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R@RE Atari 2600 Boxes, LOL


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The funny part is that I was not lying!!! (dialup)

Are you also calling from the 20th century?




Yes Dial up is very slow. That's why I am so happy to have hi speed as of last year. This saves me so much time waiting you wouldn't believe it. Anyway, You guys at Mythicon will be happy I have decided to revise this auction in a strong attempt to clear out the old toybox and thus make my wife happy ;)


eBay Auction -- Item Number: 140210414713

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How old are you, BruceBidder....? Just sometime I feel like I'm surrounded by people who never played Atari before all that other stuff came out.


Well you could check my stats but I'm 28 years old my first system was a 2600 when I was 5 and I still have it along with my games. I've been extensively collecting for 15 years I have over 1200 unique label variations and over 500 boxed games in prestine condition, not to forget my manual collection which is in the 800's. I'm still not sure what most of your comments mean they seem convoluted. You think most of the people here never played atari before what came out. Most of the people on here are late 20's or older and have some of the most amazing collections you could imagine. Also they all know alot about the collecting field. So what are you saying or asking?





i'm not trying to say I'm better than that or anything... but when I STOPPED collecting these games I had over 180 complete games (minus some boxes for some reason I didn't save) and that was over 15 years ago. I am now 35. I never got a Nintendo I just loved playing Solaris, Desert Falcon, Ballblazer (best two player game I ever played, hardest I ever laughed in a 2 player game) Jr Pac Man, Midnight Magic and Xevious. While my friend down the street was playing Zelda I was still playing Donkey Kong and Solar Fox and loving it. I don't collect label variations, sorry your thinking seems convoluted to me. But if you say they're collector's items, I suppose they are, and in 20 years if Antiques Roadshow is still on the road and if it ever comes to Detroit I think I'll be proud to say I have this collection that all came from one pretty rabid collector during the era. Do you see what I mean?



I think the problem here is that you have a guy trying to sell his old Atari stuff and trying to get obscene amounts of money for them, and not exactly winning it over with possible bidders on the items.


A lot of people on this forum that have not chimed in have tons of Atari boxed stuff that they collected from that time period, and a hell of a lot more than 180 titles. It's all relative as to the way you perceive your collection to be. While I see it being your choice to make a lot of money on your items, if you are looking for the "slow dime" as opposed to the "fast nickel", you're better off putting these in an eBay store for $0.05 a month and letting them sit with Best Offer prices as opposed to running eBay auctions.


It's no secret, they are severely overpriced, and if I could get prices like these for my stuff, I would be a multi-millionaire overnight along with half of the forum members here.

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