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He most certainly is baiting me and it is good to see someone else actually notice and comment about it though it is blatantly obvious. I made no comment that could even be misconstrued as "out of line" and I made sure of that. He can attack me all he wants but if he really wants me to not post, he would stop referencing me at all. I do not respond if not asked to or egged on to so it is quite obvious he does so to bait me. Yes, it is quite obvious what his goal is here. Cheerio

How about, maybe, not taking the bait if that's what you feel it is? :ponder:



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He most certainly is baiting me and it is good to see someone else actually notice and comment about it though it is blatantly obvious. I made no comment that could even be misconstrued as "out of line" and I made sure of that. He can attack me all he wants but if he really wants me to not post, he would stop referencing me at all. I do not respond if not asked to or egged on to so it is quite obvious he does so to bait me. Yes, it is quite obvious what his goal is here. Cheerio

How about, maybe, not taking the bait if that's what you feel it is? :ponder:




Well I guess the need to defend myself overides the knowing it is bait after it builds up enough and if I say nothing wrong, I figure I am entitled to defend myself. If I am attacked, I respond. Its quite primative and simple but sitting back and allowing the baiter to go on unfettered doesnt sit well with me either. I tried that hoping that if I kept quiet, that maybe the comments would stop but they haven't and I guess they never will. To be compared to the 5G Coke Wins guy of recent was flat out wrong and it took everything I had not to say anything about it last week and tried to just let it go but how long do I have to watch someone bash me and make references to me that are presumptious and false like those in the Coke Wins thread which is about a repro to begin with and an obvious crook. That dude that listed that is an absolute crook and Im being referenced in it? Its not right. I cant even keep quiet and be left alone without the baiters not taking jabs. Since when is it ok to start trouble? It is definitley intentional no matter how coy they think they are. It's quite simple, if Im attacked enough, I respond. I've tried ignoring it but I can only do so for so long. If I must respond, I will respond in a way that is fitting and non vulgar. I hope not to post unless asked a question so hopefully I can go back to reading and be left alone. Thanks

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How about, maybe, not taking the bait if that's what you feel it is? :ponder:





I'm just wondering how lemoncurrry who posts more about people's spelling and grammar than he does about Atari doesn't get a few smacks from the administration for poking at whoever he can to get a reaction.

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Phantom, our feud does not go back very far. You defended stealing Priority Mail boxes, and I asked you some questions about it that you never answered, preferring to jump down my throat and commence calling me names for correcting some grammar, something which plenty of others do around here with impunity. And I didn't sit still for it. And you got a little enforced vacation over it, so it's obvious who was in the wrong there.


Yes, my last post was pretty obviously baiting, what terrific insight you have, but it doesn't make it any less true. You know my prodding entered into your decision to knock off with the Gollum impersonation. Me, I would have simply made the code available. You think you're some kind of hero for digging into the community's pockets over your lucky find?


By the way, I myself am a programmer with plenty of experience doing machine-level coding, and I find it appalling that anyone would refer to the Gamma Attack program as "Phantom's". Nor does the ability to dump a ROM, burn it to an EPROM, do a little soldering, screw a cart shell together and whip up a label impress me. (It might impress me a little more if the words on the label could at least be spelled correctly, maybe you should have someone with some brains check it over before it's printed.)


The hypocrisy I was talking about was editing all your posts, hours later sometimes, while having ragged on me for doing it minutes later to fix actual typos. I have never changed the meaning of any of my posts, you liar. (Note, this is not name calling at this point, it is a documented fact.)


Also, you have no idea how much I spend on this or any hobby; do you even pretend to know any of my eBay handles, of which I have several? Just because I don't post fake auctions to show off my prized possessions doesn't mean I don't have any. And pimping Atari auctions is not "posting about Atari" either.


And Shawn, I no longer post grammar corrections at all, as once I learned it was as irritating to some others as the errors were to me, I said I'd stop doing it and I kept my word, something evidently beyond the capabilities of some others. I don't get reprimanded because I don't deserve it. The comments I have made to Phantom today were because he did deserve it, he went mental over a couple clever inside-joke-type references and he's now one post away from being banned permanently.

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And Shawn, I no longer post grammar corrections at all, as once I learned it was as irritating to some others as the errors were to me, I said I'd stop doing it and I kept my word, something evidently beyond the capabilities of some others. I don't get reprimanded because I don't deserve it. The comments I have made to Phantom today were because he did deserve it, he went mental over a couple clever inside-joke-type references and he's now one post away from being banned permanently.


I was not refering directly to the comments you made in regards to Phantom, There are too many instances to note them all but the ones you made currently about\with Phantom did instigate me posting my feelings about you being a constant thorn and anoyance to the member base. Some react more forward than others in that regard.

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And Shawn, I no longer post grammar corrections at all, as once I learned it was as irritating to some others as the errors were to me, I said I'd stop doing it and I kept my word, something evidently beyond the capabilities of some others. I don't get reprimanded because I don't deserve it. The comments I have made to Phantom today were because he did deserve it, he went mental over a couple clever inside-joke-type references and he's now one post away from being banned permanently.


I was not refering directly to the comments you made in regards to Phantom, There are too many instances to note them all but the ones you made currently about\with Phantom did instigate me posting my feelings about you being a constant thorn and anoyance to the member base. Some react more forward than others in that regard.


Ok...I'm not staying out of this anymore.

Lemoncurry is most certainly NOT a constant thorn and annoyance to the member base. Just because you and Phantom are buds and are making $$ on his game you're jumping in to defend him. That's quite obvious.

Phantom had promised to leave Atari Age and here he still is again fighting with someone. And you see fit to defend him. :roll:



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Ok...I'm not staying out of this anymore.

Lemoncurry is most certainly NOT a constant thorn and annoyance to the member base. Just because you and Phantom are buds and are making $$ on his game you're jumping in to defend him. That's quite obvious.

Phantom had promised to leave Atari Age and here he still is again fighting with someone. And you see fit to defend him. :roll:




Ya and your the other fool that acts just the same as lemoncurry. I can't stand you either. Don't you have some shipping issues to cry to ebay about or something? And no this doesn't have to do with a game or making money or defending anyone. It has to do with you being a jerk and lemoncurry being a jerk. Neither one of you do anything to further AtariAge in a postive manor at all. I'm not saying I'm a saint by any means but you two make quite the pair.

Edited by Shawn Sr.
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