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80 Column Terminal Program help needed


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I have the disk image of the terminal program called IceT800 (this is the one that will run on a standard Atari 800XL not the 128K version.) When I load the program on my 800 XL it gives some instructions on how to get the program usable the 1st time it is run using the Atari DOS Append command but I have had no luck getting this to work. I was wondering if anyone has a copy of the disk image ready to run that I could download or have e-mailed to me.


My goal is to find a terminal program that has 80 Column display as I am trying to telnet to bbs's using APE. Bobterm works great but the 40 column display is not really readable.


Any recommendations on a good terminal program for use on an 800XL with the 80 Column mode option? Any terminal programs with ANSI display support?


Thank you

Edited by mrnukem
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I don't really care for it, but the only other choice for 80 column ANSI is FlickerTerm.


DrClu will be able to help you with either program - he is also an 800 user. I'll direct him to the thread for you.


Stephen Anderson

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