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What is the best programing language for games?


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The best language for develop action games on Atari is Assembler. And an external assembler with emulator, because it works faster and have more features for debugging. (really MADs is the best assembler environment today). There is no other way, it's impossible to do games as Yoomp! or Crownland with high level languages.


If you want to do brain or logic games you can use CC65 or Action!. Even TurboBasic is a good idea for this type of games if you don't worry about the amount of free memory.

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PILOT is a very simple Language with the aim to teach programming. It is hard to do much more complex then "Hello World" in PILOT.


BASIC, esp. TurboBasic, is good for Games that are not depending on speed, like adventures and strategic simulation games, or simple Run-and-Jump Platform Games.


Everything that need to do fast graphics needs a compiled language, like ACTION!, CC65 or plain Assembler.


There are also at least one person programming games in Forth



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I agree assembler is the best and fastest you can do on the Atari 8-bit for a 1.79mhz cpu. Assembly is much more work than a high level language. Your second best option is compiled turbo basic with a few custom ml routines. Depends on how much work you want to put into it.

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Since there seem to be quite an interest in an english manual for MADS, I wrote TeBe to ask if there is anything happening about it, and offering my help. So perhaps soon there will be something available.

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Since there seem to be quite an interest in an english manual for MADS, I wrote TeBe to ask if there is anything happening about it, and offering my help. So perhaps soon there will be something available.

That's absolutely great, as my projects mainly depend on it. Thanks for all future efforts!

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  • 2 weeks later...

In my experience, assembly language is the way to go. The Mac/65 assembler cart is the best I found. "Atari Roots" is the best beginner's book on assembly language programming on an Atari 8-bit that I've found.


Good luck!

Edited by Ransom
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At some point you are going to have to get into assembly, even if you are using a high-level language. You'll just have to code your DLIs and VBIs in assembly, and any hand-tuning that needs to be done will pretty much have to be done in assembly (of course you could start with the assembly that the compiler generates and go from there.)

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There are two (at least) dimensions here:

- the best tool to implement a given project

- the best tool for you

So far, most people discussed the first option. But it is very important what is your programming background. If you're a novice programmer, it might be hard to start with assembly. If you have some experience with some languages on other platforms, you might want to find something resembling what you know.

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You all fail. The correct answer is: The best programming language for games is the one that lets you actually complete a game.


For some people, this is assembly. For others, it's Atari BASIC. Whatever works. A good game can be written in pretty much any language.


Ummm... lovely bit of contrarian philosophy. The question isn't "which programming language is right for me and my current level of expertise?" The question is "What is the best programing language for games?"


For most types of games it's assembly. No contest. Assembly is uniquely capable of giving you the most from the system. Some people have trouble with assembly so it may not be the best language for you to write a game in, but it is certainly the best language for games.



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Some people have trouble with assembly so it may not be the best language for you to write a game in, but it is certainly the best language for games.

"Best" is hopelessly vague. If he'd asked what the most powerful language was, sure, assembly would be the no-brainer answer. But asking for the "best" language simply begs a more holistic response.

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Unless you are doing something turn based or loaded with ML subroutines you really can't write a good game in an interpreted language on an 8-bit machine. The main execution loop of an interpeter just can't hand user input and animation in realtime.

Edited by mos6507
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The answer to the question of post is clearly:


- The best language is Assembler. And there are a lot of assembler editor on Atari, the best way to develop a game easily and faster is using the MADS assembler (PC extenal assembler for Atari), because have actually count with support, is external and have a lot of nice features.


- Other languages as Action, TurboBasic, Quick are more easy to use, but cost memory, speed and flexibility. Times of compiling are too slow.


Whatever the language you choice, the most important thing you need for create a game is knowledge about the Atari internals. Without that you can't construct anything, so you need to learn how Atari manage the sprites, the music, the interrupts, the DMAs, the Display Lists,.... a lot of things. Every time you learn something, you'll do better on any language you choice.

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