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Cybernoid for Atari 8bit

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Im wondering if Cybernoid ever made it to the Atari8bit? I ram a bbs from 1988 to 1999 and have a prototype of it in my archives that was passed to me in a mail trade by mistake. I have just setup my 8bit system again and will look threw my 1000 floppies for it. I will Pass it to a game programmer so it my be finished and release. I will need some time to locate it, a few weeks at best. Any takers? The disk was passed to me with a few other demos from Poland in 1989-1992 Dose anyone have any info on this ??




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Do you have source code as well?



I dont think the source code is on the disk. Its been a long time (10) years when I packed up the library. I have been wanting to get some of my stuff up on the internet but didnt have the time till now. I do remember the demo disk came from a company call Sonix. Im going to Google and see if theres any info on Sonix that maybe helpfull.

The demo is playable but not finished, work needs to be done.



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