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Woun't Compile

Primordial Ooze

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I'm using the player scores minikernel and am getting the following error:


---------- Capture Output ----------

> "C:\Atari2600\bB\2600bas.bat" C:\Projects\Atari2600\OpenSourcePong\OpenSourcePong.bas

(235): Error: Unknown keyword: addbcd


Compilation failed.


> Terminated with exit code 0.


Here is my code:

   rem Open Source Pong
  rem an Open Source Pong Remake
  rem Updated: March 17, 2008
  rem Website: http://opensourcepong.freepgs.com

  goto setup
  rem setup all the game variables
  rem include for player scores multikernel
  include playerscores.asm
  rem include bcd math helper
  include bcd_math.asm
  rem set the rom size
  set romsize 4k

  rem define the number of player scores
  const playerscores = 2
  rem define noscores constant
  const noscore = 1
  rem set kernel options
  rem readpaddle - set it so the paddle controlers are read
  set kernel_options no_blank_lines readpaddle

  rem set an alias for the ball's x velocity
  dim ballxvelocity = a

  rem set an alias for the ball's y velocity
  dim ballyvelocity = b
  rem set an alias for troggling the 2 player mode
  dim playervsplayer = c
  rem color the background green
  COLUBK = 198

  rem set the color of the playfield to white
  COLUPF = 14

  rem set player 1's score color to his sprite color
  player0scorecolor = $0E
  rem set player 2's score color to his sprite color
  player1scorecolor = $6E
  rem define the playfield

  rem define player 1's sprite

  rem define player 2's sprite
  rem finished seting up the game variables
  rem start the game loop
  goto startNewGame
  rem start a new game and reset everything that was changed during
  rem the course of the game
  rem set player 1's inital x positon
  player0x = 140

  rem set player 1's inital y positon
  player0y = 45

  rem set a default value for the 2 player troggle
  playervsplayer = 0
  rem if the left switch is set to B, paddle 1 controls the
  rem computers paddle
  if !switchleftb then playervsplayer = 1
  rem set player2's inital x positon
  player1x = 15

  rem set player2's inital y positon
  player1y = 45

  rem set ball's inital x positon
  ballx = 80

  rem set ball's inital y positon
  bally = 45

  rem set the ball's initial x velocity
  ballxvelocity = 1
  rem set the ball's initial x velocity
  ballyvelocity = 1
  rem reset player 1's score
  player0score = $00

  rem reset player 1's score
  player1score = $00
  rem finished reseting all the game variables changed during
  rem the course of the game
  rem go to the game loop
  goto gameLoop
  rem start of the game loop
  rem if the user presses the reset switch, start a new game
  if switchreset then goto startNewGame

  rem color player 1's paddle
  COLUP0 = 140

  rem color player 2's paddle
  COLUP1 = 28

  rem read paddle 0, use it to position player 1 across the screen
  currentpaddle = 0
  rem draw the game screen
  rem set player1's y position to the paddle control's axis
  rem plus 8
  player0y = paddle + 8
  rem make sure player 1 doesn't go off the top screen
  if player0y < 16 then player0y = 16
  rem make sure player 1 doesn't go off the bottom screen
  if player0y > 79 then player0y = 79
  rem if the 2 player mode is activated then paddle 1 controls the
  rem second paddle
  if playervsplayer = 1 then gosub player2controls
  rem otherwise set player 2's y position to the balls y position
  if playervsplayer = 0 then player1y = bally
  rem make sure player 2 doesn't go off the top screen
  if player1y < 16 then player1y = 16
  rem make sure player 2 doesn't go off the bottom screen
  if player1y > 79 then player1y = 79
  rem move the ball
  ballx = ballx + ballxvelocity
  bally = bally + ballyvelocity
  rem make sure the ball doesn't go off the top screen
  if bally < 9 then ballyvelocity = 0 - ballyvelocity
  rem make sure the ball doesn't go off the bottom screen
  if bally > 77 then ballyvelocity = 0 - ballyvelocity
  rem if the ball collides with player 1's paddle
  if collision(player0, ball) then gosub player1collision

  rem if the ball collides with player 2's paddle
  if collision(player1, ball) then gosub player2collision
  rem if the ball goes past player 1's paddle
  if ballx > 160 then gosub player2scores
  rem if the ball goes past the computer paddle
  if ballx < 1 then gosub player1scores
  rem if either players scores 11 points start a new game
  rem if lives < 32 then goto gameover
  goto gameLoop
  rem end of the game loop code, restart the game loop
  rem code for handling collision between player and ball
  rem move the ball a bit so it doesn't stick
  ballx = ballx - 3
  rem and reverse its x velocity
  ballxvelocity = 0 - ballxvelocity
  rem end of player collision code
  rem code for handling when the ball hits player 2's paddle
  rem move the ball a bit so it doesn't stick
  ballx = ballx + 3
  rem and reverse its x velocity
  ballxvelocity = 0 - ballxvelocity
  rem code for handling when the ball goes past player 2's paddle
  rem and the player 1 scores

  rem increase player 1's score by 1

  rem have the computer serve the ball
  ballx = player1x + 3
  bally = player1y
  rem reverse the balls x velocity
  ballxvelocity = 0 - ballxvelocity
  rem increase the score by 10 points
  score = score + 10
  rem end of player 1 scores
  rem code for handling when player 1 misses the ball and
  rem player 2 scores
  rem increase player 2's score by 1
  rem have the player serve the ball
  ballx = player0x - 3
  bally = player0y
  rem reverse the balls x velocity
  ballxvelocity = 0 - ballxvelocity
  rem end of player 2 scores code
  rem code for handling when the 2 player troggle is enabled and
  rem the second paddle controls the computer paddle

  rem read paddle 1, use it to position player 2's paddle across the screen
  currentpaddle = 1
  rem draw the game screen
  rem set player 2's y position to the paddle 2's control's axis
  rem plus 8
  player1y = paddle + 8
  rem end of player 2 controls code
  rem code for handling when either players score  reaches 11
  rem and its gameover
  rem if the user presses the reset switch, start a new game
  if switchreset then goto startNewGame
  rem color player 1's paddle
  COLUP0 = 140

  rem color player 2's paddle
  COLUP1 = 28   

  rem draw the screen
  rem if the user presses the fire button, start a new game
  if joy0left then goto startNewGame
  rem otherwise just keep looping
  goto gameover

Any ideas?




Open Source Pong

Edited by Open Source Pong
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