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StanJr's Blog - Wes Anderson's Films, a short review


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Just finished watching Bottle Rocket and learned about The Fantastic Mr. Fox in production, so I thought I'd drop my personal ranking of Wes Anderson's films. Why? I don't know, I like Wes Anderson and I like to feed you people stuff to look at. Did I mention my ego?


Anyway, here is how I rank them best to not best (can't say worst the man is a visionary)


1. Life Aquatic

2. Royal Tenebaums

3. Darjeeling Limited (+ Hotel Chavalier)

4. Rushmore

5. Bottle Rocket


It is so hard to put Rushmore at 4, when really there is a 3 way tie for 2. Anderson is about the only modern filmmaker who breaks any new ground or who isn't afraid to tell a quirky story and not spoon feed the audience, but instead allow you to find the quirks on your own.


Oh, I also watched the 1964 Vincent Price classic "The Last Man on Earth."



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