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(Insert stupid Blog name here) - 2600 music - rockin' the Casbah


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One of my still-unfinished projects is to create a set of 2600 sound samples for use with Apple's GarageBand.


Thanks to this handy web page, I now know how to do just that.


The trick is, saving what the 2600 spits out as the correct* notes, so I can assign them to the right keys.


Tommy's java app gives a list of 2600 sounds and corresponding notes, but I need to be able to play those specific sounds in order to record them, and know which ones I'm playing. SoundX lets me play all the sounds the 2600 can make, but I don't know how to convert what SoundX shows onscreen, into the info I need.


So here's where I need some help. I either need a chart showing how to convert SoundX's sounds into the list Tommy has created, or a binary that will play the correct* notes, and display them on screen, so I can record them. (The latter being preferable.)


In the end, I'm hoping to end up with a GarageBand version of this. The only downside, is that GarageBand won't actually spit out any data useful for programming the 2600 (unless there's a way to convert the project files). But it would still be fun to play with. :)


Any help would be appreciated. :thumbsup:



* "correct" being a relative term when applied to the 2600's ability to generate anything resembling a note ;)



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