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Star Raiders instructions?

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I've been trying to play Star Raiders and I think I have most of it figured out, but I don't know how to dock to make repairs and get fuel. I can't even figure out where the base station is. I looked on Atarimania but the pictures for the instructions are not linked correctly and I couldn't find them anywhere else for the Atari computer. 2600 instructions are all over the place.

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Basically, the instructions cover it, but there are several minds on the best way to play the game.


My advice, don't use the engines unless you have to (speed 0). Most of the time the Zylons come to you. If they don't you can always pursue with the engines. If they run like crazy and you can't catch them, hyperspace back into the same sector. The number of ships remains the same, but what they are and their behavior often changes.


The instructions give you one major piece of bad advice: telling you to put an enemy ship in the crosshairs to get a target lock and hit them with both barrels at once. Great, except that makes it nearly impossible to duck their shot if they take a pot-shot at you. I swing my ship and puit the basestars right in front of a torpedo tube and just hammer them til they go boom.

Edited by Big_Mo
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