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warning: Bad ebay user!


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Guys, I have been trying for almost a month now to complete an eBay transaction with Bigdaddy4976 on Ebay. On March 11, he got in a bid at the last minute for my complete Res. Evil 2. for the PS1. I sent him an invoice that night. I sent him 2 more reminders to pay me that week, then 7 days later, opened up an unpaid item dispute. Within a day, he said he was sorry, had problems with his dial-up, and would pay me by 3/28. I said that was fine. On 3/28 he said he was sorry about the wait, and would pay me that night. 3/28 passed with no payment. I sent out two more e-mails to him reminding him to pay me, then on Friday April 4, closed the transaction, got a final value fee credit, and relisted the item, and left negative feedback. He then paid me today, April 5, and I refunded his money promptly. He left me a neg saying the item was paid. So I sent him a total of 5 or 6 e-mails, and I only got payment after I closed the transaction. What more am I supposed to do here?


So I would deal with caution when dealing with Bigdaddy4976. I now have a neg on my feedback, which sucks, but I thought I would warn you about this clown.

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I say kick him in da nutz! That's the reason I don't close a dispute until the time runs out on the dispute. So they can't leave feedback. What an a$$hole. One reason I hate selling on eBay. Sorry for your troubles. I feel ya. :|


Come join the friendlier website that is filling up with your fellow collectors and forum members you can trust - ChaseTheChuckwagon.com :)

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I say kick him in da nutz! That's the reason I don't close a dispute until the time runs out on the dispute. So they can't leave feedback. What an a$$hole. One reason I hate selling on eBay. Sorry for your troubles. I feel ya. :|


Come join the friendlier website that is filling up with your fellow collectors and forum members you can trust - ChaseTheChuckwagon.com :)


How'd I know this would happen. :D I already am. It's cool! ;)

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well here's the latest on Bigdaddy4976. I sent him the following explanation of why his Paypal payment was refunded.


> I've refunded the money, as you can see here. I also note that

> another seller seemed to have the same issue with you not paying. Are

> you going to neg. her too, or am I just the lucky one? Just so you

> know, you're now on my blocked bidder list, and I've warned a lot of

> other video game collectors/sellers like myself about you, and you're

> on theirs too. Have a nice day.



His response.....



you act like you are the only person on ebay selling games and i as sending a copy of this threat to ebay and watch that you will get yourself banned!!! i can find other peolpe to buy from who arent pushey and will be willing to work with someone!!! you better find some other auction site casue once ebay gets a copy of your threat you will be kissing ebay goodbye!!!

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well here's the latest on Bigdaddy4976. I sent him the following explanation of why his Paypal payment was refunded.


> I've refunded the money, as you can see here. I also note that

> another seller seemed to have the same issue with you not paying. Are

> you going to neg. her too, or am I just the lucky one? Just so you

> know, you're now on my blocked bidder list, and I've warned a lot of

> other video game collectors/sellers like myself about you, and you're

> on theirs too. Have a nice day.



His response.....



you act like you are the only person on ebay selling games and i as sending a copy of this threat to ebay and watch that you will get yourself banned!!! i can find other peolpe to buy from who arent pushey and will be willing to work with someone!!! you better find some other auction site casue once ebay gets a copy of your threat you will be kissing ebay goodbye!!!


This is why I stopped selling anything on ebay. All I ever got were non-paying people who got belligerent when you kindly asked them to pay. How dare you expect them to actually pay for the stuff they bid on!


What I want to know is why people bother wasting your time and theirs bidding on stuff they have no intention of paying for? Do they get some sort of rush bidding on something they know they'll never actually get? People are strange...



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well here's the latest on Bigdaddy4976. I sent him the following explanation of why his Paypal payment was refunded.


> I've refunded the money, as you can see here. I also note that

> another seller seemed to have the same issue with you not paying. Are

> you going to neg. her too, or am I just the lucky one? Just so you

> know, you're now on my blocked bidder list, and I've warned a lot of

> other video game collectors/sellers like myself about you, and you're

> on theirs too. Have a nice day.



His response.....



you act like you are the only person on ebay selling games and i as sending a copy of this threat to ebay and watch that you will get yourself banned!!! i can find other peolpe to buy from who arent pushey and will be willing to work with someone!!! you better find some other auction site casue once ebay gets a copy of your threat you will be kissing ebay goodbye!!!



What threat is he talking about. Bizarre. I'll put him on my 'block' list. Thanks.



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Don't neg non payers



Seriously? Why not? :?:

They'll neg you back 9 times out of 10 and negging them does nothing anyway. Filing for your fees back gets them kicked off not negs



Uh, the buyer already negged him. See earlier posts.

Only after the seller negged him first, and I was meaning that in a more general way. (i.e. don't neg nonpayers and 99.9999999% of the time they won't neg you first)

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It's playing with fire, negging non-payers. They do tend to neg back.


Soon you won't even be able to neg non-payers. :ponder:


But yes, the thing to do is to report the NPB and if he doesn't respond, the neg will automatically be removed.


If he does respond, you can work out a mutual withdrawal if you want the neg gone, I believe whether you decide to complete the transaction or not.

The proper time for negging was always after all else had failed...

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