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XF551 drive select


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I have several XF551 drives and dug them out to check them out and discovered I can't find the docs.


Can someone please explain the drive selctor switches?


Thanks! :)



Saw this under your profile, let me know on the printer when you can!


I can tell you about the 1050 drive selector switch on a 1050 drive, but not the XF551. There was a manual archive somewhere on the internet...might do a search on www.atari.org I think it is or atariage.org


Interested in an 8-bit newsletter created and printed on Atari 1200XL and the printer I am about to get from you? Let me know! It's free, just need a SASE.

Thanks! - Toby

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I have several XF551 drives and dug them out to check them out and discovered I can't find the docs.


Can someone please explain the drive selctor switches?


Thanks! :)


Looking at the back of the drive, right side, there are two, small white switch levers. Both down is D1: both up is D4: left up - right down is D3: left down right up is D2:. Follows a binary 00, 01, 10, 11 pattern.



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