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Planet Bob - Playing Legacy of the Ancients (C64)


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Hi there!


Yay, I'm playing another classic RPG!




What you see above is a picture of the brilliant looking dungeons. I was totally puzzled by these, because they are almost realtime. Well, almost - the game is turn based after all. Still, there's no random encounters a la Bard's Tale, the monsters are roaming the dungeons just like you do. Back in the day this must've been very impressive. (Still, only 5 months later came Dungeon Master on the ST, catapulting the whole genre 5 years into the future ;))


What you don't see in the picture is the shocking awfullness that you get on the overworld map, which is looking more like Ultima I. I remember the first time when I tried playing LotA a few years ago, I just quit when seeing that :lol:


The gameplay itself has some differences to usual RPG standards. It's simplified to the basics and thus very beginner friendly. There's no party, you're just a single player. There are no experience points for example. After you complete certain story elements, you get just advanced a level, that's it. Fighting is also very simplified, basically you just hit "F" to operate the weapon you've readied, there's no tactic at all.


There's a couple of mini-games, like Blackjack or one called Flip-Flop. You can also improve your dexterity stat by playing a medieval variant of Space Zap.


Despite the mentioned limitations, the game is still pretty immersing - as you can see I'm typing this the morning after, because I couldn't stop playing last night :lolblue:


So on the first day I've just been exploring the overworld, the musem dungeon you start in and a castle I found. I only stopped near the first dungeon, an old Pirate Cave, because I don't have the dungeon maps printed yet. Thank heavens, so I got at least some sleep ;)






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