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I just got home with a "new" Atari 5200. Unfortunately, it didn't come with a thing to plug the console into the TV. Can I use the one from my 2600 to do that? Also, it has no games, so once I get a console-to-tv thingee I'd like some games. A chance to get rid of your rarity 1s lying around.

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I just got home with a "new" Atari 5200. Unfortunately, it didn't come with a thing to plug the console into the TV. Can I use the one from my 2600 to do that? Also, it has no games, so once I get a console-to-tv thingee I'd like some games. A chance to get rid of your rarity 1s lying around.

Is it a four joystick port model or a two port model?



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Do all four of the fire buttons on the controller do the same thing? I just found that one of them is missing a button.


Any time you buy a 5200 there's a 99.999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999% chance the controllers don't work.

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Like someone else said, two of the buttons on the 5200 controller are duplicates. They're just there to make the controller accessible to left and right-handed players. Now if you were missing TWO buttons, that could be a problem. One button is used for firing, while the other is an auxiliary button that doesn't get used much. Moon Patrol requires two buttons (one for firing, the other for jumping), but the majority of games only need the main button.

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