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atari2600land's Blog - Rant about comics


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Does anyone ever read Luann? Well, I have a bone to pick about that one. The guy who draws it sometimes goes weeks without showing her. This is one of those times. He's been spending the last two weeks on a story about Luann's brother and his girlfriend. And the last few Sundays, it's been gags involving Luann's parents. Mind you, the comic is named "Luann", but we haven't seen hide nor hair of her since sometime in March. You know, I have a comic named "Jessica," and she's been in EVERY comic strip. The only time she hasn't had a speaking role is this one, which is about the Atari 2600. (This was done before I had no idea what I was doing, so it looks really bad, but at least I think it's funny.) I've been drawing now since I was about 10 years old. Not drawing very good, though. See the problem is I think I have good ideas for comics, but no drawing skills to back them up. I wish I had the hands of, say, Nathan Strum. Heck, even Gary Larson or John McPherson would be sufficient. Well, anyway, that's it for today's blog, and if you want to read "Jessica" every Sunday, I think it's gotten a lot better since the one I posted that I drew 2 years ago.





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