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NOMAM 08 - Convention in Germany


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We will originating a new Atari convention in northern Germany: from 4th april to 6th april 2008 the NOMAM (Not Only Marvelous Atari Machinery) will be held for the first time.


I hope, somebody of this forum has the possibility to join the meeting. Check out our homepage: http://andymanone.dyndns.org/reno/nomam08....lish_invitation


Even if you aren't able to come, you can participate: send us your Demos, games, ascii art, pictures, music, ports and conversions of all kind, new hardware, code snippets,... for the *wild* compo. Restriction: it has to be unreleased. No need for perfect contributions, it could even be something unfinished of your disk box (to gunnarbusseatyahoodotde)



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  • 3 weeks later...

Hello fellow 8 bit Atarians


There should be a link to some pictures on that site as well.


It was fun.


BTW NEWSF by Schmutzpuppe is far from finished, but check out the helicopter during flight and explosion.





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