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Device Drivers


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I'm interested in seeing what device drivers exist for the Atari 8-bits. I'll list the ones I know, and I'd ask one and all to add any others they know about.


S: Screen

P: Printer

E: Text Editor

C: Cassette

K: Keyboard


D: Disk drives


R: RS-232 device (Atari 850, PR Connection, MIO, Black Box etc)


G: Graphics printer device from ANALOG


N: Null device, from Antic (I think)


M: For the Multiplexer interface, originally from CSS



Any other ones you can think of off the top of your head?

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I seem to remember an article mentioning that the 1400XL/1450XLD had a V: handler installed for talking to the voice chip. Also, Bill Wilkinson did a series of articles on making a M: device for accessing memory in Compute! magazine in 1982.

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I'm interested in seeing what device drivers exist for the Atari 8-bits. I'll list the ones I know, and I'd ask one and all to add any others they know about.


S: Screen

P: Printer

E: Text Editor

C: Cassette

K: Keyboard


D: Disk drives


R: RS-232 device (Atari 850, PR Connection, MIO, Black Box etc)


G: Graphics printer device from ANALOG


N: Null device, from Antic (I think)


M: For the Multiplexer interface, originally from CSS



Any other ones you can think of off the top of your head?

if you are running the emulator atariwin++, there is a H: device :)



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The source for that "M:" driver came with DOS-XL. It was like a bare-bones RAMdisk (or a stack, really). I messed with it for a while and turned it into a "W:" which would play back 4-bit sound samples. Once I broke a whole song into a bunch of files (using APE to access the PC's harddrive seems to limit file sizes to 120KB or something) which I could then play back (with many intermissions for loading...) on the Atari with a COPY *.* W:

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There is a Screen Window UI toolkit in Graphics 0 that used "Wx:" to access Window number x, so


OPEN #1,x,y,"W1:" : REM OPEN WINDOW 1

PRINT #1; "Hello Window 1" : to print to Window 1 etc




Some DOS use M: for accessing a RAMDISK below the XL/XE OS.




I did a Speedy Mem Handler that is using "F:". This Handler creates a RAMDISK in the 16K Memory inside a 1050 Floppy with Speedy Enhancement.

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The voice box of the 1450XLD was represented by V: IIRC.


Ages ago, I also made an SPO256AL2 based "voice box" for the Atari,

to be plugged into the expansion port. It also used V: - you could just

"print" phonems to this handler, and it would pronounce them.


I also remember a fast 3D vector drawer that could be used to render

on the screen, but I don't remember the device name it used.


G: has also been used for a "wide screen" graphics extension, something that

worked very similar to S:, just with overscan.

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