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What will become of your collection after you pass away?


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This turned out to be a horrible, morbid thread. It's amazing that the hardware and games are both so good that we can even ponder the possibility that an 8-bit computer system will be working and interesting after its purchaser is not. My kids enjoy many of the A8 games despite having a PS2 and gaming PCs (neither wants an xbox or a PS3 or a WII, btw).


Each will take an XEGS plus a MaxFlash cart when they leave the nest -- assuming they want one. For me -- and them -- that's what an Atari computer is. I have a bit of a museum. Maybe someone will want that, but I don't care. It's the games that matter.


My biggest concern is the joysticks. I have a supply of the flashback sticks, but they are not very durable. Before I leave this world, I'd like to find -- or manufacture -- a joystick that looks and feels like a cx40 but lasts like a wico.

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I plan on having my memory dumped to floppy disks for archiving that way I will never die!!!


What could possibly go wrong with my master plan?


Since you asked and assuming it's do-able, which memory locations that *you* use would you preserve-- the one's you remember/use or all of them and which of them would constitute *you* the user of your memory? Perhaps, the ones that remember all the GTIA stuff?

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  • 1 month later...
I plan on having my memory dumped to floppy disks for archiving that way I will never die!!!


What could possibly go wrong with my master plan?



right now, at my age, my memory might fit on a single sided, single density disk :P


I think a will is really the only solution. At the very least to identify all the items of importance, both historic and sentimental.


I really must get around to making one.

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When I was looking for some info on CP/M for the ATR-8000 I found this list of CP/M system disks for different systems:


This is from a huge collection a guy had, who was archiving them all. He kept a library and mailed them to people who needed them. Since each CP/M machine used a different disk format this was necessary. They didn't have an online archive for their community.


Well it turns out he died a few years ago and that was the end of it. His friend tried to convince his widow to let him copy and sell the collection, but things didn't work out. So, it is all gone, probably never to be fully recovered.



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I'm getting cremated so it shouldn't be too big a fuss to throw all my junk in there with me. But if it is the back-up plan is the tried and true mausoleum one just big enough for me an my stuff maybe an internets hook up. Mrs Kroo can make her own arrangements for herself :P

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I'm getting cremated so it shouldn't be too big a fuss to throw all my junk in there with me. But if it is the back-up plan is the tried and true mausoleum one just big enough for me an my stuff maybe an internets hook up. Mrs Kroo can make her own arrangements for herself :P


Cremation... that is how I want to go. No fancy box for me, unless you are planning to preserve me for later revival. In that case, Tupperware will be fine.


After cleaning up after grand parents and even friends, you start to see how foolish our collecting is. At least if that was the focus of our life.


To me Atari is about having fun with people. Atariage and BBS's have been a great catalyst for that. I buy key elements to participate in games, join chats, etc. NOTHING is still in the wrapping in my house.


My wife says she will keep my Atari 800.. the main hub of my collection. That is cool. When my loved ones passed on, I kept one good thing to remember them by... not that I could forget them. (Honestly, the Atari 800 is a bit big and bulky to keep around... maybe I should talk her into keeping her Lynx I got her.)


(Yeh, I'm a husband that can say I got my wife a Lynx!!! ... sounds great till you realize I'm not talking the fur kind...) :P


The rest of the stuff... LOL.. let me tell you, I weed through my stuff often. I am getting rid of what I don't need NOW, and focusing on what I am going to use.


And as for the rest, when I die, I just hope there is a Atari newsgroup, BBS, some user that is willing to come by and pick up the stuff and give it a good home. I will earmark some things of value in my collection, and then say in my will to contact the following group and offer the rest for free.


Oh yeh, I need to update my will.. thanks for the reminder... I think I last wrote that in 2000. I have some friends mentinoed in that who are now enemies, enemies who are now friends, and people I have no contact with whatsoever at this point. :D

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