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StanJr's Blog - You Should Read Comic Books


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Well you should. I forgot to mention that I'll also be telling you, like you cared, what kind of crap I am reading (sometimes you Off Topic people want that kind of info as well, don't ask me why)


The comics you should be reading right now are:

Ultimate Spider-man

Mouse Guard

Any of the Avengers Secret Invasion stuff

Punisher (the Garth Ennis stuff, not War Journal)


Thor (the new series is incredible)




I'm sure there are other good ones, but I'm not remembering them right now.


Also, in book form, I am alternately reading the Grapes of Wrath and The Star Wars: Bounty Hunter Wars trilogy. Yeah, I know, talk about ends of the spectrum.



For today's lesson in why Capitalism is bad, consider this: OPEC has all but flat out refused to produce more oil, despite Warlord Bush's pleas for increased production as he (warlord) watches his country's economy plummet due to soaring gasoline prices. This means one thing and one thing only: some other country controls the fate of the United States. Yes I know, import/export is vital to every national economy, but being completely dependent upon another nation for a near necessity is just dangerous. I am not advocating raping Alaska to fuel our motor coaches. I am advocating an internal quest for an alternative fuel source so that the US does not rely on other, potential antagonistic, countries for a basic (almost) need. If OPEC wanted to, it could bring this country to a halt by cutting the oil supply. Now sleep comfortably at night, drive your SUV, and watch your flat screen, while you can...




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