it, since I realized that cc65 has a way to include binary data...


I wrote mine for a project where I needed to include Atari 6502 code in a program written to run on Linux... gcc doesn't have incbin.


Haven't heard back from the original poster, dunno whether he found it useful or not.

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You may also use the "xxd" program from the Vim package. It's available on most Linux systems (if you have vim installed) and also on Windows: go to http://www.vim.org/download.php and get the latest gvimXX.exe (currently gvim71.exe).


With xxd creating C-style arrays is really simple (I use it quite often in my Makefiles):

xxd -i infile outfile

so long,



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Hey thanks, that'll probably be easier. My compile environment is currently set-up for Xbox. I'm not sure how to compile something to run under DOS just yet. I'm still testing on the actual files right now but eventually want to integrate a few of them into the code itself.

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