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I am selling a whole bunch of rare goodies like Video life Manual!


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I don't know why you are not saying NWC Grey.



Might as well say hot pink, A2 is cannon fodder compaired to any NWC and the fact your spamming it into your A2 auction is clearly just for hits.


You want to find out for sure what one of your uber cool, should be worth a fortune carts that you have 2 of it worth? Start it at 1 cent and let it run for 10 days. I think thats the reality check you need.

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Classic arrogance of N.E.S. collectors shines through again. Hey at least you know about the Atari 2600. Half of N.E.S. colllectors don't even know what an Atari 2600 is.

I know I've stated this before - I'm not a NES collector. I only have ~ 140 NES carts, got more than 2.5x that for the 2600. ;)



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For me I guess I am biased on this game. For the longest time that I can remember playing the game is not good enough. I have to get the highest score I possibly can get. I like competing against other people's high scores. I love the fact that some company actually came up with an idea to give away a contest cart to elite contestents so people could compete with others. The fact that they were the first company to actually give away a limited supply of carts for the contest was genius. People forget about how serious video game competitions were back then. Take a look at a "King of Kong a fist full of quarters" and you get an idea of the craze people had with getting the highest score back then. There was a show that would air every saturday with kids competing against each other with video games to get a prize. It was called Starcade I used to love that show as a kid and would watch it all the time. When I found out about the fact that there was a cart that Imagic had called Atlantis II I had to have that cart. For me personally it had the most interesting history of any video game. I have acquired a ton of games over a certain time period. But no game ever gave me the drug high of Atlantis II. It was literally like being 8 years old at Christmas and getting all the presents that you wanted. I was not seeking out the second Atlantis II, but I had to have it because of the documents. Again I was on another high after having that game. As someone who likes to compete in video games this is the ultimate for my collection. Am I valueing this a little more than the average guy who likes to play for a few minutes of enjoyment with their Atari 2600? Most certainly yes. I have done things competition wise that 90 percent of video game players will never do. When I was thirteen I scored 1.45 million on Donkey Kong 3 at my local Boys Club. For 6 months no one could take it down. Then one day they erased all the high scores and it was eliminated. As an adult at AtariAge I have also had scores I am proud of. Like putting up with horrible Atari 2600 Journey music for 6 straight hours to score 5 million points. I am also proud of scoring 999,999 points on Megamania, or scoring over 200,000 points on Galaxian. Now I am not saying I am the best by any stretch of the imagination. People like 5th Ghost and Todd Rogers have done things on the Atari 2600 that I will never be able to acheive. But to achieve what I have achieved you have to put a lot of effort into what you are doing. As a symbol of my success I am very proud to have the 2 Atlantis II carts in my collection. If you don't get it than I understand. I just like competition carts a little more than the average guy.

Edited by homerwannabee
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Hey, you should have raised the price to $500,000, then you could have been interviewed by MTV! :ponder:

Hey Hole. You better quit your shit. Keep me and any reference to me at all out of your posts, ya got it?

You are now and have always been a troublemaking bitch. Is that clear enough for you?

Now go run and tattle like the trouble-making, grammar-correcting bitch you are.

This isn't your first reference to me about my listing but it best be your last.

Keep me out of your posts period... you lazy, cheap, trouble-making, poser!

Edited by Phantom
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Hey, you should have raised the price to $500,000, then you could have been interviewed by MTV! :ponder:

Hey Hole. You better quit your shit. Keep me and any reference to me at all out of your posts, ya got it?

You are now and have always been a troublemaking bitch. Is that clear enough for you?

Now go run and tattle like the trouble-making, grammar-correcting bitch you are.

This isn't your first reference to me about my listing but it best be your last.

Keep me out of your posts period... you lazy, cheap, trouble-making, poser!

What a touchy child. I can't even make a joke?


Here's a reference for you: you suck.

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Hey, you should have raised the price to $500,000, then you could have been interviewed by MTV! :ponder:

Hey Hole. You better quit your shit. Keep me and any reference to me at all out of your posts, ya got it?

You are now and have always been a troublemaking bitch. Is that clear enough for you?

Now go run and tattle like the trouble-making, grammar-correcting bitch you are.

This isn't your first reference to me about my listing but it best be your last.

Keep me out of your posts period... you lazy, cheap, trouble-making, poser!

Lemoncurry's post was perfectly fine. Your post, on the other hand is completely unacceptable. By running the auction the way you did and bringing up the fact that MTV wanted to interview you, you brought this type of attention to yourself. Learn to deal with it.



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And since this big baby won't let me mail him back:


Well, if only 20 of something were made makes one worth $500,000, then that sounds about right if 50 were made... ;)


Hey J.O.! Keep ANY and ALL reference to me or my past listing out of your posts, you got it?

That Coke was a fake and mine is not and a thief like that would have sold it like that regardless. You'd blame a guy born with one leg for being slow!


And you still dont get it do you? IT WAS NEVER FOR SALE!


Hey, 12 year old, I'm not about to start being bossed around by you.


I can make jokes. If you can't suck it up, that's your problem.


P.S. I'm "cheap" now? That's rich. You are the one who steals boxes from the PO.

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Hey, you should have raised the price to $500,000, then you could have been interviewed by MTV! :ponder:

Hey Hole. You better quit your shit. Keep me and any reference to me at all out of your posts, ya got it?

You are now and have always been a troublemaking bitch. Is that clear enough for you?

Now go run and tattle like the trouble-making, grammar-correcting bitch you are.

This isn't your first reference to me about my listing but it best be your last.

Keep me out of your posts period... you lazy, cheap, trouble-making, poser!

What a touchy child. I can't even make a joke?


Here's a reference for you: you suck.

You are the definition of a child. It never ends with you. Keep me out your mouth! Here's another BS comment of yours comparing my listing to that thiefs listing last week of a fake repro Coke.

Shit aint right and you need to grow the F*ck up! I Haven't posted on over a month and you just keep startin crap.


Well, if only 20 of something were made makes one worth $500,000, then that sounds about right if 50 were made... ;)


And you still dont get it do you? IT WAS NEVER FOR SALE!

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You are the definition of a child. It never ends with you. Keep me out your mouth! Here's another BS comment of yours comparing my listing to that thiefs listing last week of a fake repro Coke.

Shit aint right and you need to grow the F*uck up! I Haven't posted on over a month and you just keep startin crap.

I just put you on moderator preview. Another outburst like this and you will be permanently banned.



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You are the definition of a child. It never ends with you. Keep me out your mouth! Here's another BS comment of yours comparing my listing to that thiefs listing last week of a fake repro Coke.

Shit aint right and you need to grow the F*uck up! I Haven't posted on over a month and you just keep startin crap.

I just put you on moderator preview. Another outburst like this and you will be permanently banned.



THANK you.

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The problem is if people weren't just listing items to brag even if they "aren't for sale in the first place" is pretty pompous to everyone.


It happens all the time with rare items. You see gold NWCs, Atlantis IIs, and other crazy stuff up for wild offers a dozen times. If they aren't "for sale", don't put them up at stupid amounts of money then. I can see it once in awhile on 10 cent listing day with a best offer, but that's the main problem here.


It's all hype and marketing for this A2, and a lot of people still don't seem to get it through their head that any type of attention and press (even bad press) is still that, PRESS AND COVERAGE. I remember when Jollerancher did this with his high dollar items, and people went nuts for it, even if they did not have the money.


There's a lot of people on these forums with one of a kind never before seen items and you don't seem them flaunting them on eBay left and right, making threads and trying to get everybody to buy something that is supposedly either "not for sale", or just waiting to "cash in" from the one person crazy enough to fall for the presented hype (like Atlantis II).


Obviously people can do what they want, but these type of things are basically just baiting people to respond to the messes.

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It wasn't to brag. It was to let more than just AA members know it existed without being OBLIGATED to sell it. Does anyone really think that AA & DP are the only places all the Atari collectors of the world hang? There are many that dont even know AA or DP and such exist. It was never for sale and never will be. Never again will I let anyone know I even have one when I find one similar. I will find another similar game because I'm always hunting for items I dont yet own. But I wont go through this crap again.


No the next time there will be No thread. No listing. No anything.

Yea I'm sure many of you are saying there wont be a next time and I'm sure some of you are hoping I dont find anything ever again for your own personal reasons but know that I most likely will find another and next time, I will not rush to find out info on it. I'll research it all myself and it will be my secret. So many complain about people that don't share and then when they do, everyone wants it on their own individual terms. I've pretty much done what has been asked of me and yet still I get grief for it.


No one has to bother blocking me because if you can't tell, I dont like contributing to the baloney of these threads anymore. You wont hear from me again and all I have asked to begin with, is to keep any reference, to and of me, out of any of your posts.

Is that really too much to ask? I guess that it is.

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The problem is if people weren't just listing items to brag even if they "aren't for sale in the first place" is pretty pompous to everyone.


It happens all the time with rare items. You see gold NWCs, Atlantis IIs, and other crazy stuff up for wild offers a dozen times. If they aren't "for sale", don't put them up at stupid amounts of money then. I can see it once in awhile on 10 cent listing day with a best offer, but that's the main problem here.


It's all hype and marketing for this A2, and a lot of people still don't seem to get it through their head that any type of attention and press (even bad press) is still that, PRESS AND COVERAGE. I remember when Jollerancher did this with his high dollar items, and people went nuts for it, even if they did not have the money.


There's a lot of people on these forums with one of a kind never before seen items and you don't seem them flaunting them on eBay left and right, making threads and trying to get everybody to buy something that is supposedly either "not for sale", or just waiting to "cash in" from the one person crazy enough to fall for the presented hype (like Atlantis II).


Obviously people can do what they want, but these type of things are basically just baiting people to respond to the messes.

Actually that is a pretty good point. Though I want to say I am not as bad as I think I am made out to be. Let's look at the facts.

1. I could of offered the Video Life Manual at an insane amount but instead I started it off at .99 cents.

2. I did not mention the Atlantis II by name in the thread. Two others mentioned it before I chimed in.

3. Most of my auctions are started off at .99 cents, and I let the market bear what it's worth.

4. I don't have the type of Ebay rating that most people have who are out to make a quick buck.

5. I am extremely honest with my dealings with others.

6. It is more for sale than you think. I may need money for my education if I have to repeat my class. I am willing to sacrifice an Atlantis II cart if it means getting my B.A.

7. I put it at it's current price $5,050 to end people being so defensive about how N.W.C. Gold or Grey is worth more than Atlantis II. Now they will have a number to point to instead of just opinion. I also put it at that price, so that for at least a couple years someone will not try to put one up for $50,000 or 1.75 million. I truly believe that most of the reason people respond so agressivley against the cart is that it has been an extremely long time since it was put up for auction with no reserve or high price on Ebay.

8. I also announced putting it at $5,050 to try to divert attention away from the Phantom, Lemoncurry drama. Unfortunately that did not work.

9. I have a best offer for a reason. I was testing the waters. But I have now realized that people get put off by the top dollar amount, and the more reasonable I offer the A2 cart the more reasonable the offers will become. If the water is warm enough I may jump in.

10. I almost never bad mouth people even when baited to do so. Though after around 4,400 posts I have slipped up a couple of times. But well over 99 percent of my posts are not critical of others in any way.

Edited by homerwannabee
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The problem is if people weren't just listing items to brag even if they "aren't for sale in the first place" is pretty pompous to everyone.


It happens all the time with rare items. You see gold NWCs, Atlantis IIs, and other crazy stuff up for wild offers a dozen times. If they aren't "for sale", don't put them up at stupid amounts of money then. I can see it once in awhile on 10 cent listing day with a best offer, but that's the main problem here.


It's all hype and marketing for this A2, and a lot of people still don't seem to get it through their head that any type of attention and press (even bad press) is still that, PRESS AND COVERAGE. I remember when Jollerancher did this with his high dollar items, and people went nuts for it, even if they did not have the money.


There's a lot of people on these forums with one of a kind never before seen items and you don't seem them flaunting them on eBay left and right, making threads and trying to get everybody to buy something that is supposedly either "not for sale", or just waiting to "cash in" from the one person crazy enough to fall for the presented hype (like Atlantis II).


Obviously people can do what they want, but these type of things are basically just baiting people to respond to the messes.

Actually that is a pretty good point. Though I want to say I am not as bad as I think I am made out to be. Let's look at the facts.

1. I could of offered the Video Life Manual at an insane amount but instead I started it off at .99 cents.

2. I did not mention the Atlantis II by name in the thread. Two others mentioned it before I chimed in.

3. Most of my auctions are started off at .99 cents, and I let the market bear what it's worth.

4. I don't have the type of Ebay rating that most people have who are out to make a quick buck.

5. I am extremely honest with my dealings with others.

6. It is more for sale than you think. I may need money for my education if I have to repeat my class. I am willing to sacrifice an Atlantis II cart if it means getting my B.A.

7. I put it at it's current price $5,050 to end people being so defensive about how N.W.C. Gold or Grey is worth more than Atlantis II. Now they will have a number to point to instead of just opinion. I also put it at that price, so that for at least a couple years someone will not try to put one up for $50,000 or 1.75 million. I truly believe that most of the reason people respond so agressivley against the cart is that it has been an extremely long time since it was put up for auction with no reserve or high price on Ebay.

8. I also announced putting it at $5,050 to try to divert attention away from the Phantom, Lemoncurry drama. Unfortunately that did not work.

9. I have a best offer for a reason. I was testing the waters. But I have now realized that people get put off by the top dollar amount, and the more reasonable I offer the A2 cart the more reasonable the offers will become. If the water is warm enough I may jump in.

10. I almost never bad mouth people even when baited to do so. Though after around 4,400 posts I have slipped up a couple of times. But well over 99 percent of my posts are not critical of others in any way.



Phantom, calm down. I did not even refer to you. It was a generalization about all high dollar items put on eBay multiple times. I think you could have had that game in the news from multiple game sites of its discovery like Jollerancher did from his eBay listing, that was a clever marketing tool to begin with, but in my opinion, you should never use eBay to put things up to display as "news", that does not really make sense. I'm just glad you are allowing the release of the cart for everyone to play on an actual 2600, and you are keeping your investment with it, so as far as I am concerned, the topic of your game should be completely finished.


Homer: It all boils down to you wanting the most for your product, and the way you are marketing it is the only way to do it. SOme people are naive about values, and like the gray carts that sold over 5K at one time, it just takes one person to do it, and there's your 5K. Personally, I would only want the A2 paperwork, as in this day and age of copies/boots/repros, I would never take a chance on something like that, even in comparison to "originals" like a copy of a Mickey Mantle and the original holding its value. With the 2600, I am fine with that, but the paperwork means more on my end at least.

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You wont hear from me again...
Oh God, please let it be true. A self-imposed ban is as good as a real one if it's not a lie.
... and all I have asked to begin with, is to keep any reference, to and of me, out of any of your posts.

Is that really too much to ask? I guess that it is.


I can "reference" anything I damn well want to. I didn't even name what I was referencing, for cryin' out loud.


I was making an inside joke. You are oversensitive, must be because you know deep down inside that you were wrong all along.


I am glad I could guilt you into at least letting the community pay you for the privilege of being able to play that wonderful game that the author never bothered releasing which you totally lucked into. As for "next time," the odds of that happening are so infinitesimally low that to conjecture about it is absurd.


Also, you have chastised me for ever editing my posts, but you have done so on every new post! This is known as "hypocrisy."


Now please go away like you promised (again).

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Phantom, calm down. I did not even refer to you. It was a generalization about all high dollar items put on eBay multiple times. I think you could have had that game in the news from multiple game sites of its discovery like Jollerancher did from his eBay listing, that was a clever marketing tool to begin with, but in my opinion, you should never use eBay to put things up to display as "news", that does not really make sense. I'm just glad you are allowing the release of the cart for everyone to play on an actual 2600, and you are keeping your investment with it, so as far as I am concerned, the topic of your game should be completely finished.


I am calm and I didnt think I was being harsh towards you and I am sorry if you took it as such. I didnt even quote you. There are many with similar sentiments though, like How could I list it for that? I wanted to hit the lottery! & that I really wanted 500Gs for it and they make sly comments that they "know" what I was really doing and yada yada yada. I clear it up everytime and yet still I get grief for it. I've never told anyone what they should do with their games or items and I dont think it is anyones right to. I did what I thought was best to get it out the word that it was found and I still say Ebay is the best way to let it be known that something is found, especially globally, even if some people get in a tiff about it. It doesnt change the fact that more people now know about it than any other way of me letting it be known and more importantly, in less time and lil money was spent to do so. If someone found something like this, I would want to know about it and I remember a time when I didnt know AA existed and therefore I would have never known possibly, if I never stumbled across AA. Pick any proto/super rare game not known to still exist before say around '03. Before that I never knew about any finds! So I took the guillable approach that people would want to know Like I would have back then and that listing it wouldnt be a big deal. I was wrong. I still dont get the uproar because of my listing or what the big deal was all about so forgive me. There is stuff listed all the time on Ebay that I cant afford and think is way overpriced but it still doesnt give me a need or right to feel entitled to go email the person and tell them I think they are nuts and tell them off and yet, the responses I've got for the listing go far greater than that in emails, PMs and posts. Yes I made mistakes and I cant stay mad at myself about them because its the past and I cant change it. Truth is, I didnt really think any of it was a big deal and didnt expect all the BS that transpired. But what I get angry about is people trying to tell me (and posting as much) what my true intentions were and are and such. No one has the right to gossip about others intentions, publicly no-less.


Also, I dont see it as right to be compared to some phony that sold a repro of Coke Wins for 5G's or somehow be insinuated that my auction is the reason it possibly sold for that. I say possibly because Im hoping the buyer was a fake account that just blew up a bogus fraud of an auction. A joke is one thing, a constant harping on it, in every thread because of a personal axe to grind is another and that Coke Wins thread is about a flat out scammer (which I am not and my listing never was) and it makes me angry to be compared to such and it is not right. I shouldn't have to defend my past listing against scam crap period and thats what that Coke Wins auction was.


If I find something else though, this has taught me many lessons and mistakes, none of which will be repeated. No hard feelings towards you. You have your opinions and youre entitled to them. I still dont see the harm in making a listing everyone knows no one will buy though I do now know that people will lynch you for it. I wasted my money to do it and if someone wants to waste their money, then so be it IMO. If someones crazy enough to plunk down that kinda coin for a game, they are absolutely crazy, but I wasnt taking a remote chance that anyone would do so at any price and obligate me to sell. Thats all I've said and have been trying to get through to people yet that somehow makes no sense to some and they cant let it go and leave me out of their posts. Anyhow, No hard feelings TR.

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You wont hear from me again...
Oh God, please let it be true. A self-imposed ban is as good as a real one if it's not a lie.
... and all I have asked to begin with, is to keep any reference, to and of me, out of any of your posts.

Is that really too much to ask? I guess that it is.


I can "reference" anything I damn well want to. I didn't even name what I was referencing, for cryin' out loud.


I was making an inside joke. You are oversensitive, must be because you know deep down inside that you were wrong all along.


I am glad I could guilt you into at least letting the community pay you for the privilege of being able to play that wonderful game that the author never bothered releasing which you totally lucked into. As for "next time," the odds of that happening are so infinitesimally low that to conjecture about it is absurd.


Also, you have chastised me for ever editing my posts, but you have done so on every new post! This is known as "hypocrisy."


Now please go away like you promised (again).

You NEVER stop making trouble and anyone that cant see that is blind.

One thing is for sure, a person that spends lil money has no chance of finding one,

so that rules you out from ever finding one.

And to think you guilted me into anything is what is absurd. You have a grand opinion of yourself.

Next you will claim you are god. If anything is absurd, it is your post above.

You are nothing and you mean nothing.

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You wont hear from me again...
Oh God, please let it be true. A self-imposed ban is as good as a real one if it's not a lie.
... and all I have asked to begin with, is to keep any reference, to and of me, out of any of your posts.

Is that really too much to ask? I guess that it is.


I can "reference" anything I damn well want to. I didn't even name what I was referencing, for cryin' out loud.


I was making an inside joke. You are oversensitive, must be because you know deep down inside that you were wrong all along.


I am glad I could guilt you into at least letting the community pay you for the privilege of being able to play that wonderful game that the author never bothered releasing which you totally lucked into. As for "next time," the odds of that happening are so infinitesimally low that to conjecture about it is absurd.


Also, you have chastised me for ever editing my posts, but you have done so on every new post! This is known as "hypocrisy."


Now please go away like you promised (again).

PS> I edited my posts for grammar and such because of your nonsense and so not to hear your garbage but why I thought that would get you not to make trouble was dumb on my part. Hipocrisy would be if I actually changed words and therefore, the meaning of the post like you are known for.

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You wont hear from me again...
Oh God, please let it be true. A self-imposed ban is as good as a real one if it's not a lie.
... and all I have asked to begin with, is to keep any reference, to and of me, out of any of your posts.

Is that really too much to ask? I guess that it is.


I can "reference" anything I damn well want to. I didn't even name what I was referencing, for cryin' out loud.


I was making an inside joke. You are oversensitive, must be because you know deep down inside that you were wrong all along.


I am glad I could guilt you into at least letting the community pay you for the privilege of being able to play that wonderful game that the author never bothered releasing which you totally lucked into. As for "next time," the odds of that happening are so infinitesimally low that to conjecture about it is absurd.


Also, you have chastised me for ever editing my posts, but you have done so on every new post! This is known as "hypocrisy."


Now please go away like you promised (again).

PS> I edited my posts for grammar and such because of your nonsense and so not to hear your garbage but why I thought that would get you not to make trouble was dumb on my part. Hipocrisy would be if I actually changed words and therefore, the meaning of the post like you are known for.

I think he may be baiting you Phantom. The community has been good to you on a whole. It looks like your Gamma Attack will sell out. Things are not as bad as you think. This is not the time to try to get the last word.

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You wont hear from me again...
Oh God, please let it be true. A self-imposed ban is as good as a real one if it's not a lie.
... and all I have asked to begin with, is to keep any reference, to and of me, out of any of your posts.

Is that really too much to ask? I guess that it is.


I can "reference" anything I damn well want to. I didn't even name what I was referencing, for cryin' out loud.


I was making an inside joke. You are oversensitive, must be because you know deep down inside that you were wrong all along.


I am glad I could guilt you into at least letting the community pay you for the privilege of being able to play that wonderful game that the author never bothered releasing which you totally lucked into. As for "next time," the odds of that happening are so infinitesimally low that to conjecture about it is absurd.


Also, you have chastised me for ever editing my posts, but you have done so on every new post! This is known as "hypocrisy."


Now please go away like you promised (again).

PS> I edited my posts for grammar and such because of your nonsense and so not to hear your garbage but why I thought that would get you not to make trouble was dumb on my part. Hipocrisy would be if I actually changed words and therefore, the meaning of the post like you are known for.

I think he may be baiting you Phantom. The community has been good to you on a whole. It looks like your Gamma Attack will sell out. Things are not as bad as you think. This is not the time to try to get the last word.


He most certainly is baiting me and it is good to see someone else actually notice and comment about it though it is blatantly obvious. I made no comment that could even be misconstrued as "out of line" and I made sure of that. He can attack me all he wants but if he really wants me to not post, he would stop referencing me at all. I do not respond if not asked to or egged on to so it is quite obvious he does so to bait me. Yes, it is quite obvious what his goal is here. Cheerio

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