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HI Everyone need help !


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Hi Everyone


This time I really need help on this Subject. I have been looking at the Atari 800XL,65XE,130XE


I am going move up from my Atari 800 computer,but I really need to know which one of these would be worth moving up too.

I did see that the 130XE was that last 8bit computer that seemed to have everything and the 65XE being the lower model.

Are those machines better than the 800XL??? Or would I be better with the 800XL machine. I like how the 130XE looks,but does it

have any surprises I should know about like a terrible key board or anything else. I just want to move up from the 800 and 48K of RAM.

I just don't want to have to buy another computer after this upgrade and I want the computer that performs the best weather it the 800XL

or the 130XE these are the two I seem to be leaning twards. You would think a person who grew up around and in the ATARI Company

could make such a easy decission,but I am having the hardest time on this one. My father was a pioneer there in Atari and I heard so much

growing up about the 1200XL,800XL,600XL,65XE,130XE. Also the ones never sold too like the 1450XL and there was even going to be a 1800 and

1850XL never happened. Well anyways I am just confused because growing up to much garbage went into this brain about all these computers.


Now I just want to here from users what they think is the best Atari Computer so I buy the right type.


Sean Atari company bratt

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I guess the biggest question is what you want to do? Do you plan on modifying the hardware (e.g., memory upgrades, enhancing video circuit, stereo POKEY)?


If you plan on leaving the machine they way it is then go for the 130XE. At least you will have 128K and can use software that uses the special expanded RAM modes for the ANTIC chip. In these special modes ANTIC could access expand RAM pages while the CPU accesses main RAM in the $4000 - $7FFF memory region. Some software out there takes advantage of this special feature in the 130XE.


The 65XE is just like an 800XL. So if you were to get such a machine then I would lean more to an 800XL. But then I believe the 65XE comes with revision C basic where most 800XL's, if not all, will typically have revision B basic.


I think the keyboards between the 800XL and 130XE are pretty close to each other. But that is just a personal opinion. The 1200XL, 1400XL, and 1450XLD all have the best keyboard ever. Too bad Atari didn't use that Mitsumi built keyboard in more machines.


If you can acquire both machines then you wouldn't have to worry about making a decision.



So, what did your dad do at Atari? Did he work at all on the 1400XL and 1450XLD computers? I happen to own both of those machines.


I also spent my high school years going to Santa Clara High School during the Warner days of Atari before joining the Air Force in 1984. I remember the occasional visit to the Atari area of Sunnyvale to do some dumpster diving.




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HI Wow


How did you get those machines???? My dad was an Engineer for them and he worked on all the machines. Those machines were suppose to never

be sold. I know because I wanted one so bad,and I saw my father drawing out designs. He use to bring home computer chips all the time ad tell me

what they would do. The AMY Chip is the one I wish I had in a computer now wow that chip was incredable for sound and voice reproductions.

You have the 1450 WOW boy don't let that computer go. It a RARE FIND.......I know because I have wanted one for years. There was going to be

a 1800XL an 1850XLF computer but because of Atari trying to compete with the market my dad said they dropped it. Yes he was an Electronic Engineer,

and after Atari got into a hard spot they laid a lot of people off so my dad went to Raytheon Corp.




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HI Glen


If You ever come Across an ATARI 1850XLD please let me know my father said this was the last 8 bit computer they ever worked on.





The Atari 1650XLD was rumoured to be an MS-DOS clone system in an Atari 1450XLD case, also an Atari 800XLD was talked about but never produced (it would have been an 800XL with "Freddie" MMU and disk drive in an Atari 1450XLD case) and the final XL was to be the Atari 1850XL which was to be the Atari version of the licensed Amiga technology.


Well not talk about anywhere was an 1850XLD my father told me this was to be hush hush. If you ever find this computer please let me

know it will mean so much to me since my father worked on that project. By the way that rumoure was wrong.. Again Atari was affraid they would

not be able to keep up with the competition,but they did not want to disapoint their users.My father told me that Atari could not change the way

they did computers since Atari users did not want an IBM machine,but maintain a real Atari Machine.... Well at least you all know the Engineers

like my father fought to keep Atari being their own computer and not an IBM clone.

Well I just want you to know my father worked really hard to make sure that Atari did not loose it originality,and not just become another IBM

clone using Microsoft DOS. He wanted all Atari users to feel Atari was going to stand by their machines. I know he work many hour at night and did

not come home sometimes just to make sure the computers were what you see now. He traveled alot too to make sure they were staying to the

Atari look. If you look at Atari computers they do not look like APPLE or IBM machines. They are slick looking computers after the 400/800

computer. Well you all know where I stand since my dad work very hard to help bring a dream to come true. GOD BLESS



Sean Atari Bratt

Edited by Sean39
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Curious why you fell compelled to 'move up' from an 800. If you 800 is working and you are not looking to use a specific game that requires more ram or a newer OS, I'm not sure your new machine will be an upgrade of significance.


BTW, did you ever find a 1010? There is a working 1010 on ebay right now...



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Hi Again


Well I love my Atari 800 and it does have the full 48K of RAM. I have been told by so many I need to upgrade to a better machine like the

800XL or the 130EX since they have more memory and can run the newer programs. Yes I now have a 1010 tape drive on the way.

Now I do have a question beside the Atari 800 computer is there any of the others that have the LUMA, and CHROMA outputs for

the monitor. Right now I get a great picture on my 800 since I am using the Chroma,and LUMA going to a 1702 commodore Monitor.

I was really thinking there is only one other computer that has that output and it not the 800XL or 130XE,so which one was it the 1200XL.

Well please enlight me on this because I really would like a computer that still uses the Chroma and Luma outputs and not Composite which

is worse.



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Hi Again


Well I love my Atari 800 and it does have the full 48K of RAM. I have been told by so many I need to upgrade to a better machine like the

800XL or the 130EX since they have more memory and can run the newer programs. Yes I now have a 1010 tape drive on the way.

Now I do have a question beside the Atari 800 computer is there any of the others that have the LUMA, and CHROMA outputs for

the monitor. Right now I get a great picture on my 800 since I am using the Chroma,and LUMA going to a 1702 commodore Monitor.

I was really thinking there is only one other computer that has that output and it not the 800XL or 130XE,so which one was it the 1200XL.

Well please enlight me on this because I really would like a computer that still uses the Chroma and Luma outputs and not Composite which

is worse.




Never mind I found the Answer..


The chrominance signal is present on the machine 800XLF , which is a late model. It uses the 'Freddie' multiplexer chip (as used in the 130XE). The Atari FAQ file refers to this machine as an 800XLF. Earlier 800XL machines - i.e. most of them - do not have the chrominance signal and will require minor internal mods if you want to drive s-video signals.

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Hi Again


Well I love my Atari 800 and it does have the full 48K of RAM. I have been told by so many I need to upgrade to a better machine like the

800XL or the 130EX since they have more memory and can run the newer programs. Yes I now have a 1010 tape drive on the way.

Now I do have a question beside the Atari 800 computer is there any of the others that have the LUMA, and CHROMA outputs for

the monitor. Right now I get a great picture on my 800 since I am using the Chroma,and LUMA going to a 1702 commodore Monitor.

I was really thinking there is only one other computer that has that output and it not the 800XL or 130XE,so which one was it the 1200XL.

Well please enlight me on this because I really would like a computer that still uses the Chroma and Luma outputs and not Composite which

is worse.




Never mind I found the Answer..


The chrominance signal is present on the machine 800XLF , which is a late model. It uses the 'Freddie' multiplexer chip (as used in the 130XE). The Atari FAQ file refers to this machine as an 800XLF. Earlier 800XL machines - i.e. most of them - do not have the chrominance signal and will require minor internal mods if you want to drive s-video signals.


correct, but to mod the 800xl is simple, just one lead to add, or alternatively clean up the video using the quick and easy xl video upgrade

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