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Gamma Attack? WTF?

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NO - like "it was found at the local Salvation Army for .50" - "it was at my local flea market inside an old lunchbox" - "it was under an old couch in an abandoned house" - "it was given to me by a little old lady as payment for mowing her lawn"



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Phantom does get around to describing the discovery eventually in that thread, it was in a lot bought from his sister's friend or something if I recall.


The discovery kind of stressed him out...


It would have probably stressed me out as well.

He is a good guy IMO.

Plenty of debates have started on making protos available and that doesn't need to be rehashed. If you want to know the details so bad, read the thread. :) Just be thankful that he made this availabe along with Shawn Sr's help of course in making the cart.

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Oh yes, I never said the stress was unjustified. I'm sure making the Atari Find of the Century would have been overwhelming for anyone.


(I would have went in a different direction with it, personally...)


Then there's the other thread where the original programmer came out of the woodwork threatening to call the FBI, etc.


It's a wonder things worked out as well as they did.


I saw one of the repros go for $20.49 on eBay a little while ago.

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NO - like "it was found at the local Salvation Army for .50" - "it was at my local flea market inside an old lunchbox" - "it was under an old couch in an abandoned house" - "it was given to me by a little old lady as payment for mowing her lawn"






or just use this link: http://www.atariage.com/forums/index.php?s...t&p=1455462

Edited by Zwackery
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I just wish that others would follow Phantoms example and release their hoarded prototypes that still remain hidden in the dark. Phantom I have said it before and I will say it again, you are a true credit to the community and I salute you for your efforts releasing this game for others to experiance ;)

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The one you bought from Sr is the Left Port Hack I believe.

The one you bought from me is a Numbered copy

and plays out of the right Port like the original.

Im so neurotic collecting that Im having Shawn

make me a Hack version for the left port LOL.


When I found it, I thought it was a Hack of some sort.

Looked and sounded like some gay dance game to me by the title.

Kinda like Colecovisions Dance Party is what came to my mind.

Well I searched the databases and couldn't find it anywhere. ROM Hunter was the first to point me in the right direction that day. That thread is great because I have a record of the find as it was happening. I should probably copy the beginning of it atleast incase it disappears somehow down the road. Accidents happen and I would love to have that thread to remind me of the day I found it.

It was quite exciting as one would imagine.

It was stressful as well. I wanted to share it from the get go and I think getting it out and dumping it within months of finding it was a good job by Sr and myself.

Some will always think that was wrong,

but it is very nice to see that people actually appreciate that is was released

and I thank those of you that do.

Im not up for debating an old thread. I just wanted to answer some of your questions and to say thank you to all whom have expressed support.

If I ever find anything ever remotely close to the rarity of this, It will be released but you wont know it was me that has it or found it. The attention this has brought negatively to me just wasnt and isnt worth it. I would, in a heartbeat, release any other find and hopefully that happens again, even if its not on the scale of Gamma Attack. You just wouldnt know that it was I that found it. Others can have that credit, I dont want it.

It would be released as fast as this one was and I am proud it was released so quickly. There were many misunderstandings that came with the finding of this game and it is a shame it all happened that way but you cant change it, you can only hope to mend things and move on. Im sure I will always have my detractors and thankfully, also my supporters for releasing this and I would do it all again, albeit going about it a lil differently. My biggest mistake was wanting to get everyone or atleast as many people involved with it as I could. That brought seemingly too much attention, good and bad. Contests for different things like the labels creation would have been nice with the winner getting a free copy of the game but when that was mentioned by me, someone mentioned a circus atmosphere and thats exactly what it turned into and negatively sadly.


If you want to see the original, many pics of it are at Atarimania.com

I asked the original programmer how many were made and he said less than 20. I asked him if he had an original still, multiple times, and he never did answer me. Half of the problems we had at the end was we thought the programmer was a phony because I had about 7 people PM me that they were the programmer, obviously they were lying and the one that turns out was possibly real, well he wasnt answering PMs nor questions most of the time. It appears he was busily trying to get Gamma Attack copyrighted and he chose not to answer. He tried selling the game briefly as a ROM for $50 and a cart for $150 I believe. Im not even sure he had the original ROM image until I asked Shawn Sr to post it during that stressful day when the programmer attempted to sell the game, because this was within days of ours shipping. I hope he makes more games and variations of Gamma Attack as he supposedly planned to do, but I havent heard a peep from him since. Anyhow, Thats a good snapshot of most of what went on from my perspective.

I'm just glad people enjoy it. Thanks to all of you, knowing people are happy with it makes me happy and Shawn Sr deserves the biggest hand of all for a kick ass label that he made up and the great job he did overall.


Well I mostly just wanted to say thanks for the interest so, Thanks ~Ant :)


Edited to Point out that the reason I thought it was a hack of a"Dance" type game was because the original has only Gammation on the labels. Gamma Attack is not there or I doubt I would have thought it a "dance" type game. If you didnt know this, you'd probably think it strange that I thought "Dance Party" right away.

Thought I should point that out. Carry on :)

Edited by Phantom
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