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A.R. Dungeon 666 cheat


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Now that I've bitten by the Atari bug (again) I decided to play my favorite 8 bit game, Alternate Reality the Dungeon, via atari800win. Anyway, I was looking over the cheat codes available on a few web sites, and they list typing 666 when you enter a guild will turn you evil. I tried this in both a good and evil guild and nothing happened. Am I doing something wrong? Does that cheat perhaps only work in one of the other ports of the game? Just wondering if anyone else has ever gotten it to work.





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I don't know.


Problem with AR is that the good/evil alignment, like many of the character stats, is never shown to the player.


One way to test might be to Save a character straight before and after using the "cheat". Then load it into one of the AR character editors and see if anything's changed.

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I don't know.


Problem with AR is that the good/evil alignment, like many of the character stats, is never shown to the player.


One way to test might be to Save a character straight before and after using the "cheat". Then load it into one of the AR character editors and see if anything's changed.


Well, I started a new character so its alignment is neutral, I then played for a few minutes to go up the first few quick levels, doing no good acts. I enter the low level evil guild (forgot the name) ask to join. I'm told I'm not evil enough. I leave, re-enter type 666. then try to join again and I'm still not evil enough. You don't need to be real evil to join that guild, so it appears the 666 did nothing. I just wasn't sure I was doing it right.



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Can you give a link to the "cheat?" I've never heard of it before.


I forgot that not only are you suppose to become evil, you are suppose to get a large hit point bonus.


Look at section section 5.2 of the following FAQ.



Here's another page. This one is a from a commodore 64 cheat page, the first is generic.



Maybe it is a c64 only cheat.



Edited by bfollett
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