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The Southsider - Juno Playable!


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I have done some more work on my Juno First game recently. The game code has now grown rather large, and it is becoming increasingly difficult to make changes without causing breakage or exceeding the scanline counts. Also, I'm now into the tedious last 5% of the implementation, which involves tying up all the loose ends and adding polish. However, I'm determined to finish the game this year without getting distracted by any other shinier projects!

















The main change in this version of the game is the addition of 8 levels to the game, this means that it is finally possible to play the game properly! The other main changes in this version are:

  1. A new colour scheme supplied by Nathan (colours change on alternate waves - see screenshot).
  2. A message display at the bottom of the screen.
  3. Lots of code reorganising.

Note: It is essential to play this game with Phosphor mode enabled (-f for Z26, or Alt-P in Stella) or the game becomes (more of) a flickery mess!


The main things left to do now are more levels (I think I can fit around 32 levels in the game), Savekey/AtariVox support, more sound effects, and an attract mode if there is space.


Anyway, let me know what you think of the levels - they are a bit rough at the moment and not properly tuned. I think the game is going to be very hard indeed as I haven't managed to finish these levels without cheating (but it could just be me)!


Have a Happy Easter,



Attached File(s)



juno17.bin ( 32K )

Number of downloads: 1


juno17.zip ( 55.47K )

Number of downloads: 0






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