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my first XEGS


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Hey everyone. Got my XEGS in the mail today. I've never dealt with any of the Atari 8-bit computers before, so I've been pleasantly suprised.


I have Miner 2049er, Bug Hunt, Pac-Man, Centipede, Star Raiders, Donkey Kong, and Space Invaders; all of them are very good (except bug hunt, which I can't play yet, as I lack a light gun). Some of them are not what I'm used to: the aliens in Space invaders look weird to me (I'm used to the 2600 version), and Centipede seems to move a bit slow, but at least the ghosts in Pac-man have their own colors. :ponder: I've never played Miner before, and it's an interesting platformer.


I do have one gripe so far; the keyboard. it's weird. I'm used to PC's and Apple IIs; the XEGS keyboard layout is bizzaro in comparison. (Are all Atari keyboards laid out like this?) The 'return' key is too high; caps lock, of all things, is where enter should be, and Control is where Capslock should be. The quote marks are on the number row, instead of near the enter key, and several of the number row symbol keys have been rearranged to accomodate it. The brackets have switched places. In conclusion, I don't look forward to doing BASIC type-ins.


So, do you guys have any reccomendations for Cartridge software to look for? I also plan on getting one of those SIO2PC units eventually; What are the best Tape and Disk based games? Also, I've seen footage of a game called Draconus on Youtube. I belive that it is a game on tape; is this correct?

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Almost all old computers had the quote as Shift-2, and other special keys were usually in a non-standard position.


Best games - http://www.atarimania.com/main_database.ph...amp;TYPE_CODE=G


The Top 25 rankings there are a fairly accurate indicator, and there was a thread here recently surveying the top games.


http://www.atarimax.com is the place to get APE (SIO2PC)


Or, if you have intermediate soldering skills, just find the simple schematics and make your own - cost is about $6 or so in parts and a couple of hours of your time.

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So, do you guys have any reccomendations for Cartridge software to look for? I also plan on getting one of those SIO2PC units eventually; What are the best Tape and Disk based games? Also, I've seen footage of a game called Draconus on Youtube. I belive that it is a game on tape; is this correct?

Since you plan to get SIO2PC eventually, I suggest you start there. Most of my favorite games are on a MaxFlash cart image at http://www.atarimax.com/flashcart/forum/viewtopic.php?t=593. I suspect Steve will preload an 8M cart with that image if you ask.


It was built for an XEGS, so all the games will work. I just leave it in my XEGS for instant arcade fun. There are 50 games on the cart, so your cost per game will less than $1. Even if you buy the usb cable and register APE, your cost will only be $3 per game. There are a lot of games (Seven Cities of Gold is a favorite of mine) that won't run off a MaxFlash, but this is a great way to get started.

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Control is where Capslock should be.


Debatable. Until IBM came out with the AT keyboard in the late 1980s, pretty much all computers and terminals had the control key next to the A key. To my way of thinking, the modern PC and Mac keyboards have capslock where control should be (but I remap them in software, so no problem).


In conclusion, I don't look forward to doing BASIC type-ins.


Actually the key layout you'll get used to pretty quick... but the XE and XEGS keyboards have almost no tactile feedback (they have a spongy feel, like typing on overcooked noodles). If you're going to do a lot of typing on an Atari, I recommend getting an 800, 1200XL, or 800XL (in order of best keyboard feel). Of course "best keyboard" is a completely subjective thing, others will disagree, and there's no right or wrong...

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Guyjin....Best get yourself either a tape drive or disk drive (if you want to do anything usefull with the computer)...Like saving your programs


Seeming as though you've plunged for the xegs (if you wish to keep to the same colour scheme) go for an xc11/xc12 tape drive (pretty rare in the US) or an XF551 disk drive...if your not concerned with the colour scheme ...go for a 1050 disk drive and a 1010 tape drive (slightly more common in the US then the XC11/12)

Edited by carmel_andrews
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