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atari2600land's Blog - Top Whatever - February 2008


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Here's a list of the games I've been playing for February.

-I'm still on a Mario Kart DS kick, although I've been getting a little tired of it lately.

-I made good with my promise and have played Tetris on GB. My current record is 199 lines.

-I've been playing with my Game Gear, most of the time Sonic 2 and Super Columns.

-Stella's Stocking. I don't see why people are bashing TC, though. But it could be just that I suck at playing video games. To quote Milhouse: "My mom thinks it's cool."

-I've also played Mario Bros. for the 2600.

-And Strat-O-Gems Deluxe for the 2600.

-And, if playtesting counts, I've been working hard on Asses of Fire since Monday.

And all the while, my poor Lynx has been getting neglected. I think I'll buy Pit Fighter for it in March to make it up to it. :)



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