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Multari - Handheld Atari 2600 w/ 32 games built in...

Mark Wolfe

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What do you mean, "holding out for"? It's not as if you can buy a Multari. It's a one-off. Not yours.



uh... ok, calm down. it was a turn of phrase meant to point out that I am less than enthused with this design. It's too bulky and does not offer enough games IMO.


and for the record, if you have enough money to offer people like Ben Heck, ANYTHING is for sale. This guy would be no different if someone offered him his price for making another one.

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Wow, I had no idea this would go around so fast. I was shooting to get the portable done as quickly as possible, and so had to settle for no bankswitching.

I do have plans to make a portable using an original 2600 4-switch board, and a new multicart loading games off SD cards with the most common F8/F6 bankswitching.

However that will have to wait until I can save up some more money to get a PCB made for that. ;)


If anyone wants to see their 2k/4k game running on this (and assuming it doesn't use illegal opcodes that foul up the FB2) I'll be happy to run it ;)

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Wow, I had no idea this would go around so fast. I was shooting to get the portable done as quickly as possible, and so had to settle for no bankswitching.

I do have plans to make a portable using an original 2600 4-switch board, and a new multicart loading games off SD cards with the most common F8/F6 bankswitching.

However that will have to wait until I can save up some more money to get a PCB made for that. ;)


If anyone wants to see their 2k/4k game running on this (and assuming it doesn't use illegal opcodes that foul up the FB2) I'll be happy to run it ;)



It's a fine first entry Marshall, it just needs some refinement. Despite my "lack of enthusiasm", by no means does that mean I'm not impressed with your work.


You should really contact Curt Vendell and perhaps share notes.


somewhere on this forum is a thread by him with pictures of a handheld prototype atari 2600. It was about the size of a gameboy micro if I remember correctly. which is perhaps a bit too small maybe but still, it was looking great.

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