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need some help with some C code


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I'm trying to convert some cheat/rumble code to work within the confines of the atari 8-bit peek/poke system. Some of the cheat code types plug 2 bytes (16-bit) into an address location. The codes are based around the gameshark which makes me wonder if the 16-bit codes are even intended for an 8-bit system. I figure they would be handy for consecutive bytes. What do you all think?


Leave the 16-bit codes alone if they were not intended for use on 8-bit systems?


Here is a sample of code that assigns the value at a given address to "value" and then calls a function to see if the controller is supposed to rumble. "i" is an integer, m_consoleMemory is a byte that points to the actual atari memory which consists of unsigned char (extern unsigned char memory[65536]; )


unsigned int value = *((unsigned short*)(&m_consoleMemory[ m_cheatCodes[i].adr - offset ]));
checkRumbleMethod( i, value );


This code then stores "pokes" the 16-bit value into the address... I'm assuming on an 8-bit system the lower byte would be stored at memory address m_cheatCodes.adr-offset and the upper byte in m_cheatCodes.adr+1-offset. (sorry if I got the order backwards).


*((unsigned short*)(&m_consoleMemory[ m_cheatCodes[i].adr - offset ])) = ( m_cheatCodes[i].val & 0xFFFF );


The a800 code provides a function for peek'ing/poke'ing values into an address, but it only does single bytes. The functions are


unsigned char Atari800_GetByte(unsigned short addr);
void Atari800_PutByte(unsigned short addr, unsigned char byte);


Actually it's a little more complicated than that, but I wanna keep things simple for this discussion. But basically I wanna modify the code so it calls the PutByte and GetByte functions so that the hardware registers react they way they are supposed to.


Anyways any comments, suggestions are welcomed.



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Something like this should work:


unsigned short GetShort(unsigned short addr)
return (unsigned short)(Atari800_GetByte(addr) | (Atari800_GetByte(++addr) << 8));


And similar in reverse. The MSB/LSB order is a bit dubious, since 8-Bit code can arrange 16-Bit numbers either way. If it's pointers and not numbers, then the above should work hopefully :ponder: (...not sure if the shifting works without a cast. The compiler will tell you :lolblue:).

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Thanks CyberG. I actually ended up doing something similar, but your version is shorter. I really didn't know if it would work until I compiled it.


Still need to test all the codes but the one I tested so far seems to work ok. And yeah it took me a while to get the MSB/LSB order straight in my head. Since like you said it could go either way. :lol:

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