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Wico Command Stick and number pad


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Is that number pad real good for the wico command stick? I have 2 wicos but I use my keypads from my rebuilt factory controllers. But the keypads are already wearing out. Damn! I just got it fixed 3 months ago. Do these new flex circuits just bugg out quickly? Anyway I was wondering if anybody knows how to wire there own number pad.


Hell maybe I will wire up my old telephone for the number keys! LOL! :P

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Is that number pad real good for the wico command stick? I have 2 wicos but I use my keypads from my rebuilt factory controllers. But the keypads are already wearing out. Damn! I just got it fixed 3 months ago. Do these new flex circuits just bugg out quickly? Anyway I was wondering if anybody knows how to wire there own number pad.


Hell maybe I will wire up my old telephone for the number keys! LOL! :P


I wired up my own keypad here and it works great as long as your game does not require the 2,5,8, and 0 keys (which most games do not):



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I've found that this works really well:




It's pretty easy to wire up, and it's a great addition to an adapter.




I'd use one of these but I don't really understand how it functions. If I knew how the matrix was laid out, this would be an ideal 5200 keypad!

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I wired up my own keypad here and it works great as long as your game does not require the 2,5,8, and 0 keys (which most games do not):http://cgi.ebay.com/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewI...em=320227667214


How are you going to punt (in RS Football)?



If you open up the touchpad, you can actually select which column you want to replace with the Start, Pause, Reset keys; your choices are: (1) 1,4,7,* (2) 2,5,8,0 and (3) 3,6,9,#. I chose to replace the middle column (by default) since the * and # are used for level and player settings in many games. You can enable the 0, 2, 5, and 8 keys of the touchpad by

swapping the purple wire in the touchpad with the white wire or replacing it with a 3-way switch to allow toggling between the column of Start, Pause, Reset keys with the column of 0, 2, 5, and 8 keys.


Here's the relevant pinouts for the DB15 connector on your Atari 5200 port if you want to wire up your own keypad:


1 = Column #1 (keypad right column)

2 = Column #2 (keypad middle column)

3 = Column #3 (keypad left column)

4 = Column #4 (GND for Start, Pause, Reset)

5 = Row #3 (Reset)

6 = Row #2 (Pause)

7 = Row #1 (Start)

8 = Row #4 (keypad *, 0, #)


Pin 1 is on the left looking at the Atari 5200 port.

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