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I think its dead (my 5200)

Lord Helmet

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Went to play my 5200 Saturday night...clicked it on and...nothing :(


I'm not sure if it is the unit though. I think it might be the switchbox (my 5200 is a 4 port). The last time I played it I thoght I smelled melting plastic, and the switchbox was a little warm. I suppose I should open it up and check it out.


Anyone have a spare 4-port switchbox? Any ideas on how I could test the unit to see whether or not the problem is with the 5200 itself?

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The obvious answer is "get a new switchbox." Another possibility is replacing the four port 5200 with a two port system. It doesn't need a switchbox, and a few of the two port systems actually will play Mountain King and Pitfall!. It's a crapshoot, but even if the system you buy can't play those two games, at least you won't have to screw around with that idiotic switchbox!

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It is also worth noting that I believe CPUwiz or someone else some time back posted procedures on how to convert the 4port model to not require the use of the switchbox. It would seem to me that would be the best course to take here.


I actually do have a spare 4-port switchbox, but it goes with me to my grave. Unless of course my primary switchbox ever dies again, in which case I would have to use my spare as my new primary.


I can't remember exactly what happened to my original, but I know it was doing the same as yours, nothing. Turned out that in its earlier life when I wasn't the owner, someone had likely plugged an 800 power supply into the switchbox and it blew up a few things inside it. However, I was able to purchase the chip and transistor that were blown apart and it has been working fine ever since.


Point is, it could very well be repairable. If not, do a search for the conversion and see if that doesn't seem a better option.

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Does your switchbox click when you press the 5200 power button? Does the LED on the 5200 light up? Use a meter to check the output from the power supply and the switchbox power jack.


Best Electronics has 4 port switch boxes listed on their site for $19. If that's the problem, I would just get one of those and be done with it.



Good luck,



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It is also worth noting that I believe CPUwiz or someone else some time back posted procedures on how to convert the 4port model to not require the use of the switchbox. It would seem to me that would be the best course to take here.

Yeah, the great power mod. :cool: Highly recommended, especially for those who have A/V mods for the system.

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If you want to get rid of the pesky switchbox all together then go here....




They can s-video mod it and assemble a seperate AC power device where you can use a regular power supply for the four port Atari. I did this and it is great. No more switch box where RF and power are mixed. Being a RF engineer for T-mobile I will tell you that you dont mix power with RF unless you want noise.

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